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"put away" didn't mean divoce, it meant to dismiss or abandon for no good reason. Jesus is saying, if you do, then give her a certificate of divorce so she or he can go and re-marry. That way there is no adultery. Jesus meant that the put away spouse is still married and thus cannot re-marry until legally divorced. Anyone back then commiting adultery or fornication while married would have been stoned to death anyway.
the original Greek used two different words for "put away" and "divorce" and they were not translated properly.
MATTHEW Chapter 5
2 And he Opened His Mouth, and Taught them, saying,
(Blessed be 'the Beatitudes'
Acts 'how to handle life situations')
LAST VERSE 48 BE ye therefore PERFECT, even as your Father which is in heaven is PERFECT. (The Conclusion of HIS TEACHINGS, HIS THOUGHTS, HIS WORDS, HIS TRUTHS, HIS LAWS)
"Perfect is mentioned throughout the Holy Sciptures, not limited to: Job, Abraham, Peter, Paul, and Yeshua the CHRIST who said be ye Perfect as I am Perfect. Anyone who speaks against being Perfect clearly DO NOT UNDERSTAND the Definition Given By the SON OF THE MOST HIGH."