Numbers Chapter 22 Discussion Page 2

  • Cbarz on Numbers 22 - 9 years ago
    My preacher today jus used this as the Sermon...and one of the main things he said is be nice to everyone....because God May place Donkey 's in your life, of course Donkey representing a less respected person...or someone u look down upon....may be the one trying to save your life
  • B.J.Manuel on Numbers 22 - 9 years ago
    Comment on ch22.vs33: The angel was speaking directly to Balaam. The beast of burden had seen the angel, turned from the danger and avoided it 3 times. Balaam in his stubborn madness had blinded himself and did not recognize the miracle of his compassionate animal to spare both their lives. I have seen visually challenged people start to cross a busy street when their faithful guide dog would block the way and help them avoid danger. We all need to be more thankful for what these special creatures do to help us avoid disaster at times. May God be glorified in their work of preventing us from rushing headlong into almost or perhaps altogether certain destruction.
  • Katie on Numbers 22 - 10 years ago
    Roberta and Zelda. Roberta first. What Balaam did wrong was that he didn 't do what God told him to do. God said IF the man come to call thee, rise up and go with them. That isn 't what he did. He woke up and went on his own. The men didn 't come call for him and he didnt go with them. He went along. He had decided he was going regardless. Now Zelda Verse 33 what I think it means is if not for the donkey God would have killed him Balaam and now Balaam is beating the donkey for it. I think God is telling him that since the donkey saw the Angel of the LORD the donkey ended up saving Balaams life and to stop hitting it.
  • Roberta zaremba on Numbers 22 - 10 years ago
    I dont understand why God became angry with Balaam when he did what God told him to do . confusing
  • Zelda on Numbers 22:33 - 11 years ago
    What does this verse mean please translate numbers 22 33
  • Kely muinde on Numbers 22 - 11 years ago
    it is important to hear and do what God requires you to do
  • Christiana on Numbers 22 - 11 years ago
    Balaam I realize is a prophet of God bcos God spoke to him a couple of times and tell him not to go with Balak. he repeatedly refused to go with them but consistently show interest in the worldly presents been offered him. Sometimes we tend to deceive ourselves pretending to love God. As soon as fame,money,etc comes in we compromise our faith. Balaam lost the relationship he has with God through greed and disobedience. Despite God's efforts to save him, he refused to turn back. He gave room to Satan to use him. I think his is a willful sin.
  • Ryan on Numbers 22 - 11 years ago
    God was angered with Balaam because he said to wait for the princes to call him THEN go... but Balaam just went ahead with them (it doesnt mention that they called him to).. the Lord forgave him though, i suppose becuz Balaam didn't really know he did wrong, and Balaam admitted to his sin immediately w/o question, then admitted his ignorance
  • Don Priess on Numbers 22:23 - 11 years ago
    From where did the Angel get the sword
  • Lenora on Numbers 22 - 11 years ago
    in verse #20 the said that God told Balaam to go, but then he became angry when he went what am i missing in this passage.And God came unto Balaam at night, and said unto him, If the men come to call thee, rise up, and go with them; but yet the word which I shall say unto thee, that shalt thou do.
  • Dina S Diaz on Numbers 22 - 11 years ago
    GO Straight do not look to the left or to the right.
  • Tosin on Numbers 22 - 13 years ago
    This chapter appears to be funny to me, but it is full of lessons. Just like chapter 21,God cause fear upon every enemy of his children because he fights for them. TTherefore, enemies of children of God do everything to fight children of God. If you are a child of God, God will protect you in every way. Curse can be reversed on you if you are God's child. Now, tell me why God will not want all those who hate his children not suffer or die. If you are good parent, you might do more to protect your children. So, God will not allow anyone to curse you because you are his child. Perhaps, you are living under curse, this chapter would let you know that the curse could be removed from you. Galatians 3:13 makes it plain that Jesus had taken your curses instead of you. Therefore, if anyone calls himself or herself man or woman of God and is trying to curse you, it will not work in as much you are not sinning and you are God's child. Amen
  • Javier on Numbers 22 - 14 years ago
    It's sad that sometimes in life we get caught up with others, or things that are not of God that we become so spiritually blind that we don't and can't recognize when the lord is speaking to us.

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