Numbers Chapter 27 Discussion

  • GiGi on Numbers 27 - 1 year ago
    Numbers Chapter 27


    The 'mantle' signifies and anointing from God that empowers a leader to do the work of God. Joshua already had the Holy Spirit working in him, but to do this job of leading this people into the land and conquering the peoples that resided there, he needed the anointing that Moses had. So Eleazar laid his hands upon him for the reception of this anointing.

    When the Bible says not to be hasty about the laying on of hands, this is a good example of the wisdom of this verse. Choosing people to serve the body of Christ in leadership is not just a matter of a person wanting to do it or their training or there sincere devotion to God or their talent or who the people want. It is a matter for God to select and appoint, so all involved need to be sensitive to the will of the Holy Spirit in these situations and to anoint only those they are certain God chose.

    This also demonstrates that leaders cannot be self-appointed. They need to be selected by God through others, as demonstrated in this chapter, for the selection of David as king, for the selection of each apostle, for the selection of the writers of Scripture.
  • GiGi on Numbers 27 - 1 year ago
    Num. Ch. 27


    Moses did not make this choice, YHWH did. Moses knew that he was just a man corrupted by sin. But he also knew that YHWH always chooses rightly. In such an important appointment such as this, it was vital for God to appoint the leader, just as God had appointed Moses as the leader.

    Moses set a very good example about bringing matters to the Lord before making decisions, when the people sinned and rebelled, when God brought plagues and death to the camp for sin, and most importantly, in writing the Scriptures as the Spirit moved him. He knew he was not just writing historical accounts, but that God was inspiring him in the writings that are our Scriptures. Even above these things, Moses knew that he was called God's friend and friends foster relationship with one another. Moses must have spent much time in prayer and in the presence of God in the pillar of fire and clouds and in the tent of meeting, as it is stated that he was often there with YHWH and the people would stand and face the tent of meeting while Moses was within. Moses valued building this relationship between himself and the Great God of all. He treasured his privilege that God initiated with him 40 years earlier in the desert at Mr. Horeb. He walked with God for 40 years under tremendous strain and the burden of leading such a people so immense in number.

    Moses was instructed to bring Joshua before Eleazar the high priest to be consecrated to the YHWH as Moses' replacement. All three must have been both happy and sad. Happy to know that YHWH chose Joshua and sad because they knew that Moses would soon die. But as great leaders do, they stayed the course YHWH had put before them and completed the task of consecrating Joshua and presenting him to the people when they were all assembled together.

    The last thing that I noticed was that YHWH told Moses that Joshua would receive from Moses what God had placed on Moses to be a leader and prophet-often called the mantle...cont.
  • GiGi on Numbers 27 - 1 year ago
    NUM. CHAP. 27


    Moses also did not argue with YHWH concerning his pending death. He was 120 years old and ready to join the 'fathers' who had died before him. He had the hope of the heavenly promised land, as Hebrews 11-12 speak of. He did not fight death, but would go the way of all men into death. But he had the hope of eternal life to come. I wonder if it better to not know when you will die or to know. Moses knew that YHWH's will was always true and best. He had spent the last 40 years seeking to know YHWH's will in what he did concerning this time of deliverance from Egypt and sojourning to the land promised to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. He was a faithful servant and thought that God's way was much higher and better than anything he could decide. He desired to do God's will, but like all men, he did fail at times. Meribah was certainly not his only sin in the wilderness, but as the leader God chose to be over these people, he dishonored God whom he was to be a representative for in his anger. God takes this type of sin seriously because it lessons the view of Him before the people he was delivering. How closely we need to watch our example before those who are younger in life and/or faith in our lives. We are to be an example of Christ, imitating Him in our conduct, words, motives, etc. Can we be perfect? No, Moses was not either. But Christ was. So, in this instance, Moses represented all men-we all have sinned. And God will always be God-merciful and gracious, longsuffering and abundant in goodness and truth ( Ex. 34:6) Moses knew first hand of these things God demonstrated to him and the nation that Moses often pleaded for so strongly before Him. God heard Moses and extended mercy each time because Moses was a friend of God.

    The third section of this chapter is the appointing of Joshua as Moses' successor when Moses would die. God told Moses to do this and to appoint Joshua. ...cont.
  • GiGi on Numbers 27 - 1 year ago

    There are three parts to this chapter. Th first part is the daughters of Zelophehad coming to Moses to ask for an inheritance in the promised land as their father had no sons to be inheritors. Moses seeks YHWH for a decision and he gets one-that these daughters of Israel would indeed receive an inheritance in the name of their father and not be left destitute. God's mercy is on show here. He would not let women be without rights to inheritances should there be no male heir. This was the case for Naomi and Ruth later on. Because the husbands of these women (who were Israelites) died in Moab, they were without land unless there was a near kinsman to redeem for them an inheritance. Boaz did so in marrying Ruth and bringing both Ruth and Naomi live in the land of Naomi's father's inheritance.

    In Numbers 27, these five women are named: Mahlah, Noah, Hoglah, Milcah, and Tirzah. they di right by coming straight to Moses instead of gossiping around camp about their plight. They came to Moses respecting his favored position as God's appointed leader. They were not proud, or demanding, but spoke up for themselves willing to accept the decision of Moses because they knew he would seek an answer from YHWH. They came to the one who would intercede for their cause before YHWH just as we come to Jesus to intercede before the Father for us. so, here, Moses typifies Christ.

    YHWH 's reply did give them their request and also instructions on how such situations are to be justly regulated to prevent women from being left destitute and without rights to land, which was what sustained the people at this time as a livelihood.

    The second part is God speaking to Moses about his next steps. He was going to climb up Mt. Abiram (Mt. Nebo) and be allowed a fantastic view of the expanse of the promised land that he knew he would not enter due to his sin at Meribah. Moses was accepting of this privilege with humility and acceptance of God's justice for him. ...cont.
  • David on Numbers 27 - 3 years ago
    Our current government leaves much to desire by way of leadership and love of Scripture. Covid 19 seems over whelming; our economy may be tanking; however, rest assured our Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ is still in charge. Although it seems to be bleak, scripture tells us otherwise. Our redemption will come quickly. Know Jesus Christ-Know Peace; No Jesus Christ-No Peace!

    Read the Bible and trust in His Words.
  • Stanjett - In Reply on Numbers 27 - 5 years ago
    Remember, Jesus was not born yet. They were still under the law of which if a man do them they shall live by them. We all were born in sin. He will be judged by the things done in his body.
  • BSP on Numbers 27 - 6 years ago
    Verse 12~Even though Moses was not allowed to enter the Promised Land, Jehovah God allowed him to see the land. This was a kindness on God's part.
  • A disciple on Numbers 27 - 7 years ago
    Hi Irene; What the daughters of Zelophehad were saying to Moses, was that their father was not a part of the wicked rebellion of Dathan, Abiram, and Korah; (which was as it were, a high-water-mark of the intense envy, hostility and unbelief generally in the whole Nation of Israel); and that "he died in his own sins," I take to mean, generally, as we all have sinned. Does that help?
  • Irene123 on Numbers 27 - 7 years ago
    Num. 26:3 - states that Manasseh died in his own sin; I went to 'Got Questions', but they didn't even mention a sin. I wonder what it was. I'm 'almost' sure it can be figured out if we really study on Korah and then following Manasseh's story, but to save ME the trouble - I th'ot maybe someone else might know ..... ?
  • April on Numbers 27 - 7 years ago
    When I pray to God and have things troubleing me or maybe things that just don't make sense,I talk to him but I also say I mean no disprespect Father, please look into my heart and my mind and know that I mean no disrespect,I really am just wanting to know or perhasp curious,I try to consider that Gods feelings can be upset or hurt as well, and I love our Father and he loves us all,God Bless,Amen.
  • Peter A. Okebukola on Numbers 27 - 8 years ago
    God's ways are not our ways. He had ordained that Moses will take the Israelites out of Egypt up to a point on the way to the Promised Land and Joshua will take over command around Mount Abarim. God implemented this plan in Numbers 27. This tells us that we must leave everything to God and let Him have His way in our life, just as Moses did.
  • Iboro on Numbers 27 - 8 years ago
    Moses resignedly gives over the government of the children of Israel to his right-hand man, Joshua, as the Lord commanded. This expression of prize meekness is reminiscent of Christ who died, resurrected and ascended into Heaven to summon our Comforter, the Holy Spirit.This, among others, is an attitude which every born-again minister ought to have.
  • Michael Ebhodaghe on Numbers 27 - 9 years ago
    God is full of mercy and just. He feels what will feels. That is why he listen to the demands of the daugters of Zelophehad. We should learn to do the same as his children. Also God expect us to speak as his children and present our desire to him in the most modest way.
  • Eileen on Numbers 27 - 10 years ago
    We are certainly living in the time of grace and mercy such a faithful man, the meekest man on earth but yet because of one disobedient he mist the promise land. thank you Jesus for extending mercy because we would all be lost.
  • Carolyn Davis on Numbers 27 - 11 years ago
    Women needed to speak up and they did
  • Fakolujo Oluwafunmike on Numbers 27 - 11 years ago
    Moses intercede for d people bt there is no one to intercede for him. Despite d fact that he will not get to d land he still pray for a leader to lead d people in his absence , what a great man of example .
  • Skinnymoose on Numbers 27 - 11 years ago
    God allowed Moses to see the Promised Land. But already God had said that Moses would never enter it ( Numbers 20:12). God reminded Moses why he would not enter the Promised Land. It was because Moses had not obeyed God at Meribah. So like the rest of his generation, Moses would die before he could enter the Promised Land.
  • S. Lynn on Numbers 27 - 12 years ago
    From my understanding of the reading, God needed
    Moses to complete his calling before he joined
    Aaron. They both displeased him in the wilderness
    of Zin. Because he loved both of them so dearly
    due to their faithful service, their deaths were
    in honor and peace still before the people.
  • Toby Williams on Numbers 27 - 14 years ago
    Shows women gain the same inheritance in the new testament God is no respect of persons there is neither male nor female in the spirit. I like how God handed over their fathers inheritance to the 5 duaghters.

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