Numbers 31:52 MEANING

Numbers 31:52
(52) Sixteen thousand seven hundred and fifty shekels.--This quantity of golden ornaments is quite in harmony with the well-known habits of nomad and even barbarous tribes. The peculiar affection of the Midianites for such ornaments is shown further in the account which is contained in Judges 8:26 of the weight of the golden earrings which were given to Gideon after his victory over that nation.

Verse 52. - Sixteen thousand seven hundred and fifty shekels. If the shekel of weight be taken as 66 of an ounce, the offering will have amounted to more than 11,000 ounces of gold, worth now about £40,000. If, according to other estimates, the golden shekel was worth 30s., the value of the offering will have been some £25,000.

31:48-54 The success of the Israelites had been very remarkable, so small a company overcoming such multitudes, but it was still more wonderful that not one was slain or missing. They presented the gold they found among the spoils, as an offering to the Lord. Thus they confessed, that instead of claiming a reward for their service, they needed forgiveness of much that had been amiss, and desired to be thankful for the preservation of their lives, which might justly have been taken away.And all the gold of the offering that they offered up to the Lord,.... The whole amount, weight, and value of it put together:

even of the captains of thousands, and the captains of hundreds, and perhaps of every common soldier, who might contribute his part, though it is not mentioned, but included in the oblation of the officers:

was 16,750 shekels; which, according to the calculation of a very learned man (i), were 7,780 ounces, four drachms, two scruples, and thirty five grains.

(i) Scheuchzer. Physica Sacr. vol. 2. p. 399.

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