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Matthew Chapter 6 Discussion Page 14

Matthew Chapter 6 Discussion Page 14

  • Evangelist Chatauna Robinson on Matthew 6 - 10 years ago
    Hello Happiness I do not find it difficult at all this prayer. I think that the Lord 's prayer for us is the most wonderful and simple prayer that covers a multitude of things we need. What is difficult about asking for our debts to be forgiven as we forgive our debtors? What is difficult about asking for the Lord to let his will be done? What is difficult about asking for our daily bread? What is difficult about asking God to not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from evil? When a person knows or does not know what to pray for this is the prayer they should pray.
  • Woody vroome on Matthew 6 - 10 years ago
    Mathew Chapter 6 contains key instructions from The Lord God, as well as some key Promises. Gems of Wisdom. I find it instructional, encouraging, and comforting. Praise The Name of Jesus.
  • Happiness on Matthew 6 - 10 years ago
    I recently understand the true meaning of the prayer " Our father " and now that I understand its phrases, I honestly believe that its the most difficult prayer... I know through God we can pray with understanding.. if you think you don 't know God , don 't worry because He knows You....He has been there for you before you were even born..God loves all equally " Do the best you can, until you now better, when you know do better " perfection comes from God
  • Calistus sirengo on Matthew 6 - 10 years ago
    The who of this chapter is awesome, i like it, i enjoy reading it.
  • RNM CHP 6 on Matthew 6 - 10 years ago
    If everyone could just read the Holy Word of GOD and live what they read, it would truly be a different world, but that 's not the case, man has got to learn the hard way, choosing the wealth of this world and losing there soul, this is not what GOD wants, He wants all to come to repentance, in His Son. I pray for the hope of this world and for Jerusalem.
  • Tony on Matthew 6:10 - 10 years ago
    Does the original writing State "...Thy will be done IN Earth... " or "...ON Earth....? IN Earth referring to His children.... ON Earth referring to this wlrld. There a huge difference
  • Edith Okoh on Matthew 6:16 - 10 years ago
    This is command given which w have to follow. God wants us to come to him with .cheerful countance when w are fasting and not with a sad countenance, so that w will be blessed. God is good God does not want us to fast in vain.
  • Edith Okoh on Matthew 6:16 - 10 years ago
    This is command given which w have to follow. God wants us to come to him with .cheerful countance when w are fasting and not with a sad countenance, so that w will be blessed. God is good God does not want us to fast in vain.
  • Stanley on Matthew 6 - 10 years ago
    This chapter is about having Faith and Trust in the Lord instead of trying to do things with the arm of the flesh. Why did the hypocrites want to pray in public so every one could hear them? or sound a trumpet when giving donations so everyone could see them? or disfigure their faces when fasting so people can see them? It 's so they can glorify themselves and people will be able to see how righteous and good they are. They 're trusting in themselves and they 're own righteousness. Whereas if they do these things in private they 're trusting in the Lord for the reward and blessing.
  • Phuti on Matthew 6:12 - 10 years ago
    Wow.it lift my spirit up.
  • Billcody on Matthew 6:33 - 10 years ago
    This verse i gain more
  • Midget on Matthew 6:33 - 10 years ago
    Seek to do His will first, seek to know His Son who is also His righteousness, read and meditate on the word, and whatever else it takes through the power of God the Holy Spirit because we cannot do this on our own and as we do, He will furnish us with whatever and all we would otherwise have been focused our attention on getting or accomplishing.
  • Emmanuel on Matthew 6 - 10 years ago
    O ye of little faith Seek ye first the kingdom of GOD,and everything else shall be added unto you. It 's that simple.
  • Wanda Morant on Matthew 6:33 - 10 years ago
    I 'm to seeking the kingdom of God for all that I am and all that I do,I want to be in right standing with Him, wants to please Him. Because I don 't know how to do anything on my own, I seek Him daily, by seeking Him, I affirmed that God is with me,and helping me.and knowing that my,Almighty God Will see me through.
  • Olivia Agbanyo on Matthew 6:33 - 10 years ago
    Letting GO of ur own desires and SEEK GOD 'S opinion First before u ACT.
  • John on Matthew 6:24 - 10 years ago
    God provides...God loves us all as we are, never give up and think we doomed because of our sin. Pray daily and dialogue with our father, confess our sins to him and ask him for strengh so we may turn away from sin and be faithful to the gospel.Money is a tool or a means to own a home,buy food, etc but the Lord provides if it is his will for our lives. Amen
  • Gifty amponsah on Matthew 6:33 - 10 years ago
    live right with God
  • Jess on Matthew 6 - 10 years ago
    Why make it so hard? 1 4 How to give do your giving in secret so only He you know about it. 5 8 Where not to pray Not in church or public. Do pray in private. Do not babble when you pray. 9 13 Exactly how to pray in private, period as near as I can tell. 14 15 Emphasizes importance of us forgiving our fellow man for being bad to us. I better stop there, that was probably enough to attract the ire of many. I forgive you in advance, love to all.
  • Bringer of Fire on Matthew 6:22 - 10 years ago
    Vision is what is taken from the outside world, but what the eyes see is nothing but a mere deception of what the world is. From this case if your eyes are dark how great is that darkness or deception? What is inside the mind behind the eyes is the light of the body for everything functions through it. Your eyes can go blind but you can still live, you body can be severed but you can still live. The eye that the Jesus speaks of is the mind. The mind is the light of the body which resides inside of the brain that works both conscious and unconscious behaviors of the body. The mind doesn 't refer to a spirit but to a certain state your body is in. If therefore your mind is full of light, light can give off energy and show radiation so will your body. If that light, that energy, that radiation is closed off how great is that darkness? You have no energy, your not radiating, your not shining.
  • Brian Riehl on Matthew 6:5 - 10 years ago
    this is a great verse
  • Joshua Lumula on Matthew 6 - 10 years ago
    Matthew 6 is the source of courage, strength, comfort.
  • Jo on Matthew 6:8 - 10 years ago
    Sometimes I think our wants are not necessarily what we really need. It is important to seek the Lord in tongues otherwise our carnal mind desires just gets in the way.
  • Hope Cunningham on Matthew 6 - 10 years ago
    our heavenly Father is a provider . When we walk in the commandment of Christ we have no need to worry about food, clothes or shelter. When we live a life where we give and look out for each other we are storing up our treasures in heaven .
  • Anonymous on Matthew 6 - 10 years ago
    our heavenly Father is a provider . When we walk in the commandment of Christ we have no need to worry about food, clothes or shelter. When we live a life where we give and look out for each other we are storing up our treasures in heaven .
  • Brianna on Matthew 6:10 - 10 years ago
    God 's Kingdom. The Theme of Jesus preaching work. The kingdom Jesus taught us to pray for is a REAL GOVERNMENT that will bring about the changes we need to be happy. When Satan was cast out of heaven, they experienced a cleaning. Now, we pray for God 's will to be done on earth cast out Satan and his demons so that we too can experience a cleansing. ON EARTH as it is in heaven.
  • Brianna on Matthew 6:4 - 10 years ago
    I was just reading this scripture and wanted to comment on it value! What are the motives behind my giving? Are they purely out of love and a desire to help? There is no need to look for man 's approval. The approval and the reward are all from Jehovah.
  • BiBi Nyamane on Matthew 6:33 - 10 years ago
    Powerful! I must,nt start seeking the all things first, but I must start by seeking His kingdom and His righteousness first before seeking all things. Glory be always His. Amen.
  • Yenziwe Simelane on Matthew 6 - 10 years ago
    Whenever I read this verse, I feel covered by God 's grace. Its my source of stregnth and comforter...
  • Sammie on Matthew 6:33 - 10 years ago
    It means just what is says, God is to be first, he is righteous, when we as sinners repent and except him as Lord, we are then made righteous by God through the blood of Jesus Christ. Having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ is how you get to know God. And all these things..means the desires of your heart, which will be more of the things of God which are spiritual things. Note Psalm 37 4
  • Ronny Smith on Matthew 6 - 10 years ago
    this verse has really strengthen my walk with the Lord .

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