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Matthew Chapter 6 Discussion Page 22

Matthew Chapter 6 Discussion Page 22

  • Elder frank rodgers on Matthew 6 - 13 years ago
    this is my first time using your site you are a blessing to the body of christ. students,teachers,pastors,will find this site a must in their studies. MAY (GOD) continue to bless your ministry. elder frank rodgers
  • Barry on Matthew 6 - 13 years ago
    I notice that Gwendolyn had a question concerning
    alms in Matthew 6:1. Her question was what is alms. Alms is another way of saying charity, or
    pro bono work and basically giving of yourself for the sake of others. It is the motive behind what you are doing and why you are doing it. Jesus wants our reason for doing the right thing out of the Love we have for Him. Because some people do good things so others can see how good they are not how good God is.
  • Gwendolyne johnson on Matthew 6 - 13 years ago
    what does the word alms means in matthew 6:1.
  • Lynette on Matthew 6 - 13 years ago
    I love the word of god. He has been there 4 me for years and years.I like matthew a lot.
  • Precious Johnson on Matthew 6:16 - 13 years ago
    I have to disagree with the words of Wesley. God indeed does ENJOIN us to live a certain way. His word itself is a book of commandments. When he Bible reads WHEN, it is say that is WILL happen. He desires and tells us through the Basic Instructions Before Leavin Earth (BIBLE). It is up to us to follow His instructions. He merely gives us an ultimatum, "Live by my Word (Instructions, Commandments, Law...All words used to relate to the WORD), OR suffer the concequences. Bottom line is that we must do what God ENJOINS us to do in order to be what He wants us to be.
  • Dixon on Matthew 6 - 13 years ago
    the first thing you got to put jesus first,because we don't do nothing until you ask jesus first,we must have the faith and pray to the lord in secret,and tell him about our trouble,and leave it in his hand,and believe in your heart god will work it out.
  • Mau on Matthew 6:33 - 13 years ago
    I believe in him, I should find,seek,or put him first and he will answer to all my needs more and more, thank you Jesus.
  • Lou on Matthew 6:3 - 13 years ago
    By not quoting the whole verse and explaining the meaning of the whole verse the real meaning is lost
  • Sophie on Matthew 6 - 13 years ago
    what is verse 22 about ? ...don't seem to make sense of it! i understand eyes are told to be the windows of the soul concept, but what with the "single" eye...don't we have two???? what is Matthew trying to teach me hear?
  • Yilda on Matthew 6:22 - 13 years ago
    I think it refers to your third eye chakra
  • In need on Matthew 6 - 13 years ago
    Dear God... I came today attempting to get a word from you. I had no idea what this chapter was about, but you spoke of that which I "hope" is for me. I am writing here because maybe you will hear my prayer. God I need you, and I know you are aware of my needs, but just maybe you have turned your back on me. God you know just what I can bare and the road is rough...I am unsure just how much I can take. If you would allow me just one more opportunity. I need thee. I am tired, weak, lost and confused. I have nothing but you...i hope, and I am depending on you to grant unto me Grace and Mercy. God Please make a way, for only you can. I beg of thee. I know that I am not worthy, for I am a sinner and have traveled this road before, but here I am and you know my heart. Entrust in me an opportunity to start again. This is my prayer. Amen.
  • Daniel on Matthew 6:33 - 13 years ago
    In seeking the kingdom of God first we will be able to access the blessings of God's kingdom. It is a simple principle which needs not much thought but to do as the bible says. If one tries to reason what this scripture says that is when the devil wil install fear and we start to worry about earthly things.
  • Texas on Matthew 6 - 14 years ago
    what matt-6 means is a fact- fasting must come with the good heart intention for the lord. we are nothing but without the lord. humanly specking let everyone fast, feel, an act, if thats how they show there love for god and jesus christ. when did jesus leave his job and said ok you take over? stop pulling what you want from others, an allow them to do what their heart is telling them. you take care of yours. god will judge not our friends, lovers, husbands, wifes. god only. s. m. san antonio,texas
  • Shuntwanet on Matthew 6 - 14 years ago
    Nothing is nuts about the word of God. If you are controlled by worry how can you live your life free. To worry is to be caught up in the cares of this world. Yes, you have to prepare for certain things in life, but worry is not preparation. It is not of God.
  • Ben Weaver on Matthew 6:15 - 14 years ago
    Our Lord's prayer example before the cross. Since Jesus, the mediator of the new testament, had not yet died, his disciples were still under the law as given to Moses. (please see Heb. 9:15-17. Under that economy, they had to do something to recieve the benefits. Moses says "The man who does those things, shall live by them" ( Rom. 10:5). After the cross, Eph. 4:32 says "Forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake has forgiven you". Also Col. 3:13 says "Even as Christ forgave you, so also do ye. Since the cross, "the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death (Rom.8:2). Before the cross no-one was able to adequately forgive in order to have his own sins forgiven. Those of us that are translated into the kingdom of God ( Col. 1:13) have many benefits that John the baptist and the disciples did not have before the cross. (see Matt. 11:11 & Lu. 22:32). Under the new covenant we are forgiven for Christ's sake and are now able to forgive one another. Willing to be corrected.
  • Ben weaver on Matthew 6:15 - 14 years ago
    Since Jesus, the mediator of the new testamwnt, had not yet died, his disciples were still under the old testament law, which says, if you don't, neither will God. (see Heb. 9:15-17). The new testament writings state "God, for Christ's sake has forgiven you". "The law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death"(Rom.8:2). Those of us that are translated into the Kingdom have many benefits that John the baptist and the disciples did not have before the cross. (see Matt. 11:11 & Lu. 22:32. In the new testament, we are forgiven for Christ's sake and are now able to forgige one another.
  • Joseph on Matthew 6:33 - 14 years ago
    It's a provable statement. Either Jesus was nuts, and telling people crazy talk, or a human being can "not worry" about food or clothes and just focus on God and God will meet their needs.
    I tried it.
    It's really, really hard to actively "not worry".
    If you do it, seriously not worry about any of your needs but just trust that God will take care of it as you seek to do His will, you will be freaked out. Like "red pill, rabbit hole" freaked out.
    Especially when you realize Jesus was telling the truth, about everything.
    But it is hard to do consistently, to just trust God and not worry. And it is kind of nuts. You really don't fit into the world anymore when you do it. And you really start to understand why it was always the religious people killing the prophets in the old days.
  • Jamesking on Matthew 6 - 14 years ago
    glenda thax i agree with that statement and the reality u have give to ur friend molly about a true fasting thanx for that light u have thrown it has touched my soul too.be blessed
  • Glenda on Matthew 6 - 14 years ago
    Molly, Please read these BIBLE verse. I pray that they will help and I am praying for you.I pray that these help you to understand the right and wrong way to fasting. The main thing is that fasting never works without prayer as well.The reason for prayer and fasting is to get closer and hear from GOD. Yes, brush your teeth and rinse your mouth. MATTEW 17;16-21. ACTS 13:2-3, ACTS 14: 23, Fasting and praying with others that believe as you do helps a lot. ACTS 27:33-44 Shows how prayer and fasting works for the good. Notice verses 33-35 how Paul had everyone eat for there own health. True fasting want hurt your health. Be responsable like Paul was.
  • Mild Bill on Matthew 6 - 14 years ago
    In all of scripture I know, I have never seen any rules regarding a fast. I do understand and believe a fast to be a focus of yourself for a particular purpose. However stringent or lax you may be is your call, because you know what it takes to keep your mind about the matters you are presenting to God.
  • Molly on Matthew 6:18 - 14 years ago
    Excellent Scripture! I do understand the concept of fasting but can someone plese teach me how? What are the rules, guidelines, etc? Can I brush my teeth during fasts, can I rinse my mouth throughout the days and nights? Please help!
  • Dlacek on Matthew 6 - 14 years ago
    As I read the chapters of matthew I realize much of what I have not been thinking lately. For instance I have felt very confused lately about giving to those who ask often and loaning to those who ask often even not returning what they borrowed. I came in contact with an elderly lady who is having to move to an apartment because she can't keep up her home any longer. Her home is packed wall to wall with belongings she has gathered over the years. Her caretaker, another lady and I were discussing what a job it will be to clear all of the things out of her house. Most of these were junk like outdated stereos, broken end tables and so on. Then I look at my own home and see the same is happening to me too much clutter. Then I read these chapters today and realize how can we give to others if we are not blessed by what God has given us in the first place. What we have in material things are only things God has blessed us with by his guidance and instructions. Just as we let go of the old to make room for the new so is the way of life. If we hang on to the old man we are left with only a life full of junk if we go with God each day is new and life is everlasting. Praise God for Matthew and this program where I can read online and enlarge the letters. Bless you for this program
  • Glenda on Matthew 6 - 14 years ago
    I have just atended a furnal for a man who just got saved EASTER SUNDAY this year. His wife and children and us friends have been praying for years. He was is the hosptiial and had just discovered that he had lung cancer. Keep praying for your unsaved family. GOD DOES answer prayers.Let's pray for each others unsaved loved one we all have them. Let's pray for GOD to bring them in now so they can do GOD'S work. GOD can save people on their death bed but,wouldn't you like your family actively working in the LORD'S well with you? In my prayers Glenda
  • Angela on Matthew 6:33 - 14 years ago
    God should be priority and first in our lives. Everything we need is in him, and he will supply the need.
  • Javes A. on Matthew 6:33 - 14 years ago
    Seeking God First is our primary in this life. Not second, not third but First. If we seek Him first He will bless us and He will provide everything we need...
  • Glenda on Matthew 6 - 14 years ago
    This chapter in Matthew is one of the most helpfull to me. v.34 tells us to live from day to day.I am disabled and have lots of problems. The way I have been treated in live made it hard for me not to worry about tomorrow. v.12-15 has been the hardest for me to obey. When you have been treated wrong for so long to forgive seems to be the hardest thing to do. I have forgave and moved on with my life in THE LORD.This is not easy but, have wonderful the reward!!!!!
  • Glenda on Matthew 6 - 14 years ago
    The Bible states that The Lord knows our needs before we ask. He's waiting for us to ask. I pray for family, my church family, and people that I know that needs The Lords help. I all ways end my prayers with, "have your way Lord" in what ever I am praying about. That is what Jesus did in the garden. Could or should we do any different?
  • Harry on Matthew 6 - 14 years ago
    anonymous thank you for your most excellent answer, watch pastor Aronald Murry and he tells us to talk to the Lord as if in a conversation and that is what I try to do. and yes He has answered a lot of my prayers, just like your answer here. once again thank you so much
  • Anonymous on Matthew 6 - 14 years ago

    Verses 31 and 32 should be understood in the context established by the verses before and after them. We all vocalize to God our condition of "little faith" when our prayers are focused on material/carnal things(v.25 thru 30). We should talk to him about the more weighty matters of our subjection to his rule so as to obtain "his righteousness"(v.33)in our lives. I'm not saying not to mention our concerns for various perceived needs of this life. After all, as our Lord instructed, we do ask for our daily bread. We also petition God for help as we experience our helplessness in situations which arise. Much the way Peter prayed, "help Lord" when he followed the Lord Jesus's invitation to walk on the water with him, and began to sink.

    In light of your admission to daily repetition of the apostles prayer and Lords prayer, I think you should re-read v.7. In verse 9 when the Lord instructs on how to pray, he says, " After this manner therefore pray ye". It is an outline of how we should pray and the points we should be mindful of as we speak with God. Prayer is a conversation with God. You should review your understanding of whom it is you are talking to and then truthfully tell him what is on your heart/mind. God does answer prayers, the hard thing, in my experience, is hearing him. I will tell you that I hear him as thoughts pop into my mind with insight and clarity, regarding an issue or situation I have brought before him. Most often this is not at the time I am in actual prayer and sometimes many days or weeks later. That could be just the way he deals with me and with others it could be different.

    I hope these thoughts help you. I will pray for you to grow in your prayer life.
  • Harry on Matthew 6 - 14 years ago
    I would like clarification of Matthew ch 6 verse 31 & 32, I start my nightly prayer with the appostiles creed, followed by the lords prayer and then my personal prayer which is usually the same each night, so am i praying the wrong way?

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