King James Version (KJV)

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alms in Matthew 6:1. Her question was what is alms. Alms is another way of saying charity, or
pro bono work and basically giving of yourself for the sake of others. It is the motive behind what you are doing and why you are doing it. Jesus wants our reason for doing the right thing out of the Love we have for Him. Because some people do good things so others can see how good they are not how good God is.
I tried it.
It's really, really hard to actively "not worry".
If you do it, seriously not worry about any of your needs but just trust that God will take care of it as you seek to do His will, you will be freaked out. Like "red pill, rabbit hole" freaked out.
Especially when you realize Jesus was telling the truth, about everything.
But it is hard to do consistently, to just trust God and not worry. And it is kind of nuts. You really don't fit into the world anymore when you do it. And you really start to understand why it was always the religious people killing the prophets in the old days.
Verses 31 and 32 should be understood in the context established by the verses before and after them. We all vocalize to God our condition of "little faith" when our prayers are focused on material/carnal things(v.25 thru 30). We should talk to him about the more weighty matters of our subjection to his rule so as to obtain "his righteousness"(v.33)in our lives. I'm not saying not to mention our concerns for various perceived needs of this life. After all, as our Lord instructed, we do ask for our daily bread. We also petition God for help as we experience our helplessness in situations which arise. Much the way Peter prayed, "help Lord" when he followed the Lord Jesus's invitation to walk on the water with him, and began to sink.
In light of your admission to daily repetition of the apostles prayer and Lords prayer, I think you should re-read v.7. In verse 9 when the Lord instructs on how to pray, he says, " After this manner therefore pray ye". It is an outline of how we should pray and the points we should be mindful of as we speak with God. Prayer is a conversation with God. You should review your understanding of whom it is you are talking to and then truthfully tell him what is on your heart/mind. God does answer prayers, the hard thing, in my experience, is hearing him. I will tell you that I hear him as thoughts pop into my mind with insight and clarity, regarding an issue or situation I have brought before him. Most often this is not at the time I am in actual prayer and sometimes many days or weeks later. That could be just the way he deals with me and with others it could be different.
I hope these thoughts help you. I will pray for you to grow in your prayer life.