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Mark Chapter 14 Discussion Page 2

Mark Chapter 14 Discussion Page 2

  • Douig on Mark 14 - 6 years ago
    You say that no one can live without (willfull) sinning?
    Leviticus 11:45, Leviticus 20:7, 1st Peter 1:16 all command you to be Holy.
    Romans 3:23 says "All have sinned (past tense) and come short of the Glory of God".
    In John 5:14, Jesus tells the man that was healed from 38 years of infirmity to "sin no more" ALSO John 8:11 to the woman saved from the stoning.
    Jesus wouldn't ask the impossible!
  • Nimrod Christ Nimrod on Mark 14 - 6 years ago
    Peace Be With You. Our understanding is that Jesus Christ OVERCAME AND CONQUERED DEATH for Us. Revelation 1:18 . And if you and I want to sit in the THRONE with Jesus Christ and Father God you and I must OVERCOME religion and the cruel double-cross too. Revelation 3:21 . Keep in mind that it was Religious leaders, Religious people and a Politician named Pilate who put Jesus Christ on the cruel cross. The crooks and prostitutes, etc., the "sinners" did NOT put My Victorious Twin Brother Jesus Christ on the cruel instrument of Torture and Death called a cross. The same cruel cross that confused Christians worship today. Do you think My Victorious Twin Brother Jesus Christ wants to see and worship a cruel cross when He comes back for WAR??? NO!!! We also believe that if you lose your relationship with Father God, you lose your Salvation. How can you be saved??? No. No one loses their relationship with Father God, He is within Us. 1 Corinthians 3:16 Genesis 1:27 . We must just repent - change Our Minds and try to sin no more. Sin is missing the mark, making a mistake. We will always make mistakes, hopefully not the same ones. That's how most of us learn. Hold on to your Relationship with God and Christ Within. Father God is LOVE. 1John4:8,16 Tough LOVE. Psalms 67:1-2 Father God be Merciful unto Us, and Bless Us and cause Your Face to Shine upon Us That Thy Way may be known upon Earth, Thy Saving Health among all nations. Amen
  • Jordan Felix on Mark 14 - 6 years ago
    True. The flesh, or human nature, can be affected by body chemistry Hormones, other Endocrine functions, etc . Thus, the flesh is pretty weak. However, we are blessed to have a mind that can overcome this to a degree. Thank you, Heavenly Father, for enabling us to scale the obstacles of nature in order to reach the supernatural. Amen.
  • Kimberley Pitts on Mark 14 - 6 years ago
    Question 3 asked who Jesus called himself; I answered none of the above. You said the correct answer was high priest. I disagree, because Jesus said, I am: and ye shall see the Son of man sitting on the right hand of power, and coming in the clouds of heaven. The name high priest is referenced in 14, but referring to the high priest of the temple who took Jesus.
  • Rotimi Ajagbaye on Mark 14 - 7 years ago
    Jesus made example by praying during tough time. So also he wants us not to be afraid when tough and difficult times comes our way, we should pray just like Jesus Christ did in mark 14. It is a great example shown by Jesus Christ for us Christian to always remember and do same should we find ourselves in such predicament.
  • BSP on Mark 14 - 7 years ago
    Verse 7: Jesus was simply acknowledging that poverty would be a part of life as long as this corrupt system of things continues. He was not condoning poverty.
  • Peter A. Okebukola on Mark 14 - 7 years ago
    Thank you Jesus for bearing these insults and beatings for my sake and for sinners like me in the world. We pray for grace for His salvation from our lives of sin so His precious Blood is not shed in vain.
  • SINDI SANDRA JUSTINE on Mark 14 - 7 years ago
  • Lilian on Mark 14 - 7 years ago
    Thank you Jesus for the blood you shed for us by your blood we are pardoned and forgiven you gave us life in abundance you have come to fulfil the scriptures i will praise you Lord and worship you alone amen hosanna in the highest
  • Dianna on Mark 14 - 8 years ago
    "She hath done what she could" She anointed Jesus for burial preparation, and they were fussing because the oil could have been sold and the $$ given to the poor- these were the Scribes and Pharisees- hypocrites, they thought it was a waste for her to do such an act. I would like to be remembered by my grandchildren, Maw Maw loved God, she did all she could do. Be an example.
  • Emmanuel kofie on Mark 14 - 8 years ago
    The verse 9 caught my attention so much that I can't stop meditating.As Christians what good would be remembered of us by our fellow Christians and heaven as well. Does our good work please God? That is the question we should ask ourselves.
  • Mitzie Stewart on Mark 14 - 8 years ago
    Men have messed with my head so much I don't know what is real or just acts of making me crazy. All that is real to me is God. An I need him and his son to help me now. I don't want people to perish for my ignorance. I love you lane
  • Michael C. on Mark 14 - 8 years ago
    23-25 This cup which we bless, we drink in remembrance of His blood shed for our redemption. At the same time He is vowing the vow of the Nazarite, to refrain from the fruit of the vine until He "drinks it new with us in the kingdom of God." Like when Naomi told her daughter-in-law Ruth to sit still; for Boaz would not rest until he had finished the matter that day:What Jesus began He will finish!
  • BSP on Mark 14 - 8 years ago
    Jesus truly valued prayer and he made use of this provision in one of his hardest times.
  • Bhima soren gulson on Mark 14 - 9 years ago
    feeling HOLY
  • Word on Mark 14 - 9 years ago
    Son of Man, Son is upper case S and He is CHRIST meaning CHRIST in the flesh. Its spoken in the scriptures if you will take time to get some insight of whom CHRIST is when He is spoken of.
  • Insight 777 on Mark 14 - 9 years ago
    Verse 21, Antichrist means against Christ and that is the Son of man. Woe to the man that is betrayed by the Antichrist. The Son of man is doing the betraying, both to Judas, by turning him against Jesus because of money, and Jesus himself. Both Judas and Jesus die because of the Son of man.
  • MockingBird on Mark 14 - 9 years ago
    Prayer is a High privilege we have from God to approach His throne of Grace : We , I will always have to deal with the flesh : It will never conform to the will of God but only brought into subjection through power of Holy Spirit : I must learn always to discipline the flesh in all areas of my life , not only in just one area , although one area at a time : It seems that I quite often have to tell my flesh : NO ! My spirit is always ready to obey God but my flesh is weak and so therefore I control my flesh with help of Holy Spirit ,bringing it into subjection.
  • Jeremiah on Mark 14 - 9 years ago
    Man must pray without ceasing in order to overcome temptations,may God help us.
  • Lilian on Mark 14 - 9 years ago
    Jesus came for the Sinners and not for the rightheous people. Jesus has to fullfill the Scriptures as this is what our Holy Father commanded the Son of the Living God. Jesus is the perfect obedience to the Father therefore we must obey his words and believe Jesus that he is the Son of the Living God who came in flesh and we are saved by his blood that shed for us. Give thanks and praise Jesus Amen
  • Eric on Mark 14 - 9 years ago
    praise God,thro his beloved son jesus christ,king james version bible is one of the best biles i have ever had or read.
  • Geri on Mark 14:51 - 9 years ago
    The linen cloth cast about his naked body shows he had some faith but it wasn 't strong as it was loosely covering him. Nakedness represent no faith.
  • Rebecca Hanna on Mark 14 - 9 years ago
    I can only hope that I would have been like the little lady that gave all she had, no matter the cost. GOD is so good. .
  • Philip Hammond on Mark 14 - 9 years ago
  • Shirlynn Johnson on Mark 14 - 9 years ago
    I love it so much I read it in church
  • Michae kumatia on Mark 14 - 9 years ago
    This god that we serve he alone can provide us all our needs. Every tribe must worship him,amen
  • Munyaradzi Ndaradzi on Mark 14:9 - 9 years ago
    what Jesus has instructed was never done
  • Munyaradzi Ndaradzi on Mark 14:9 - 9 years ago
    that is the reason why feminist theologians have raised a concern about the Bible also,saying it is patriarchal through and through. Nothing has been said about this woman and I have never heard anyone preaching about as Jesus said. But with God 's help I am going to teach or preach on this on the Holy Week that is on Wednesday
  • Bozki on Mark 14 - 9 years ago
    How Great is our Lord Jesus Christ, He Sacrifice Himself for us, No man no Prophet can ever do that. The Sad thing is that many of us still did not believe in him, did not do what he says. Where in truth all he said is for OWN benefits. but still we neglect HIM. It is high time for us now to RENEW our mind, Set our mind in line with the word of GOD. GOD Bless..
  • Captain vitalis on Mark 14:38 - 10 years ago
    Human has recreated the earth to suit their wants and needs through the power of devil,ruling the earth with all immortality,believers should be wise ,but not unwise to understanding the creation of man and creation of God .

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