King James Version (KJV)

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I'm not native in English language, but still have a great desire to be able to understand each word, that belongs to Jesus Christ;
My question would be:
1 Corinthians 4:12 sentence ends like that ,,being persecuted, we suffer it"
In this case, ,,suffer it" means - "to bear" right?
I know, that "suffer" also means - "allow someone to do something" but, I think, "bear it to be so now" might be proper, also.
Please, help me understand. .
My question would be:
1 Corinthians 4:12 sentence ends like that ,,being persecuted, we suffer it"
In this case, suffer it means - to bear right?
I know, that
Please, help me understand. .
I can see how the Word of God can be a little confusing sometimes. That's why we must study. God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are one. John 1:1: "In the beginning was the Word, (meaning Jesus), and the Word was with God (Jesus was with God in the beginning), and the Word was God (meaning Jesus is God). How do we know that the Word we are referencing is Jesus; one might ask. Let's look at John 1:14, "And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth. We can say that Jesus is the fleshly part of God. There's so much to this, so you will have to read and grasp the full meaning of His word. Also Jesus is at the Father's right hand in heaven. Sorry I can't expound more because I too must study. I hope this helps.
Christ. To choose John as a prime example to preach,teach, and to spread the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. Then Jesus being baptized and fulling scripture was the on the cake and sealed the deal. As Esaias prophecy in Is40:3; if you would read verses 4,5. it is a similitude of what
you heart goes through. Every valley shall be exalted, and mountain be made low: what seems impossible for you God will help you. AS the bible reads in Matt6:33 Seek first the God and his kingdon and all these thing you pray for according his will it shall be done. We must seek God every day to guide you. As read in Rom5:14,20
nevertheless death reigned from Adam to Moses. But
not as the offense,so also is the free gift. The gift of life eternal through Jesus Christ washes us from our sins. As read in Is4:4 when the Lord shall have washed away the filth of the daughters of Zion. If you allow Jesus to work his miracles. The results of it will be tremendous. As it reads in Matt3:17 The Lord will be well pleased in you.
3:6 And were baptized of him in Jordan, confessing their sins.
QUESTION: What makes all Jews from Judaea and its environment to go to John to confess their sins and to baptize. I must notice that those people were already baptized and most of them lived according to the law. In what trouble they were. Thank you in advance and GOD BLESS YOU.
Matthew 3:1-4 Is speaking about John the Baptist, and it is calling the prophecy by the reference on Is 40:3
In the Bible I am reading the verse from the Gospel is identical but Is 40:3 goes like this:"The voice of the one crying: in the desert prepare the way of the Lord, make his paths straight."
As you can see the notch is before "in the desert" and not after. This little thing makes a total difference in the meaning of the picture one can get of Joh the Baptist, and confuse the careful reader.
For the record just because of this I made some research, and discovered that text from the Bible I am reading is right.
I know the people who read the bible their whole life (the same Bible as I do) and this means nothing to them. When I read it for the first time I was confused because I saw the disagreement between the verse from the Gospel and its reference from Isaiah.
If somebody judges me for this I forgive him.
P.S. MIKE if you are reading this you can see how I function and what struggle I fight with myself.