King James Version (KJV)

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Above all,He is the light;emblem of peace & love.At the same time one has to have the faith, which ask for the courage.The act He was seeking when He was being crucified.
God Speaks through Jesus as 'ME' as the 'I Am'. for Jesus sought NOT his OWN life but is FOUND in the Life of the Father, One. This demonstration is the Good News. Go ye and do likewise is Jesus' Call to Joy - and NOT to sacrifice of anything but self-illusion.
The tenant farmers parable represents the mind that thinks IT is given free will to usurp their Master's Estate, that IT should determine all things according to ITS survival in ITS terms - and denied or killed the Messengers of the Master.
This 'consciousness' is but a mind in hiding from its Self that knows not what it does - and it is this that we are called to forgive ourselves for. Them who trespass against us reflects our own hidden self-rejections. But if we delight in their exclusion, we 'sin' by maintaining our own wilfully disguised suffering as proof of 'evil' by which God's Love is denied and our 'tiny' will persists in presenting a self existence that may appeal to love and mimic the forms of love - yet have no love to share.
Unless a living love heals our heart, we see all things through a glass darkly... including Scripture. There is no fear in living love. All interpretations of a fearful nature are fearful propaganda to persist as a power of fearful control in a fearful world as a fearful self!
Jesus came not to usurp love's sharing, but to illuminate its true power in all.
The answer to verse 35 is found in verse 36 when a person comes to know and receive Jesus as their personal savior and comes to the understanding of the absolute truth in God’s holy word, you will begin to experience (sad to say) the variances of faith within your own family and friends if they have not come to the same understanding of truth as you have. Look up the word variance!
I have told him so.
There are many mysteries in the Gospel.
Many of them are for the future,some are for now.
What I do not understand is from
Matthew 10 verse 34.
Jesus could have called 10,000 angels to save him, however he died for you and me.
Why I ask, did he say that he did not come to send peace on earth but a sword?
Just a Question.
I mean no harm or confusion.
We all like sheep have gone astray, and each according to our own way.
Yet the Lord has laid of Jesus the iniquity of us all. I pray you will go to a Church that preaches the blood atonement, and be baptized. Do not be ashamed of your faith, and Jesus will present you before the Father as well as the Angels in heaven. Study the gospel of John, and this will help you to grow in the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. Remember Jesus has placed us as sheep in the midst of wolves. So be wise as a serpent, and harmless as a dove.
So be encouraged dear Matthew, in all your humanity you are "worthy" to surrender to Jesus and come into His Love and Peace. It is for you and me and everyone else He was sacrificed. Just say, in your own words, that you want to surrender to Him, and open up to Him. The Holy Spirit WILL help you to "remember" things that you shall tell Jesus about. All in His time! It will come. The most important now is that you just say yes, please accept me, and He will, for he longs for our longing hearts. Matthew 10 is only difficult and confusing to you now, because you may not know Jesus, but don't worry! You will grow in belief, like a child grows and learns little by little, and The Holy Spirit will reveal things to you, so that you understand them. The word of God (Bible) is living, and therefore speaks in different ways to people, depending on many things. Our brains can't interpret them completely. Jesus spoke to His diciples in Matthew 10, men who had already followed Him around, and seen His might and power. You will to! Lastly: Get in contact with someone who has been a Christian for a long time, he/she must help you to start your wonderful and exciting journey with Jesus Christ. Just enter a church and speak to the priest or, anywhere you can find believers. I bid you welcome to Gods congregation, as far as I can see, you are already a part of it! God bless you, and make you feel His incredible peace and love, and freedom!!
If anyone had a similar experience please give a comment.
P.S. I come from Serbia. Our Bible is the translation from a lutheran version. I say this because in verse Mt 10:39 instead of "life" appears word "soul".