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Matthew Chapter 16 Discussion

Matthew Chapter 16 Discussion

  • GiGi - In Reply on Matthew 16 - 1 year ago
    Hello, Fred

    We will meet up when God wills it, either in this life or the life to come which will last forever.

    We do need to be wise and watchful concerning the genuine truth of God vs. truth that man thinks is genuine. I wish that all believers would all have the same genuine truth of God, but for reasons we do not understand, God has allowed so much diversity within the body of Christ as to doctrine and practice. Perhaps it is for us to practice love and patience, forbearance and gentleness in teaching one another, especially with those who may not believe exactly as we do ourselves.

    I imagine when we are resurrected, we will be very humbled by realizing that what we thought to be genuine truth of God and His ways and His Word really does not even touch the surface of the depths of the wisdom, knowledge, will, grace, and truth of God in Christ.

    Every day that God gives us to live in this first life is filled with opportunities to worship Him, serve Him, serve others, speak the truth to ourselves and others, exercise the love of Christ to those we come in contact with in the day that God gives us, and also to have our faith be tested in order to drive us to the Word to have His Spirit bring us into truth and instruct us on how to live this day, today, for the Lord and for the benefit of others.

    Fred, I am glad that you are back posting. I always enjoy your wisdom. Thanks for giving it out to those who have been called to be children of God.
  • GiGi - In Reply on Matthew 16 - 1 year ago

    Fred, Haven't heard from you for a while. Welcome back to posting!
  • David0921 - In Reply on Matthew 16:18 - 1 year ago
    Matthew 16:18,19

    And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.

    In verse 18 the "rock" is Christ Himself, not Peter. And the "church" is the "eternal church" i.e. All whom God has saved, not the local churches and and denominations.

    Verse 19 more properly translated, as I understand it, should read like this

    : And whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth, shall having been bound in heaven and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall having been loosed in heaven.

    In other words, the action is God's action reflected in the action of true believers as they are faithful to the Word of God. It is not God's reaction to the action of the believers; it is the other way around.
  • Jema - In Reply on Matthew 16:18 - 1 year ago
    Thanks for your kindness .
  • Duncan - In Reply on Matthew 16:18 - 1 year ago
    Let us glory in the Lord for He is our help i will remember you in my Prayers Amen.
  • Jema - In Reply on Matthew 16:18 - 1 year ago
    Satan is a part of all of us at points in our lives , he is the prince of this world and gets under all of our skins occasionally , we are all sinners . When Jesus calls Peter Satan , he is addressing the devil in Peter , satan savours not the things that pertain to God , he's all for the flesh and this life in the physical . It was God's will for Jesus to die on the cross that we might be reconciled to Him through Christ . Jesus knew this but Peter didn't understand that at this point , he wanted Jesus in the flesh , in his physical form , in this life , he wanted his friend to be alive and with him . Satan was using Peter to tempt Jesus into giving up his mission and not going to the cross . Satan was in Peter at that moment but Peter didn't realise that , Jesus was speaking to satan in Peter , Peter his friend , his friend who loved him and didn't yet fully understand Jesus's mission and purpose , which was from God , I hope you can understand that . Keep reading your Bible , all the answers are there .
  • Jema - In Reply on Matthew 16:18 - 1 year ago
    This post has been really helpful to me . I am struggling to honour my parents at the moment . They are not religious at all . They are both elderly and vulnerable alcoholics with many health problems . My mom in particular enjoys giving me a hard time , she always has done so . Humiliating me in front of others , belittling me etc . She knows that I won't argue back with her . It's hard for me not to be hurt and embarrassed by this but recognising that it's the devil in her is a helpful concept that hadn't occured to me before . If nothing else , this will help me to be stronger and less sensitive to her attitude towards me and not bear a grudge towards her . Thank you for that .
  • Duncan - In Reply on Matthew 16:18 - 1 year ago
    Part 2, Continuation.

    - So here Satan Knew very well what He was doing and one fact that you Mention in your post is that peter was a friend of The Lord Jesus Christ the Son of the Living God and Satan attempted to use this friendship and this moment to tempt The Lord Jesus Christ the Son of the Living God Also Satan knew very well what is written in Matthew 6:54 ,54But how then shall the scriptures be fulfilled, that thus it must be?.

    - And to get a clear understanding of how Satan took over peter, remember the events of Judah when Satan entered him resulting to the betrayal of The Lord Jesus Christ the Son of the Living God. it's written in Luke 23:3-4 , Then entered Satan into Judas surnamed Iscariot, being of the number of the twelve. 4 And he went his way, and communed with the chief priests and captains, how he might betray Him unto them.

    hence you see here Satan was responsible for enticing both Judas and peter, Therefore Lord Jesus Christ the Son of the Living God Rebuked peter by saying get behind me Satan. Jesus The Living God never said this word because he was in a cranky mood, but he rebuked Satan who was enticing peter to speak those words which he spoke to Jesus.

    So, what lessons do we learn from this Events?

    1. Always be on your Gurd as a Christian who believes in the Lord Jesus Christ the Son of the Living God, for our weapons is not carnal but might through God and we do not wrestle Flesh and blood but persons without bodies who are always looking for opportunity to entice us to Sin. so Put on the whole armor of God. its written in 2 Corinthians 10:3 3 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh:

    2. Satan will even attack someone close to you Just to get through to you and this is an example of his Attacks and it's important for every believer who believes the Lord Jesus Christ the Son of the Living God to Read your Bible To be given in Prayers and to fast before God and if anyone Lucks wisdom let him pray and ask the
  • MountHoreb - In Reply on Matthew 16:18 - 1 year ago
    We have a good example of the book of Job.

    the bible said he was a righteous man and fearing GOD.

    Jehovah ( psalm 83:18) himself called job righteous.

    It was Satan doubting Job as a righteous man Job 1:6-11.

    Satan planted seeds of Doubt by raising up 3 friends of Job

    who spoke without really understanding Job 2:11. Their false

    assumptions cause job many pains.

    Jesus is aware of the traps of Satan and how he uses deception and lies.

    Luke 4 and Matthew 4.

    Speaking about things we don't understand in a since can be

    like the ways of Satan John 8:44. false accusations and hinderance to do what is

    right or what God wants us to do is from Satan- Genesis 2:15-17; Genesis 3:1-5

    Jesus wasn't saying Peter was Satan. but he was being a hinderance to

    his obedience to Jehovah God. John 3:16,17; Isaiah 12:2

    Jesus after his impalement, Jesus came to Peter again. John 21:15-17

    We can avoid hindering others by praying.. Matthew 6:9,10,13
  • Giannis - In Reply on Matthew 16:18 - 1 year ago
    Hello Primalesque.

    Jesus by calling Peter a satan tried to show Peter what a serious fault it is for one to oppose God's work in humanity for salvation. Anybody who does that is a satan, figuratively. Because it is satan who tries to stop God's work on people. Salvation has nothing to do with feelings. Jesus doesn't place His feelings for Peter infront of mankind's salvation. At that time Peter was an obstacle on Jesus way to the cross. Often newly saved christians are opposed by their families to follow Jesus. But they have to follow Jesus and not their feelings for their family. Because if they follow their feelings they will loose what they have earned and they won't be able to lead their families to salvation either. GBU
  • Primalesque on Matthew 16:18 - 1 year ago
    I'm sorry, but scriptures like this make me wonder if Jesus was anything more than a very kind and wise philosopher. It contradicts his own teachings. Calling your friend "Satan" because they don't want you to die?! Even if Jesus' death was ultimately good for us, there's no way Peter could have truly known that. I guess even Jesus could be in a cranky mood sometimes.

    All "the things of God" are about loving other PEOPLE. We can only manifest our love for God through our treatment of each other. It's too convenient to "put God first" in a vacuum where you never have to ACT on that love. God cannot die; people can. God cannot starve; people can. God doesn't reproduce; humans do. God doesn't take up space or dillute resources we may want for ourselves; people do. Many "things of men" ARE things of God, like marriage, brotherhood, charity, medicine, math and language, and much more. Things that help us fulfill Godly ambitions, not things we designed for our own pleasure and convenience.

    Hate to sound like I'm arguing with Jesus. Maybe he was referring to something else about Peter that isn't mentioned there, I don't know. Just don't see how it could be "Satanic" to warn your dearest friend away from a brutal death. Especially if you don't know that their death will be good for everyone else. In that case, Judas should be considered a hero for turning on him.
  • Ronald Whittemore - In Reply on Matthew 16:23 - 3 years ago
    Amen S Spencer,

    Very well put. The same Spirit, also John 15:26-27, during those times, fulfilling the law and the prophets was a purpose. What can be unclear sometimes it was to the Jews first, it was not until all the prophecies concerning this had to be fulfilled. The beginning of the Church was Jews only and the law was still in play until Peters dream and Paul as we see in Acts 10 and Acts 15 and other places.

    There is one thing I repeat over and over when I read or study is "He that hath ears to hear, let him hear". It reminds me to shake out my thoughts and preconceived ideas where I can hear what Jesus through the Holy Spirit is ready to show me. I still have much to hear and each time it is a wow, praise God moment.

    God bless,

  • S Spencer - In Reply on Matthew 16:23 - 3 years ago
    Great reply Ronald.

    I believe all through the scripture it supports the view the Holyspirit empowers the believer and as the scriptures you pointed out it took the dwelling of the Holyspirit to perform in them to minister under this new covenant. You see it in the life of Peter here in Luke 22:32. When was Peter strengthened and start to perform? It's obvious in scripture after he was empowered. Christ was preaching his death and resurrection, but they couldn't receive it. In Luke 18:31-34. he declared to them what the Prophets has written, and they still couldn't grasp it because it hidden from them.

    Also, in John 16:12-14. seems to suggest the same thing. The preaching of the Cross was hidden from their eyes, and it seems Paul is mentioning the same thing throughout his epistles speaking of the natural man. 1 Corinthians 2:7-14.

    The Holyspirirt is essential for understand and walk. Once he reveals his truth to us they're written on our hearts it takes him to exercise those truths in us and perfect our walk. we respond to the truth by the power of the Holyspirit, likewise the Apostles.

    For it is God which worketh in you both to "will" and to do of his good pleasure. Philippians 2:13.

    It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life. John 6:63.

    The bible is not like our textbooks in school, what we have here has to be revealed to you, 1 Corinthians 1:18-21.

    Also: 1 Corinthians 1:26-31.

    You see the Holyspirits power over the flesh in Romans 8:1-14.

    You see the Holyspirirt working in us through baptism given us power to cease from sin in Romans 6:1-18.

    You see the contrast of the two natures in Romans 7:1-6. and so on. Here we see the contrast of what we had when we were under the law compared to what we have in Christ.

    God bless.
  • Gigi - In Reply on Matthew 16:23 - 3 years ago

    I understand your point of view.

    I just think we are to speak truthfully and lovingly about brethren, alive today or who lived long ago. I just think that it is wrong to disparage the apostles when we do not know the content of their minds, hearts,or faith.
  • Gigi - In Reply on Matthew 16:23 - 3 years ago
    Dear Ronald

    Your point is well taken.

    Those of us today know Jesus from the perspective of completed Scripture. The apostles lived out the events of Jesus' life and, though believing Hom to be the Messiah and Son of God, they did not come to know Hom as Savior until He rose from the dead and gave them understanding of what He was teaching them. So, yes, they were afraid for good reason. If they crucified Jesus, then they, too, we in danger.

    We do not know what was in their minds and hearts during this time, but they believed in Jesus and He preserved their faith through all the events of His differing and death.

    Because only Jesus knew the apostles thoroughly and we do not, I defend the apostles when people speak against them. As you mentioned, none of us can be so smug as to think we would act any differently than the apostles if we were in their shoes. We should be respectful of them as those hand picked by Jesus to disciple and then send out into the world to spread the good news of Him in a hostile world.
  • Tim legarie - In Reply on Matthew 16:23 - 3 years ago
    God bless Gigi this is jcbu undercover debate is good but was just thinking that this is where the bible is questioning the readers? About there individual covenant with God.This is were believers in the comments in the bible have an oppourtunity to write their faith in the book of life.I Tim Legarie will not deny my saviour Jesus Christ.God bless you have a God day.
  • Jcbu undercover - In Reply on Matthew 16:23 - 3 years ago
    I can only respond to your first sentence.With scripture.Mathew 26:34 Jesus said unto him verily,I say unto thee,That this night before the cock crow,thou shall deny me thrice.My name is Tim Legarie ,and I will not deny Jesus Christ.
  • Chris - In Reply on Matthew 16:23 - 3 years ago
    Indeed GiGi. I think that other folks' opinion on this is based on the Gift of the Holy Spirit Who baptizes, indwells, seals & empowers for life & service. The question therefore is, if the disciples did not experience this mysterious blessed Act of the Spirit till Pentecost, then what was their spiritual condition prior?

    For this matter & many others, I always first ascertain which dispensation are we looking at. Clearly, the Lord, his chosen disciples, & all whom they encountered were still living under the Old Dispensation: of the Law, looking towards the Messiah of God & His Salvation (albeit not the salvation they expected). Therefore, in respect to the disciples, they like all others (even Noah, Abraham, Jacob, etc.), were subject to God, living in a sinful condition yet expressing devotion & trust in God to forgive them & help them. And if the saints of old were commended for their faith, not even receiving the promise ( Hebrews 11:39), we cannot discount them from being true believers & worshippers of God. But once the Sacrifice of Jesus was completed, the Requirement for forgiveness (both theirs & ours) was accepted & sealed by God: the Blood availed in full efficacy for those once under the Law & those believing without the Law.

    The disciples obviously were in an interesting point in time, having been subject to the Law & pharisaical demands, then meeting & believing in the One Who would abrogate the Law that only brought sin & death ( Romans 7:6-11), & then receiving the anointing & indwelling of the Spirit, Who would guarantee freedom from the penalty, hopelessness & powerlessness of that Law. Were the disciples in any different dispensation than those of previous millennia? The same God Who accepted the faith & worship of Jacob under the Law, would accept these simple followers of Christ by their faith & obedience, awaiting not many days hence, when the Law could no longer kill, but they would have the Spirit Who would give them life & power to live.
  • Jcbu undercover - In Reply on Matthew 16:23 - 3 years ago
    God bless Gigi never be offended for seeking! o o o ooo ooo Jesus said to Peter you will deny me 3 times before the cock crows Now I do not Know what I would do then.But now I am Tim Legarie and I believe that Jesus Christ died for my sins and set me freeeeeeeeee.In the movie we talked about were the police man was convinced he was guilty of rape he was drinking and when you drink it can allow in evil spirits like he believed he was guilty of raping his daughters because he blacked out and would believe anyone that told him what he had done evil spirits.BEWARE!He was not guilty,innocent but the devil had convinced him in his blackout that he was guilty and even put it into his head.Temperance temperance temperance Nothing can not be done good!If not done for God! Revelation the dragon from the sea china the virus powers and princeapalities.We are all on this journey together we can grow o o o o o o o! 123 Father Son Holy Spirit guide us all Lord with your wisdom ,and knowledge.AMEN
  • Gigi - In Reply on Matthew 16:23 - 3 years ago
    Thanks Chris

    It does seem that some who have posted on this forum seem to think that they knew for sure that the spiritual state of the apostles either before Pentecost was of unbelievers. Scripture does not support that view.

    Those who speak against the apostles are speaking ill of people who are not here to defend themselves. Thankfully, Scripture gives us the truth.

    I believe Jesus knew more than anyone what yhesen believed and what they needed to learn before He ascended. To think that the Holy Spirit was going to do what Jesus could not is disturbing. God is a unity of persons and all three work together to accomplish the divine will.

    If the Holy Spirit can regenerate people after Pentecost as the apostles preached the gospel, then Jesus could regenerate the apostles when He taught them the truth these men needed to know to believe in Him. They heard Him preach, learned from Him in intimate settings, observed His miracles, met with Him after He resurrected, saw Him ascend to heaven.

    They knew who He was and what He had done for salvation before Pentecost. Jesus taught them these things before He ascended. To me, it is obvious that Jesus accomplished in each of His apostles prior to Pentecost the very saving faith that the apostles would see generated in others as they preached the gospel.

    But I guess that some speak negative words about these men as if, it seeks, they think that they know Jesus better than the apostles did.

    So, I speak up about this view because it isn't supported by the Word and this view can lead some to discount the writings and accounts of these apostles in the Scripture. It is important to not bear false witness against others, especially believers.
  • Gigi - In Reply on Matthew 16:23 - 3 years ago
    Thanks Chris

    It does seem that some who have posted on this forum seem to think that they knew for sure that the spiritual state of the apostles either before Pentecost was of unbelievers. Scripture does not support that view.

    Those who speak against the apostles are speaking ill of people who are not here to defend themselves. Thankfully, Scripture gives us the truth.

    I believe Jesus knew more than anyone what yhesen believed and what they needed to learn before He ascended. To think that the Holy Spirit was going to do what Jesus could not is disturbing. God is a unity of persons and all three work together to accomplish the divine will.

    If the Holy Spirit can regenerate people after Pentecost as the apostles preached the gospel, then Jesus could regenerate the apostles when He taught them the truth these men needed to know to believe in Him. They heard Him preach, learned from Him in intimate settings, observed His miracles, met with Him after He resurrected, saw Him ascend to heaven.

    They knew who He was and what He had done for salvation before Pentecost. Jesus taught them these things before He ascended. To me, it is obvious that Jesus accomplished in each of His apostles prior to Pentecost the very saving faith that the apostles would see generated in others as they preached the gospel.

    But I guess that some speak negative words about these men as if, it seeks, they think that they know Jesus better than the apostles did.

    So, I speak up about this view because it isn't supported by the Word and this view can lead some to discount the writings and accounts of these apostles in the Scripture. It is important to not bear false witness against others, especially believers.
  • Gigi - In Reply on Matthew 16:23 - 3 years ago
    Thanks Chris

    It does seem that some who have posted on this forum seem to think that they knew for sure that the spiritual state of the apostles either before Pentecost was of unbelievers. Scripture does not support that view.

    Those who speak against the apostles are speaking ill of people who are not here to defend themselves. Thankfully, Scripture gives us the truth.

    I believe Jesus knew more than anyone what yhesen believed and what they needed to learn before He ascended. To think that the Holy Spirit was going to do what Jesus could not is disturbing. God is a unity of persons and all three work together to accomplish the divine will.

    If the Holy Spirit can regenerate people after Pentecost as the apostles preached the gospel, then Jesus could regenerate the apostles when He taught them the truth these men needed to know to believe in Him. They heard Him preach, learned from Him in intimate settings, observed His miracles, met with Him after He resurrected, saw Him ascend to heaven.

    They knew who He was and what He had done for salvation before Pentecost. Jesus taught them these things before He ascended. To me, it is obvious that Jesus accomplished in each of His apostles prior to Pentecost the very saving faith that the apostles would see generated in others as they preached the gospel.

    But I guess that some speak negative words about these men as if, it seeks, they think that they know Jesus better than the apostles did.

    So, I speak up about this view because it isn't supported by the Word and this view can lead some to discount the writings and accounts of these apostles in the Scripture. It is important to not bear false witness against others, especially believers.
  • Gigi - In Reply on Matthew 16:23 - 3 years ago
    Thanks Chris

    It does seem that some who have posted on this forum seem to think that they knew for sure that the spiritual state of the apostles either before Pentecost was of unbelievers. Scripture does not support that view.

    Those who speak against the apostles are speaking ill of people who are not here to defend themselves. Thankfully, Scripture gives us the truth.

    I believe Jesus knew more than anyone what yhesen believed and what they needed to learn before He ascended. To think that the Holy Spirit was going to do what Jesus could not is disturbing. God is a unity of persons and all three work together to accomplish the divine will.

    If the Holy Spirit can regenerate people after Pentecost as the apostles preached the gospel, then Jesus could regenerate the apostles when He taught them the truth these men needed to know to believe in Him. They heard Him preach, learned from Him in intimate settings, observed His miracles, met with Him after He resurrected, saw Him ascend to heaven.

    They knew who He was and what He had done for salvation before Pentecost. Jesus taught them these things before He ascended. To me, it is obvious that Jesus accomplished in each of His apostles prior to Pentecost the very saving faith that the apostles would see generated in others as they preached the gospel.

    But I guess that some speak negative words about these men as if, it seeks, they think that they know Jesus better than the apostles did.

    So, I speak up about this view because it isn't supported by the Word and this view can lead some to discount the writings and accounts of these apostles in the Scripture. It is important to not bear false witness against others, especially believers.
  • Ronald Whittemore - In Reply on Matthew 16:23 - 3 years ago
    Hey Jcbu, Chris, and GiGi,

    The apostles did not deny or abandon Jesus they were confused, scared, shocked. They believed Jesus was the Messiah and the Son of God, they did not doubt that. Even though Jesus told them several times, Jesus being arrested, crucified, buried, and resurrected, Matthew 17:22-23, Matthew 20:18-19 John 20:9, and more. It was hidden from them. Luke 18:32-34. When He was arrested, crucified, and buried in a tomb they were in shock.

    During the time they were with Jesus they thought He was going to set up the kingdom then. They even asked Him before He ascended if He was going to set up the kingdom, Acts 1:6. When He was killed, they did not know what to do, the Messiah, Jesus the Son of God was supposed to set up the kingdom, now He is dead. For three days they mourned and cried not knowing what they would do now.

    Then Jesus told them when He met and ate with them and opened their eyes where they would understand, Luke 24:44-47. The purpose of His death and resurrection was hidden from them and Satan. Things was held from them and much they did not remember as Jesus told them in John 14:26.

    We think about all the apostles were told and being with Jesus for 3.5 years how we would act if we were there. It is not that simple, as John wrote if everything that Jesus said was written down the world could not hold it, John 22:25.

    They never lost their faith they were just in shock for three days and as we see 120 of the disciples were together at Pentecost,

    God bless,

  • Chris - In Reply on Matthew 16:23 - 3 years ago
    Hi GiGi. I often think of John 6:66-69 when confronted with the thought of the disciples' spiritual condition: "From that time many of his disciples went back, and walked no more with him. Then said Jesus unto the twelve, Will ye also go away? Then Simon Peter answered him, Lord, to whom shall we go? thou hast the words of eternal life. And we believe and are sure that thou art that Christ, the Son of the living God."

    There were those of Jesus' other disciples (other than the 12), who turned their backs to the Lord, but the 12, bar Judas, remained faithful even though their love & faith in the Lord were often severely tested. As Peter exclaimed, 'to whom can we turn to, to receive the words of eternal life, You the promised Messiah of God?' Maybe, our expectations of the disciples are oddly higher than for the rest of us, given their personal encounter with Jesus & witness of His Glory & Power. But we fail to remember that they were like us in every way, with their doubts, fears, & questions, & they could hardly envisage how their lives would change when the Holy Spirit would one day empower them to live for the Lord, to teach the Truths of God & one day to die for Him. These traits should be characteristic of each one of us who have been touched & changed by God's Spirit, or else we would be mere followers, ever hungering, walking unsteadily, living with doubts & fears. "Blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed."
  • Gigi - In Reply on Matthew 16:23 - 3 years ago


    My understanding from reading the last chapters of each Godpel after the resurrection, all of the apostles (except Judas) returns to Jesus, though they had deserted Him during His trial, suffering and death.

    Jesusmet and ate with them multiple times after the resurrection and their faith in Him was restored.

    It is untrue that the apostles did not believe the gospel until Pentecost. They were empowered for the mission of evangelism at Pentecost, but the last chapters of the gospels and Acts 1 shows us that they believed and were taught by Jesus.

    It baffles me that many people seem to believe what you stated despite the evidenc of Scripture. Perhaps some people judge the apostles by their own mindset and not by what Scripture actually says.

    The Scripture gives us no reason whatsoever to think that these apostles were not believers before Pentecost.

    I encourage you and others to read these passages in the Gospels and Acts 1 to find out more about the apostles Jesus selected to take the Gospel of Him to the world. He did not make a mistake in choosing them nor did He not teach them and ensure they had received faith to believe in Hom before He ascended. To think otherwise is an insult to our Lord and unbelief in what He is able to do and desired to do in His apostles. Read the Last Supper Discourse in John and see how Jesus speaks to and about the apostles.

    Jcbu, I am not trying to be critical of your post. I just felt urged to speak to this one item in your post. I appreciate your thoughts.
  • Jcbu undercover on Matthew 16:23 - 3 years ago
    The whole world at that time turned on Jesus Christ even the apostles denied him for a time.Until the Holy Spirit came to them in the upper room.When Jesus died he died for the sin's of the whole world forgive them father they know not what they do.THe father son and holy spirit came to save us all from ourselves,and show the path to heaven.In Jesus name Lord guide my steps ,guide my words,guide my heart.Each person has their own cross to bear,so each person has to have an individual relationship with God through Jesus Christ ,and the Holy Spirit.The gifts of the Holy Spirit,wisdom,understanding,counsel,fortitude,knowledge,piety,and fear of the Lord.The twelve fruits are charity,(or love),joy,peace,patience,kindness,goodness,long-suffering,gentleness,faith,modesty,(or self control,or temperance),and chastity,(not having sexual intercourse outside of marriage)
  • Gigi - In Reply on Matthew 16:27 - 3 years ago
    We really do not know how God has judged Judas this side of heaven. He sinned, As we all have. And he repented , as we all should. But as to his salvation or condemnation, that is in God's wisdom to decide, not ours.
  • Glenn - In Reply on Matthew 16:27 - 3 years ago
    But ; we have no idea if Judas repented , plus he hadda lot of help in dying , the cannites couldn't let him off the hook ,..
  • Jed Knighten on Matthew 16:27 - 3 years ago
    Judas attempted to return the money but they would not accept it which further added to his guilt. Also Jesus had already spoken that one would betray him so they asked of Judas was a must. Not everyone will be saved and this is evident by the actions of Judas

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