King James Version (KJV)
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There is always that difference we as Christians need to make; and that difference is between the exactness, accuracy of the word of God, which is infallible and the traditions of the Christian church, of which so many cases are erroneous.
Jesus Christ said he had to spend three days and three nights in the heart of earth, and that’s what he did. Of course Christian tradition tells a different story of three days and two nights, which is wrong.
Jesus Christ spent three days and three nights in the grave. For further details I will recommend you the book ‘’Jesus Christ Our Passover’’ by Victor Paul Wierwille, it has a profound and detailed study on the events surrounding the death and resurrection of our lord Jesus Christ.
God bless you.
Jonah 2: 10 ‘’And the LORD spake unto the fish, and it vomited out Jonah upon the dry land.
After he came out of the fish belly, Jonas went and successfully ministered the city of Niniveh, which he got to repent from sin. And the LORD ultimately spared that city from destruction.
You can read the book of Jonah, it’s just around 50 verses.
GOD bless you.
y should i go out of way @ read other books? y r u going to Babylonia to search about islam... u just take a translation of Holy Quran & read. then u will get the idea about islam & muslims.
all my christian friends r programmed to think the same way. when any1 paused a difficult question to them, they r nicely trying to escape o trying to tlk out of topic o getting emotion. in this way u cant convince non christian people to the truth which u belive. can u giv me a logical reply to the comments which i paused earlier about the matthew (12:38-40). what did jesus (PBUH) trying to say. waiting 4 ur reply.
Archeologist, Gunnar Thompson has unearthed 21 golden corncobs in Egypt. One picture of the corncob is c 1470 BC. This picture certainly looks like an ear of corn.
According to Thompson most of the evidence comes from the temple of Queen Hatshepsut who reined as Queen or Pharoah from 1492 to 1458 BC
You may google Press Release 04/28 the Atlantic Conference/
PRESS RELEASE 04/28/2008--for release on or after May 17, 2008. SUBJECT: Egyptian Queen beat Columbus—by 3000 Years! FROM: New World Discovery ...
Tamara Beryl Latham
Search ResultsChrist, Muhammad, and I - By Mohammad Al Ghazoli
I'm asking 2 giv a prove from the jesus's (pbuh) word dat he says "i died 4 ur sins".
THE BIBLE states that the Church in Antioch is where JESUS CHRIST'S fellowers were first called Christians. Don't forget the book of JAMES, JESUS'S brother. This is just a few examples of the saying "study to show your self approved".
Now coming 2 da point. I do agree dat stil there are some words of god existing in the bible. But as a whole it is not in the original foam. It has coruptd by ppl. All christian scholars r agree to this statement. Coz our present king james version bible also 5th major revision of the original king james version, Which compiled in (1611).
St.paul came 2 exist 300 years after jesus (pbuh). They ddn't live in same time period.
This abt john (3:16). If u read the REVISED STANDARD VERSION & NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION BIBLES, the verse is there. But the word "BEGOTTEN" has thrown out by the christian scholars due to interpolation, fabrication, concoction. This RSV version bible is most up to date bible which taken from most encient schriptures. Any how god gave jesus (pbuh) to the jews to take out from their sins & show them the correct path. & hav the everlasting life.
The only one that could pay for our sin is Jesus Christ. The reason he could pay that debt of our sin for us is because He is perfect.Read John chapter 3. There are a lot of words spoken by Jesus himself, like verse 16 "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."
I love Jesus because he loved me enough to pay my sin debt which no man could ever do. I know this is true because it is in God's own Holy Word.
My faith is in the shed blood of Jesus Christ.
Nebeel, read ACTS chapters 8 & 9.
this will show you that Paul was really Saul before accepting JESUS CHRIST into his life. After this JESUS CHRIST sent Paul to the gentils (you and me) to preach the gospel.
brother, did Jesus (PBUH) ever said that i died for your sins. this is the comments of historians. why are you'll giving more grade to historians than your lord Jesus's (PBUH).
for an example in Matthew (19:16-17) "And, behold, one came and said unto him, Good Master, what good thing shall I do, that I may have eternal life?""And he said unto him, Why callest thou me good? [there is] none good but one, [that is], God: but if thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments." but st.Paul comments in 1 Corinthians (15:14) "And if Christ be not risen, then [is] our preaching vain, and your faith [is] also vain."
we can find contradiction in these comments of Jesus (PBUH) & st.Paul. Jesus (PBUH) said to keep the law & commandment to enter the the eternal life. but according to st.paul all our good deeds are useless unless chist didn't risn from the dead. no where in gospels jesus (PBUH) said that "Belief i died for your sins to enter the eternal life" at least as a least commandment. but our Christian brothers giving more grade to historians like st.paul than the jesus (PBUH), though it contradict to christ (PBUH). is this the way you are respecting & loving Jesus (PBUH)?