King James Version (KJV)

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*****Since Jeremiah refers to a God-appointed purchase of a field, the reference to Jeremiah at Matthew 27:9-10 is certainly intentional and not a scribal error. The text of Matthew 27:9-10 says "that which was spoken", not "that which was written", so there is no need to look for the exact quotation in the book of Jeremiah. Jeremiah spoke the prophecy but did not write it. Zechariah then wrote Jeremiah's oral prophecy while omitting the reference to a field because that detail had already been described in Jeremiah 32:6-10.
On verse 26 - Barabbas (means son of the father) was released instead of Jesus. In John 18:40, Barabbas is called a robber; Luke 23:25, Barabbas is called a murderer and sedition (rebellion against authority); Mark 15:15, Barabbas is accused of insurrection. But Pilate like most politicians, had a poll taken of the most likely voters, and wanting to please the people, released Barabbas; a known murderer, robber, and rebellion against authority over a known innocent man (not much has changed in 2000 years in politics). As for the 2 thieves on the cross along with Jesus, one thief repented and went to be with Jesus in paradise and the other went to hell because he repented not ( Luke 23:39-43). Question? Do you know the difference between paradise and the 3rd heaven? And which one is where those that die in Christ go now?
There was a man who began to speak, and as he continued, it was perceived that what he was saying was to speak of Jesus in jest. As he continued to speak, the spirit in the room became noticeably different. He began to speak with awareness to this, hesitantly, with reserve and calculation; yet, like he wanted to continue, but felt he should not. He somehow finished without proceding beyond that spirit that was there, but with a spirit that was still joined to what he was saying.
And at least one in the room wanted him to not continue, not for their self, but for his self. They did not want to see him so denude himself before all; all the while, he seeing himself "savoir faire" dressed.
He repented himself. I do not say he repented; if he was with others he may would continue to tell the story with full zest.
One can repent themselves, but not unto godly repentance. Only godly repentance worketh unto salvation, which worketh unto life.
Man can repent a repentance that is not unto godly repentance.
So, I wouldn’t make a conclusion that Bibles are being watered down, but to watch out for a few translations such as the New American Bible that may change the meaning.