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I have always been told we are supposed to rejoice when Christians go home.
If our faith was strong enough we would be happy for them because we know they are in a better place.
A place far better than here.
God knew this so maybe did 2 things at once and took them home to a better place and
He showed his lesson to us also.
"Jesus got together and asked Him about His Return and the End of the Age. The fact that they were Jews is inconsequential.
As Jesus was sitting on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to him privately. "Tell us," they said,
"when will this happen, and what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age?"
His response follows.
"Immediately after the Tribulation of those days
"'the sun will be darkened,
the moon will not give its light;
the stars will fall from the sky,
the heavenly bodies will be shaken.'
"Then will appear the sign of the Son of Man in heaven. And then all the peoples of the earth
will mourn when they see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven,
with power and great glory. And he will send his angels with a loud trumpet call,
and they will gather his elect from the four winds, from one end of the heavens to the other.
Even a cursory comparison of all the references in the New and Old Testament concerning the Last Days and the Return of Jesus, shows no deviation from the Timeline Jesus presents in 24:9. The idea that there is a pre-coming before the Coming, ignores the parallels and the words of Jesus. There isn't a single place in all of Scripture where a specific time is revealed for the Second Coming, that isn't in keeping with 24:9. And if there were a secret pre-coming, why didn't Jesus reveal it to His disciples, who came to Him privately?
Revelation tells us clearly that many will be persecuted and killed during the Tribulation, FOR THEIR TESTIMONY OF CHRIST. Revelation 7:14 "These are they who have come out of the great tribulation.
The Day of Wrath is the final hour, not the full 7 years.
Lord almighty, give the word!
Give the word! in every nation
Let the Gospel trumpet sound,
Witnessing a world's salvation,
To the earth's remotest bound.
Then the end! Thy Church completed,
All Thy chosen gathered in, ...
Henry Downton, 1866.
"This Gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come." Matthew 24:14
Then the end! Thy Church completed,
All Thy chosen gathered in,
With their King in glory seated,
Satan bound, and banished sing
Matthew 24:27 For as lightning that comes from the east is visible ... ... The Son of Man will come again just as lightning flashes from east to west. .... ...
27 For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
When comes the Savior at the last,
From east to west shall shine
The awful pomp, and earth aghast
Shall tremble at the sign
Then the matter of God's Sovereignty & Him being the Creator are brought into question. As well as God's view of death & man's view. And the suffering which the saints have undergone throughout the ages, which would cause man to ask, "Why to those instead of others more worthy?". We could also ask, 'What role does Satan play causing suffering or death to people even now'?
These matters we have to deal with in our hearts, but there are no easy answers except to submit to the Sovereignty & Wisdom of God, as Job had to do, as Stephen had to do while being stoned, & countless others. We have been given the privilege to be born into the World to experience life & more importantly, the Love of God. Do we then have the right to question the Giver of Life as to why He allows the death of someone now & of another, later? Should we not look at our lives as a gift from God & that He has every right to remove it however & whenever He chooses? The only way I could question God's actions or permissions is if I'm a part of the Godhead (within His very Being). From any other position, I will have to admit to ignorance & submit to His Lordship as the all-wise Creator.
The balance of humanity.The fact that you are alive in the third Dimension on this timeline qualifies each of us as the elect. GOD is no respect of persons .Should the evil outweigh the good, the tribulation and sorrows will remain until there is a greater balance of good. The days will be shortened because the the hearts of mankind will be purged through suffering. The day you were born you fell from a higher realm into judgement. We are judging ourselves everyday as a collective .When we Judge others we are really judging ourselves and we can't see the wisdom in that idea.the sins that you can see in others is only there to see the sins in your hearts.when you see evil in others please forgive them and then you will have forgiven yourself, because we are truly one .This is the message of christ. Dont wait for a final judgment ,judge yourself today with the forgiveness of Christ Jesus!...
This prophet approached King Jeroboam (King of Israel at that time) who was offering worship to an idol. And he proclaimed that the day would come when a king would come (Josiah of Judah) who would one day bring in all these wicked idol-worshipping priests & burn them on this altar. When Jeroboam heard this, he was furious as he was a 'bad' king given to idolatry & so instructed that this prophet be secured. By this wicked command, the king's hand withered by an Act of God. But the prophet sought healing from God for the king.
The king wanted to feed him & reward the prophet for doing this on his behalf, but as instructed by God, the prophet was to proceed with his travel & not turn back. But another (old) prophet heard of the work of this unnamed prophet & invited him to return back & dine with him & his sons. This sounded like a time of good fellowship as two prophets got together & could share their exploits & old stories. So he turned back - BUT that was in clear disobedience to the Lord's command not to do so. So the 'old' prophet received a Word from God that because of the other prophet's disobedience, that prophet would die an unnatural death as punishment. As it happened, on the way out, a lion met him & killed him.
That's the story in a nutshell but the message is clear: that when we wilfully disobey the Lord, we must expect discipline or suffering. Fortunately for the Christian, the Blood of Christ avails for us; we can ask God for forgiveness & He does forgive because we are His children & because of what Christ's death accomplished on our behalf. But we should always take care as sin (as that lion) lies at our door.
As I look around I see many coming saying "Jesus is Christ" but then the theology is messed up;
Plant your seed and get rich is not in the Bible. Jesus came to set us free from sin, not make us rich. I believe in planting your seed into the Kingdom of God, but as Mark Lowery said, "check the soil". Many tell you that once you give the money its none ya business what they do with it. I believe you must know so you can tell its really going into the work of the Lord, or just to update the model of airplane they have. Jesus walked when he could have ridden on a donkey, horse or chariot. He was a modest man who went about doing good.
The World of Antichrist
The last two weeks I've written about the signs of Christ's return going on around the world. Worldwide pestilence, earthquakes in divers place, wars and rumors wars, massive locust swarms in Africa, and the list continues.
Through various forms of correspondence, I have received the following questions, "Is this the end of the world?" "Is Christ coming back soon?" "Are we in the Tribulation Period?" "Will we see Armageddon in a few months?"
This column will try, on the one hand, to calm people down somewhat; and, on the other hand, give the warning people need to hear.
Let us do the quick answers first.
"Is this the end of the world?" Until the rapture happens, we are at least 1,007 years from the end of this earth.
"Are we in the Tribulation Period?" - No. The Tribulation period begins when the Antichrist makes a seven-year covenant "with many" concerning Israel and the city of Jerusalem ( Daniel 9:27). This event has yet to happen.
The big battle everyone thinks about is Armageddon. Well, two Biblical battles must take place before Armageddon ( Psalm 83, Ezekiel 38-39). Also, Armageddon comes at the end of the seven-year tribulation period that has not yet started (see above).
As far as Christ return - Is it close? The Second Coming is the last event of the Tribulation Period, so, at this point, we have at least seven years before Christ sets foot on this earth again. However, the rapture (Christ appearing in the air and removing believers) could happen at any moment.
At this point, let us fill in some details about the future as Biblical prophecy explains it to us.
There will still be national borders at the time of the Antichrist. The Bible talks of other "kings" on earth with him. He will be running the show and calling the shots as the leaders of the world, will eventually be wrapped a
We have to make use of all of the Light that the Lord gives to us. No interpretation is private. All scripture is inspired through the Holy Spirit; who is the Spirit of Christ.
Revelation chapter 22 forbids us to ADD to or to SUBTRACT from scripture just as it is in the Bible. Let's all take a look at that?
Wesley's Notes for Matthew 24:20
24:20 Pray ye that your flight be not in the winter - They did so; and their flight was in the spring. Neither on the Sabbath - Being on many accounts inconvenient; beside that many would have scrupled to travel far on that day. For the Jews thought it unlawful to walk above two thousand paces (two miles) on the Sabbath day.
People's Bible Notes for Matthew 24:20
Mt 24:20 Be not in the winter. Because the streams were then impassable torrents from the heavy rains and the weather cold and wet, hard on homeless people. Neither on the sabbath. Because then the gates of the city were closed, preventing departure. History tells us that the army of Cestius Gallus enclosed Jerusalem in A.D. 67, then deterred by its strength, retired to Caesarea. This was the signal for which the church waited, and it then fled beyond the Jordan.
In Israel there would have been restrictions how far one could travel/flee danger on the Sabbath day.
Mishael : hope this helps
" This" is not "That".
"This" is here and now
"That" is there and later.
Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come. But know this, that if the goodman of the house had known in what watch the thief would come, he would have watched, and would not have suffered his house to be broken up. Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh. ( Matthew 24:42-44)