Matthew Chapter 2 Discussion Page 10

  • DONNA on Matthew 2 - 12 years ago
    Wow. sometime we can miss alot in God word. it was three . Matthew 2:8-13 (man-talking about one)
    (Men) can mean more then one. as you read it say. when they. --which they saw, they departed . went befor them. Vs 10. when they. they rejoiced Vs 11 and when they were they saw the young child and when they had open their treasures they presented , unto him. the number mean alot to God. he do alot in numbers three is the Father the Son and the holy spirit . so they were presented the the gifts to all in one. ( my Thought) is Sometime we can be it is about us, Lets look at it like this, NO one can say well I gave him two gift to your one. or my gift was better then your gift. each wise men gave him a gift.
  • Unity on Matthew 2 - 12 years ago
    Regular girl hello to you. Respectfully, what are you thinking. Where is this information you are writing coming from.
  • Phillimon ngoma on Matthew 2 - 12 years ago
    am very much enterested on joseph today,he was obedient to the voice of God.1-to take mary to his home as a wife while pregnant,he didnt sleep with her,lack of abeter term,2-he went to egypt,3-he came back by the word of God.oh what a man,he has blessed my life.
  • Jay Jay on Matthew 2 - 12 years ago
    Hi Carols, I believe, there is a signifigance meaning to the gifts presented to Jesus, Joseph and Mary at the time of Jesus' birth. Gold represents His Kingship, Frankincence as a Preist and Myrrh as His role of a Prophet. Jesus although the Son of God, yet He is our King of King, High preist and He is a prophet who was rejected by His own people(Jews).
  • Carlos Hinojosa on Matthew 2 - 12 years ago
    Is there a signifigance meaning to the gifts presented to Jesus, joseph and Mary at the time of Jesus' birth?
  • Kevin Chambers on Matthew 2 - 12 years ago
    The Holy Spirit comes upin you when reading the
    WORD. I hope that many others are doing the same.
  • Donna on Matthew 2 - 12 years ago
    I am so glad that God's word is truth. In Matthew chapter 2 said the wise men. If you notice everytime at Christmas they always show 3 wise men. The bible do not mention the number of wise men. So this lead me to believe that christmas is a pagan holiday and we really should be honoring God's holy days. Praise Jah
  • Godsteddy on Matthew 2 - 12 years ago
    I have read this chapter so many times in my life but it was only today that I recognized some things as yet not seen. I always thought the wise men were soon there when Jesus was born because they followed the same star that was seen on the night of His birth and only now realize that it must been a very long time with travel and inquiry before they found him. I wonder how old he really was when they did see him? Obviously, around two as Herod ordered the sorrowful execution of all children 2 and under. I also always wondered why an angel would tell Joseph to go into Isreal when God knew Joseph would be afraid and turn from it to Galilee. I see that this was a testing time for Joseph. He followed God's command without question and even when he did find himself afraid, God came again (this I had not realized) and warned him of the danger backing up his decision to go. As with all, very much enjoyed reading this chapter today.
  • Stephenderafael on Matthew 2 - 13 years ago
    Matthew more than the other Gospels cite the prophesy from the Old Testament referencing the coming of the Messiah, though the language wasn't always clear. Nevertheless it was clear Jesus was born as documented and spoke all the words that were supposed of him and performed the miricles he performed in testamony of the Living God whom he served and died in perfect obediance to Him, the maker and sustainer. Your sins are not washed away if you persist in them. Jesus demonstrated the mercy of the Father and his Soul lives, but our Souls are hanging in the balance and our judgement weighed before their throne.
  • Angela Oxendine on Matthew 2 - 13 years ago
    I always come to your site to retrieve bible info or just to study on my break @ work and I have always been able to retrieve what I needed. Thank you and God bless.
  • Patrica on Matthew 2 - 13 years ago
  • Shirley shabazz on Matthew 2 - 13 years ago
    Thank God for his words. It is sometimes in life we all fail to want to take up the bible and read. But wow my God........It is all at eye sight. we have fun we get on the computer. Now just go to the word and I say thank you for all the joy I get.When I read the book of Matthew, Again thanks for the word.
  • Tammy Goodman on Matthew 2 - 13 years ago
  • Gerry Downes on Matthew 2 - 13 years ago
    Thank you Father for your gift.
  • Maitta on Matthew 2 - 13 years ago
    This is so Good to know the word; I have read the word and have understood for myself what matthew is saying about the birth of Jesus. Thank you Lord for your word.
  • Jovell on Matthew 2 - 13 years ago
  • Rita on Matthew 2 - 13 years ago
    Thank you God..
  • Mike on Matthew 2:23 - 13 years ago
    The problem is that Nazareth did not exist until late in the 1st century. Jesus did not behave as a Nazarite; so no comparison there. I think it is all made up. There is no prophecy 'he shall be called a Nazarene'
  • Jay naiker on Matthew 2 - 13 years ago
    I dont care where He was born and how He was born.Iam glad that He was born
  • Doris early on Matthew 2 - 13 years ago
    Astronomy....astology, whichever. These were probably chinese, not sure. Anyway, this was a miracle (divine intervention). For example in the OT when God made the Sun stand still for Joshua ( I believe it was Joshua. I'll look that up. One either believes the story on faith or one does not believe the story of how the magi baby Jesus in a House as a young child. It was the shepherds that found a new born in a manager in a stable.
  • Mike on Matthew 2 - 13 years ago
    Astrology is the only possible explanation of this story, at least the first part of it. How else can people "from the east" see a star "in the east" decide to travel WEST to Jerusalem? The star was some sort of sign, not to be followed as some popular stories tell it but as an astrological prediction based on where and when this "star" was. The second part of the story is strange, (verse 9) seems to suggest they followed it, (it "went before them") and then "stood over where the young child was". I defy you to show over what house any particular star stands. All you have to do is walk in any direction and suddenly the star is standing over a different house. Astrology gets you in the general area but I'm not sure what can pinpoint a specific place (other than wishful thinking to add more kick to the story). Actually, astrological references show up in a number of places in the bible. Makes sense, astrology was a part of everyday life then, at least for the educated. We know better now but often forget to think like a 1st century person when reading these texts.
  • Doris Early on Matthew 2 - 13 years ago
    The "wise" men from the eastp came to King Herod of Jerusalem inquiring of where the Messiah was that was born...they were astologers and had followed a star. The poin being they had traveled a long, long, distance and had a large caravan.refere to as the Magi. By the time they found the YOUNG CHILD, he was not in a manger according to Matt. Chapter 2. He was in a House. Probably 2years old. King of Jerusalem Herod, being jealous sought to kill JESUS he made a decree to kill all children the age of 2 and under. THE SHEPHERDS WERE THE ONES THAT THE ANGLES CAME TO TO FIRST ANNOUNCE JESUS' BIRTH When the shepherds found the infant he WAS IN a MANGER.
  • Dh on Matthew 2 - 13 years ago
    Interesting that Jesus was in a house not a manger when the wise men visited. Also no mention of how many wise men actually visited him.
  • Sylbie Jackson on Matthew 2 - 14 years ago
    I love just the way it is.
  • Marcus on Matthew 2 - 14 years ago
    You can change the size of the font from your web browser.

    Black letters on a white background is the optimal way to read on the web.
  • Nellie Mann on Matthew 2 - 14 years ago
    Good Morning,
    I would like to see the print larger. Other wise it's great to study from the computer verses the Bible, and thats because the light on the computer is bright which makes it easier to read.
  • Nickol johnson on Matthew 2 - 14 years ago
    I think that this book speakes for itself.
  • Vernon music on Matthew 2 - 14 years ago
    it would be a lot better if the bible was ritten in bigger letters
  • Slem Dog Millions on Matthew 2 - 14 years ago
    I could not disagree more
  • Kimberly C. James on Matthew 2 - 14 years ago
    If the background were a different color it would read so much quicker and the words are "etched" into the mind : )

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