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Matthew Chapter 28 Discussion Page 9

Matthew Chapter 28 Discussion Page 9

  • Ruth on Matthew 28 - 9 years ago
    matthew 28:19-20. this is the beginning of authority of the church and preaching of the gospel of the kingdom of God. man regains his power as it were in the creation.
  • Lee on Matthew 28:19 - 9 years ago
    Will someone please explain to me how we can call God, who created, fathered, all things, a 'person ' ??? I know that he manifested Himself as a person, the only begotten Son, but GOD ALMIGHTY, a 'person '?? Borders on the sacreligious to me
  • GlennFrazier on Matthew 28:19 - 9 years ago
    My Bible tells me that all that I do in word or deed must be done in Jesus Name. So therefore Baptism is a deed, and must be done in Jesus Name. jesus is coming back for a Church that is called bu His Name, not Titles.
  • Pastor Stephen on Matthew 28:18 - 9 years ago
    I would like to say it 's really great, thank you, God bless you all.
  • Kiti Magauta Baby on Matthew 28:12 - 9 years ago
    This taught me that hatred is still with Priest, Ministers, Bishops and other people who are on top of people. They will hate you even when you are dead. Hatred is not good at all. We must repend. Long Live Jesus
  • Lilian on Matthew 28 - 9 years ago
    Jesus is the resurrection of life He who believes in him will recieve an eternal life, even if we die we still have life. Thank you Jesus for the precious blood you shed for us. You deserve to be praised and worship. You are faithful to your promises that you are a good Shephered who always lay down his life to save us and protect us until rapture. I love you Jesus and i will trust you forever and i will keep your commandments until rapture. Help us Jesus to be born again in spirit everyday. Thank you Jesus for your love and mercy you have given us your favor all the days of our lives. I love you Jesus and Amen
  • Ayim Stephen on Matthew 28 - 9 years ago
    Jesus is alive
  • Solomon nkosi on Matthew 28 - 10 years ago
    According to this chapter all i think it is all about is how we will remember him. Cause if we may go through the bibles we find out that we must not worry about him but we should worry about our self cause yes he played his role on earth now it is our turn to preach the word of him so that everyone on this earth shall become his student. Ofcose the holy spirit itself will be sent to us and its role will be to remind us of him thats what I think about this bible on behalf of us his apostles amen.
  • Esther on Matthew 28 - 10 years ago
    That Jesus revealed himself to a woman is amazing.
  • Aura on Matthew 28:20 - 10 years ago
    Thank you i need it to hear this is perfect because i need him more then ever Amen.
  • Eric on Matthew 28 - 10 years ago
    Our human understanding is limited in how we can perceive the Lord our God. There is no parallel that will ever allow us to understand his true divine nature while we walk in this world. We would all do well to accept the faith given to us through his word in the letting go of our notions of trying to rationally understand what we cannot in this life...that the Lord is divine and beyond our comprehension. He is in us, and around us. We are not bodies with a soul, we are souls with a body. Thanks be to God. Amen
  • Ar on Matthew 28 - 10 years ago
    To James Matthew chapter28 verse 19 remark. I thank and praise the Lord for people like you who have a child 's heart and understand the very beautiful words as they are written and not complicate them like others . God bless you for putting this remark. I hope it will bless many readers as it did to me.
  • James on Matthew 28:19 - 10 years ago
    Why can 't we just do everything the 1st disciples did. God is and will always be a mystery for many things. Just do what they did and don 't rationalize and put God in a box. It 's very simple that way. Everything you do, do all in the name of Jesus . Please and thank you.
  • Joni G on Matthew 28 - 10 years ago
    Dmill, when Jesus sat down on the right hand of God, we know He sat down on the right hand of himself.Hebrews chapter 1 talks about Jesus sitting down on the right hand of the Father. Revelation 5:13 talks about angels singing to God who sits on the throne and Jesus, the Lamb. Distinct but yet one. When Stephen, full of the Holy Spirit,was stoned in Acts 7:55, he saw the glory of God and Jesus standing beside God in Heaven. There are many verses where Jesus talks about the Father and Him being one. John 12:49 talks about the Father who sent Jesus told him what to say and what to speak. Matthew 3:17, God tells the crowd that Jesus is His son and He is well pleased. Praise God!
  • Dmill on Matthew 28 - 10 years ago
    Jesus 's disciples understood what Jesus was commanding them to do. They did not repeat what he said but they did what he said. For instance, suppose your name is Scott and I tell you to write your name on a piece of paper. You are to write Scott on the paper not your name . Jesus is the name of the Father, Jesus is the name of the Son, and Jesus is the name of the Holy Ghost. There are not three persons, but only one. God is omnipresent. He can be on earth and never leave heaven. He can be everywhere at the same time. He was Father in heaven and Jesus on earth at the same time He is the Holy Ghost that he sent after his ascension to dwell inside of us. This is the Spirit that raises us to life after being buried in the water grave of baptism. The Spirit resurrects you. The body without a spirit is dead. Except a man be born of the water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God John 3:5 .
  • Masawa paul on Matthew 28:1 - 10 years ago
    Non believers use to say that the day you have set aside for the worship to be the sabbath so let me ask that.why is it that after creation GOD did not say that,everyone to choose his or her day of worship and keep it holy instead he insist on sabbath which is called saturday nowadays if you cant accept christ teaching they will continue missleading you
  • Andy on Matthew 28:19 - 10 years ago
    Isa. 9 6 says "For unto us a child is born, unto us a Son is given and the government shall be upon His shoulder and His name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The EVERLASTING FATHER. The Prince of Peace. My comment is this If prophet Isaiah did not mean what he said wrote, then he is a false prophet. A false prophet had to be stoned to death in that time. Since he did not get stoned to death, it means that Isaiah was a true prophet of the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob Israel . Everlasting Father is just ONE Person. Therefore, the Son Jesus Christ has to be the same Person as the Father.
  • Evangelist Chatauna Robinson on Matthew 28 - 10 years ago
    Hello Wnda Sutton I do not know if they will post this or not, all three are already one in Jesus Christ. They are not becoming one they are already one being. His name is Jesus Christ and he holds all three titles, offices, positions, etc. 1 John 5 7 "For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost and these three are one ".
  • Wnda sutton on Matthew 28 - 10 years ago
  • Evangelist Chatauna Robinson on Matthew 28 - 10 years ago
    Hello Blessing The trinity and the Godhead are two different things. See those who believe in the trinity believe that there are three separate beings in the Godhead to worship. The Trinitarian believer does not believe that the Son, the Father, and the Holy Ghost are one being. The Trinitarian believer believes that Jesus Christ the son of God dwells in the Godhead with two other beings. The scripture states that in Jesus Christ dwell the fullness of the Godhead bodily, Colossians 2 9 For in him dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily. This scripture does not state that Jesus dwells in the Godhead with two other beings. This means that in him, in his very being, dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily. 1 Timothy 3 16 And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness God was manifested in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory. Who was manifested in the flesh? Who in Jerusalem was taken up before the day of Pentecost? The answer is Jesus Christ. There are no three beings in the Godhead there is only one and his name is Jesus Christ. It is a mystery, but Jesus Christ is one being that holds all three offices.
  • Blessng on Matthew 28 - 10 years ago
    Godhead, the trinity are one.
  • Ukor abraham on Matthew 28:20 - 10 years ago
    God has entered into a convernant with us pls brethren fulfil your part in seeking God in full confidence that he always with us
  • STEPHEN on Matthew 28:19 - 10 years ago
    jesus spoke with his apostles,forty days after he rose from the dead.Jesus spoke of matthew 28 19,the apostles went forth and baptized in Jesus name.Jesus has to be the name of the Father,Son,and Holy Ghost or the Apostles did not obey what Jesus said.
  • Deb on Matthew 28:20 - 10 years ago
    God said He is with us always. Sadly most are looking to "feel " His presence which can become addictive. God is always with us. No matter if we feel Him there or not. One thing God can 't do is lie. When we get this in our heart and not our head knowing. We will not be ever lonely or hopeless.
  • Aaron on Matthew 28:19 - 10 years ago
    The correct way to baptize is clearly written in Matthew 28 19. In the name of the Father, The Son, ant the Holy Spirit. Their is one God and this One God is divided in 3. Since the Father, Son and Holy Spirit is one, that explains the "NAME " part of the scripture. We are to mention all three because we take the example of when Jesus himself was baptized.He was the Son, the Holy Spirit descended on him, and God spoke over him. This includes all three. Many people say we must baptize in Jesus name, which is wrong. They refer to the scripture in Acts 2 38 that says to Repent and be Baptized in The Name Of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins. But many don 't know that the word "baptism " or "Baptize " is used 3 different ways in the new testament. In Acts 2 38, the word "baptize " is referring to the baptism into the Body of Christ also found in 1st Cor. 12 13 by accepting God 's gift of salvation by Faith Ephesians 2 8 , Confessing that Jesus is Lord, and believing that God raised him from the dead Rom. 10 9 . Other verses saying that they baptized the name of Jesus did not mean literally baptizing in the Name of Jesus. Since the disciples were preaching the Name of Jesus, they used this phrase which meant "In authority of " because all authority was given to Jesus Matthew 28 18 , and Jesus ' command was to baptize in The Name of the Father, The Son, and the Holy Spirit.
  • Michelle on Matthew 28 - 10 years ago
    I speak to all women who have a command to preach the Gospel. It was two women who Jesus used at the grave to carry the gospel.Ladies let 's preach the Gospel in the name of the Father,Son and Holy Ghost.Selah Matthew 28 1.
  • George Hartwell on Matthew 28 - 10 years ago
    I do find it quite strange that, in Matthew 's chapter 28. no mention is made of Jesus ' ascension into heaven which would be a noteworthy event and quite central to Christianity. I notice that Luke has mentioned it in chapter 24 verse 51. This makes me question the veracity of the bible.
  • Lindiwe on Matthew 28 - 10 years ago
    After death Jesus Christ confirmed that all power in given to Him in heaven and in earth. He tought His disciples how to pray, baptise, heal and to have faith. He is commanding them to do likewise and assuring them not be afraid as He will be with them all the way. We have to testify the power of the Lord through Jesus Christ. Let us be proud that He died for us to have eternal life and because of His love, but unfortunately we have to die, through baptism we rise again. Let us go and preach the word, tell the world of such power until everyone knows the truth. This is not going to be easy as satan his angels will be angry and fight but the Lord will be with us. We don 't have to be afraid as Jesus Christ is always with us.
  • Kasagga vicent on Matthew 28:19 - 10 years ago
    Jesus said go and baptis then in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Bt i always see pastor and other leader baptising people in water. Am amaized.
  • Moses Njenga on Matthew 28:20 - 10 years ago
    Paul reminds us that he passed to us what he had recieved from the LORD. We are in the business of passing the baton, passing on what we have recieved, the good news is the assuarance of HIS presence.As we mind HIS business the LORD by HIS SPIRIT abides in us to empower and guide us into the whole Truth until HE returns for HIS own.

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