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seek God and do what is right. That is what I remember.
see also: enduringword(dot)com/commentaries/4507.htm
P.S. Again, everything I say is only my opinion. Who am I to give the definite answers. GOD BLESS YOU ALL
In your answer you said that’s the way I see it, that just means you have an opinion. I thank you for your reseach. I was reading Daniel 2:44, maybe this could be a key piece to in the puzzle, to finding out what the Kingdom is?
Daniel 2:44 says:
44 And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, [but] it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever.
If the Kingdom is a pearl, then why would God set up his pearl and destroy other people’s pearls?
Keep searching and researching. Maybe we should look up the word in the dictionary?
Finally the ultimate question. A rich merchant sells everything to buy a single pearl. That pearl is THE KINGDOM OF GOD. Everyone knows the story.
In my humble opinion the whole deed of Jesus from Nazareth is to prepare us and to believe The Kingdom of God that is going to come. It is not easy for understanding and I see it as a making harmony you within you, and you within your surrounding. In other words to carry your cross without nagging. It is impossible to achieve (Jesus only did it, and because he is Christ). Good Christian spends all his life trying to reach that goal. I repeat this is only how I see it.
Asking questions like this is a good way towards this goal. GOD BLESS YOU.
P.S.(Considering the other question, because THE GOD IS OUR LORD, in simple words you may say that Lord is a job description, but I would rather avoid such comparisons.)
What does “Hallowed be thy name” mean? Is it the Father’s name? Is Lord a name or a job description?
Aside from the Kingdom is in heaven. What is it? Why are we to pray for it to come?
But now came that pain in my belly. Believe me I am not afraid, only angry why I can not create the vision of Jesus and to try to follow him. Question is what is that force that stops me. Is it devil or God with his mysterious ways. Nobody knows.
Mater of physical pain in relation with faith. Jesus said when we fast, then our face should be bright and we should be joyful because we restrain ourselves in the name of GOD. True.
Then what Jesus suffered on the cross for our sake. No need to talk about it. Then stories about certain saints who wore barbed wire around their belly to remind themselves about the pain that Jesus suffered. I read the biography of Ignatio de Loyola. The ways he torched his body astounded me. The point of all this is that those people were able to think, work, walk, preach, form new religious groups etc. I one way they lived a fulfilled life.
I have some health problems lately and pain is on the first place. My heart, my reason, my faith tell me it is a betrayal of Jesus, at least it is a betrayal of yourself, of what you were speaking and thinking all these years. But no, pain comes on the first place and I can not read, think and what is the worst I forget about everything, I forget about Jesus.
Am I weak, or God is telling me something in his way. Anyway I’ll continue my struggle, even in these parts of the day when my consciousness breaks trough until I get better.
Not just in the prayer but during the whole day one has to seek for the kingdom of God, and his righteousness and the else will come or will not. God knows. God bless you.