Matthew Chapter 25 Discussion

  • Giannis - In Reply on Matthew 25:34 - 2 years ago
    Hello Eaganstjohn

    Since you mention the "oil", then you are refering to the parable of the 5 wise and the 5 unwise virgins.( Matthew 25:1-12)..

    Firstly I must say that I have never heard something like what your pastor teaches about that.

    The explanation depends on what one believes, i.e. whether salvation can be lost or not.

    I am going to speak on behalf of those who believe that salvation is not secured until our final departure from this life. For the other case I will leave it to somebody else to answer.

    Again there are two cases:

    1. The rupture of the church occurs before antichrist makes his appearance on earth. In this case the 5 unwise virgins are left out of the rapture and have to go through the great tribulation. So their fate (salvation) depends on their decision to receive the beast's mark or not. (This is my belief as well).

    2. Rapture occurs at the very end of antichrist's reign on earth. In this case the 5 unwise virgins are left out of the Marriage, that is they loose their salvation.

    Matthew 25:31-46 is refering to the final judgement. In this case the "not doers of His Word" (the slothful servants) are heading to hell, (verse 41) "Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels:"

  • Eaganstjohn on Matthew 25:34 - 2 years ago
    Added to my first comment:

    Yet I have found no other Preacher preaching on this.
  • Eaganstjohn on Matthew 25:34 - 2 years ago
    My pastor preached that not all Christians will be allowed to enter New Jerusalem. That in Matthew 25 when talking about those "with oil," it's talking about those who are saved and served the Lord (doers of his word). And those "without" oil are are saved but did nothing for the Lord (slothful servants). The slothful servant still get to go to heaven but never allowed to enter New Jerusalem, because they did nothing for God.
  • David on Matthew 25:34 - 2 years ago
    Hi Pander Rue,

    "on Matthew 25:34 So Jesus recommends usury? Considering that he drove the money lenders from The Temple with knotted cords I consider this to be Apocryphal."

    Thanks for your comments on this platform. May I ask for a clarification of what you meant by "...I consider this to be Apocryphal." Thank you very much.

    God bless you and everyone of this platform.
  • T. Levis - In Reply on Matthew 25:34 - 2 years ago
    Matthew 25:31-46
  • Pander Rue on Matthew 25:34 - 2 years ago
    So Jesus recommends usury? Considering that he drove the money lenders from The Temple with knotted cords I consider this to be Apocryphal.
  • Alex N - In Reply on Matthew 25 - 2 years ago
    Jesus said after you have done all the things COMMANDED ( the law ) you can say we are unprofitable servants we have did that which is our duty to do..We don't become profitable till we marry Christ and bring forth fruit unto God which is the H.G. that Child of Promise...That New Covenant a birthing covenant whosoever receiveth one such child in my name receiveth me.... Romans 7 : 4 kjv
  • Tracy - In Reply on Matthew 25 - 2 years ago
    So are "those of Israel" ALL of those that came forth from Israel or the main household of Israel? Thank you.
  • Tracy - In Reply on Matthew 25 - 2 years ago
    Thank you.
  • Tracy - In Reply on Matthew 25 - 2 years ago
    Thank you
  • Sheep, Goats and Hirelings - In Reply on Matthew 25 - 2 years ago
    This is the chapter comparing sheep and goats sorta. There are many verses showing what Jesus desires for us to be doing. Attending Church is not our only duty as Christ Followers. Jesus mentions ways to alleviate the suffering of believers and non-believers. Some people find the missionaries that travel to other countries to preach the Gospel.

    You can go on Google and look up the "FIVE CROWNS, Bible." Being diligent to do something requires faith, to invest time, energy, offerings to projects, and much more.

    It's love that creates willingness to love our neighbors and community. That's what we see Jesus doing and demonstrating to us. Samaritan's we're considered to be dogs; but Jesus asked one for a drink of water.

    Jesus doesn't ask us to do anything He wouldn't do.

    He waited until Lazarus had died and been buried 4 days. He was met with incredible faith. Jesus wept because he knew someday Lazarus would die a 2nd time.

    Do you see the principle at work here? We are always to Follow Jesus. Do what we know to do. Satan doesn't want us to be like Jesus. We're sleepy, hungry, want to watch the game on tv, mow the grass. I do know how hard it is to set aside time. I used to take the neighbors kids to children's church. I couldn't get the parents to go, but the kids all prayed to receive Jesus.

    Sometimes Pastors can use help with gardening for the church. So many ways we can offer our time as "unto the Lord." He sees it. He did carpentry work for years before he began Ministry. I find Jesus to be very practical. He didn't call us to be couch pillows :D

    I'm a retired street preacher, but I find it hard not to preach "sermonettes", or give out sandwiches to the homeless that stand in blazing 100 degree heat for a dollar. It hurts my heart.

    As unto Jesus
  • Our Rewards will be received at the Bema Seat - In Reply on Matthew 25 - 2 years ago
    This is the accommodation and application of the parable to the disciples of Christ, who whether ministers or private believers, are as servants, and should be as laborious as the ploughman, and the shepherd; and as their condition is, so their conduct should be like theirs: the employment of the ministers of the word lies in reading, prayer, meditation, and study; in preaching the word, and administering the ordinances; and in performing other duties of their office: and every private believer has business to do, which lies in the exercise of grace, as the work of faith, the labour of love and patience, of hope: and in the discharge of duty with regard to themselves, in their families, the church, and the world; and these servants should be continually employed; and when one work is done, another is to be taken in hand: saints should be always believing, hoping, waiting, loving, and doing one good work or another; as preaching or praying, reading, hearing, and doing acts of benevolence and charity; and God and Christ are to be served by them in the first place, and then themselves: but some that would be called the servants of Christ, mind their own bellies, and not the service of Christ at all; others in the service of Christ, seek nothing but themselves; others are for the serving themselves first, and then Christ; but the true servants of Christ, serve him in the first place, and seek first his righteousness, and his kingdom, and the honour of it, believing that all other things shall be added to them: and when these have done all that are commanded them, they are not to think their service thank worthy: as for instance, if the service be preaching the word, a man so employed ought to be thankful to God, that has bestowed ministerial gifts upon him, and makes his labours useful, and uses him as an instrument, to do much good to the souls of men, and for his glory, and has put such an honour upon him; but he is not to expect thanks from God, for diligence.
  • T. Levis - In Reply on Matthew 25 - 2 years ago
    It appears he's speaking to those who identified themselves as "children of Abraham" "under the Covenant" &/or self-righteous:

    Matthew 5:20, Matthew 7, Matthew 8:10,12, Matthew 23, Matthew 25:31-46, note also Matthew 23:34-36, * Matthew 21:23-46,

    Matthew 9:34, Matthew 11:12, Matthew 12:25, Matthew 13:57, Isaiah 53,

    Exodus 19:6, 1Samuel 13:13,14, 1Samuel 15:28,

    the promise made to David 2Samuel 7:12-17, 1Kings 9:5, 1Chronicles 22:9,10, 1Chronicles 28:7, Isaiah 9:7,

    1Samuel 13:13,14, 1Kings 11:11-14, the Bible has in the past shown how GOD will reject those who reject HIM.

    Psalms 22:18,

    Hopefully these are helpful
  • Travis - In Reply on Matthew 25 - 2 years ago
    The children of the kingdom would be Those that are of Israel. The centurion was not. However the centurion was actually walking by faith. The contrast is of those actually living it
  • Tracy on Matthew 25 - 2 years ago
    I know this is probably cut & dry but in Matthew 8:12 it states (KJV) But the children of the kingdom shall be cast out into outer darkness..... Is that speaking of the earthly kingdom, aka Satan's kingdom? Matthew 25:30 states and cast ye the unprofitable servant out into outer darkness.... What is exactly the unprofitable servant & is it referring to Matthew 8:12 of the kingdom servant or Gods "servants"? Thank you
  • David Williams on Matthew 25:20 - 2 years ago
    Sacha, Genesis 3. She was told to eat the from every tree in the garden. Why go back to the beginning?
  • Mishael - In Reply on Matthew 25:20 - 3 years ago
    Hi Chops! Nice to see a new face in here. May we all fellowship at the Lords table.
  • Chops McCurn on Matthew 25:20 - 3 years ago
    To God be the glory! I am grateful for his rewards for a few things & Faith for more to come in my obedience to our matchless Jesus be blessed
  • Jesistenel on Matthew 25:33 - 3 years ago
    May God Bless all those who like the word of God and do them. So that we can not miss Heaven. James 1:22
  • Jesistenel on Matthew 25 - 3 years ago
    Arrenge the chapters in grid form,the Bible Is very fanstic
  • David - In Reply on Matthew 25 - 3 years ago
    Isaac I've read what you stated the only comment I have is you've made up your mind on how you interpret what you read. That being said no matter what anyone else shares you'll be able to disprove it no matter what your shown. There's an old saying a man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still.
  • English sacha - In Reply on Matthew 25 - 3 years ago
    It's funny how Genesis doesn't say that Eve was tempted by Satan . Something as important as that .
  • English sacha - In Reply on Matthew 25 - 3 years ago
    If you want every one to have some idea what you are talking about please explain YEC and OEC , or don't use those terms and type out exactly what you mean please , thank you .
  • Issac H Bourne Jr - In Reply on Matthew 25 - 3 years ago
    Okay, I understand. This is a Old Earth Creation site. Anything proving YEC gets deleted. Which means any discussion here is 100% one sided. So Matt can look right and me wrong because I cannot answer with good answers without it being deleted. I read your rules, and I did not break ant worse then Matt did. Which makes me think Matts the mod here. Am I right?

    If this forum like area is where people truly search for truth. Then you allow even what you disagree with so it can be worked out. I have no problem with *biblical correction*. I actually like biblical correction using the kjv only. But deleting people's responses because you disagree with their viewpoint proves nothing.

    In fact I challenge you to prove me wrong using the Bible. And because I like truth more than looking right all the time, I have no problem admitting it and apologizing if I am wrong. Because to find truth, real truth, you have to swallow your pride and become humble enough to admit being wrong and accept correction. Deleting responses is telling me that you think you are always right, and correction cannot be warranted. And anyone who dares to disagree is wrong. right?

    Did I not use the Bible to prove what I said? Did you not ignore what I said and when I pointed that out deleted it? Prove me wrong on anything I have posted and I have zero problem making a public apology. Could you do that? Then the truth you are looking for you'll never find if you cannot.
  • Issac H Bourne Jr - In Reply on Matthew 25 - 3 years ago
    If you want to believe in Old Earth Creation, and the Evolution deep timeline that makes OEC work. Then believing this refers to the *condition* of the earth is what you have to stick to. And the reason I say this is because you totally ignored what I said. That Form was referring to man, and the earth was void aka empty until man was created.
  • Matt - In Reply on Matthew 25 - 3 years ago
    Gen 1:2 says the earth was without form, and void. You're here saying it has nothing to do with the earth. But the verse specifically says it's the earth. What's wrong with believing what the Bible says? There's no conflict, no misunderstanding on my end. But someone saying it doesn't mean what it says makes me suspicious.
  • Issac H Bourne Jr on Matthew 25 - 3 years ago
    Hi, I run a ministry online that defends literal creation aka YEC. Probably the biggest misunderstanding about creation is the form and void aka the supposed condition of the earth. What if I told you that the form and void issue had zero to do with the condition of the earth?

    There are 3 ways God created aka a trinity.

    1) Spoken word creation, where God speaks and things appear or happen.

    2) Bring forth creation. Where God commands what already has been created to bring forth more life.

    3) Formed creation. Man was the only life formed by God and the breathe of life made man a living souls.

    So when the Bible says the earth was without form (man) and was void (empty until man was created). God was stating the whole purpose of creation, not the condition of the earth. Forwhy create anything without form?
  • Karl Mc Guire Sr on Matthew 25 - 3 years ago
    The word " left"...

    Could that refer to the " left" people in the USA today? ...

    Just observing...not judging...
  • Betsy on Matthew 25:1 - 3 years ago
    I believe this is about the extreme importance of being prepared for the Lord's coming. Five of the virgins failed to bring oil for their lamps while the other five brought oil. When the bridegroom arrived, the five that had no oil were not accepted by the bridegroom...he stated "I know you not." Get your house in order, pray and be prepared for the coming of the Lord.
  • Kayode Adetayo on Matthew 25 - 3 years ago
    The work is huge and as a worker, we must do our best to be the best. You have to be punctual in the house of God.

    There must be difference between workers and students.

    The workers were given talents to do business. we can see three main things:

    1. Integrity - it is practice of being honest and consistence to principle tenent of faith. You must show uncompromising deal on the call of leadership

    2. Stewardship - obligation of exercising the talent God has given to you.

    3. Growing and developing

    As a worker, we must use our talent judiciously

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