YHWH is renewing the Sinai covenant with this new generation, laying down to them the law by which they are to live and how they are to worship and serve Him in the land they are about to enter that they will receive by His promise. This new generation cannot ride in on the vows made by their parents/grandparent. They will need to be instructed as their parents/grandparents were at Sinai and give assent to the covenant as their predecessors did. They cannot go into the promised land on what was vowed by others. They will need to make their own vows to YHWH at this crucial time,
In a sense, this mirrors our own conversions. We cannot become right with God based on our parents' conversion experiences. We each are to be individually called and drawn by the Holy Spirit, regenerated, and brought to faith by God in the same way as all who have been converted before us.
Also, we cannot piggy back of the faith of our parents in being in a right relationship with God. We are to make use of the faith availed to us by the Holy Spirit to believe of our own volition and commitment to Him. No one else can believe for us but ourselves. No one else can be converted for us.
I am glad that God works in and with us individually in coming to Him and sustaining us in our faith and life in Christ. It is a personal experience and journey that is done within the family of God, the body of Christ, but we must have a faith of our own and a relationship with our Lord personally as we are fitted into the body of Christ for eternity.
In this chapter, instructions are given about keeping of vows, the obligation of a father or husband if a woman under their headship makes a vow, of widows and divorced woman who have no man to be subject to.
Each of these situations has different instructions, but it is consistently emphasized that a woman is under the authority of her father or husband when it comes to making and keeping vows. It is not explained why the vows of women differs that those of men, but it does mention that women are to be subject to the man who has headship over her. Men do not have such limits as the woman. Whereas a woman's vows can be either affirmed and binding should the man agree or simply not give any response over time; or the woman's vow can be voided if the man speaks up to do so, then the woman is not bound t fulfill her oath.
Men, widows, and divorced women are commanded to keep the vows and oaths they swear to and not go back on them.
God take such oaths/vows seriously. The text do not speak about what the vows/oaths pertain to, but perhaps it relates to:
-vows made to God to set aside oneself, one's property, member of one's household for the Lord's work
-vows made to God concerning an offering or tithe
-vows made in a marriage
-vows made in business''
-vows made between brethren
While we expect to make good on all He has sworn to do and fulfill what He has promised. we often may make an oath or vow halfheartedly, disingenuously, deceitfully, or without any intention of fulfilling it. These sins are serious to the Lord as they have to do with being trustworthy and/or faithful; honest and/or sincere; fair and/or just.
The Israelites vowed to YHWH at Sinai to live by the covenant God had offered to them. They soon broke their vow over and over again up to this point in Numbers. In this chapter, YHWH continues to reiterate what was involved in the covenant at Sinai to this generation's parents and grandparents. Now it is their turn to hear the covenant from GOD
If you confessed Jesus and accepted him into your heart according to Rom 10:9;10 then your qualify to spend eternity with Jesus. You are now saved from Death and Hell, but your heart hasn't been fully converted. God places in us a "small, pure Jesus heart" once we get saved but this is only the start of our journey and dare I say "struggles" This new heart must now grow and become more and more like Jesus everyday. We have to die daily ( 1 Cor 15:31) We must decrease and Jesus must Increase. ( Rom 8:5-8)( 2 Cor 3:3). We still have our old nature even though we are saved. It takes work to change into what Jesus wants us to be ( 2 Tim 3:16,17) It is almost normal to struggle with sin on a daily basis, even habitual sin but this is why Jesus died for us, We need to repent daily. Confess that sin daily. This is where many Christians miss the mark. We all believed that once we are saved then we are perfect immediately. Not so. You can in theory go into eternity with that habitual sin still in your heart. You will have to confess it then. ( 2 Tim 2:15 says "Study to show thyself approved unto God" Study takes work) . Read Gal 5:19, Mark 7:21. We all will struggle with sin until we die. It is just a question of how much we have laid down at the cross. Remember we must forgive 70 x 7. That includes ourselves. Our old heart must become like the new heart. Gal 5:19 must become Gal 5:22. But it takes time and lots of repentance. Hang on to your salvation, don't let Satan tell you you won't make it. Also read ( Rom 2: 29)
Now days we make our vows at the wedding. Will you or will you not take this woman? Hmmmm, like me think... .well, yeah, I guess I will. And we been married for over 50 years.
@Lynn- Matthew 5:32 - But I say unto you, That whosoever shall put away his wife, saving for the cause of fornication, causeth her to commit adultery: and whosoever shall marry her that is divorced committeth adultery.
A woman that I used to date, wanted to marry me. So I went and talked to her father, he gave me his blessing. Later on down the road, she broke up with me. This verse shows me that she broke her vow. Am I right to say that?
Lynn, it is fact that God forgives truly repented people that have been through a divorce evidenced by the beginning of this chapter Nu. 30:9 says, "But every vow of a widow, and of her that is divorced, where with they have bound her that souls, shall stand against her". That's more true now we are under a better agreement because John 1:17 say, "For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ ". Glory be to God in the highest through our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ! Amen.
This chapter shows the honour that God have for the man in the home. To confirm the garden of Eden 's verdict in Genesis 3 16c. This should serve as an eye opener to all, that though a man maybe poor or small in stature, as long as he is married and or a father, God has great respect for whatever he approves or dis approves in his immediate family.
_Rosalina_Sayson_Ko_Tapay_ on Numbers 30 - 11 years ago
Numbers Chapter 30 pertains to a vow made by a woman that while she is under her father's care, her vow could be ineffective if his father disallow her. same goes to a woman under his husband's care, her vow could be ineffective if his husband disallow her. BUT, for the woman who is a WIDOW or DIVORCED, being without husband to disallow her with her vows therefore she shall stand on her vows.
Pattylabelle662@gmail.com on Numbers 30 - 11 years ago
This law & vow and seems tome a Marriage vow,or an aught, that the daughter has said to the father, can this law and vows means or be also deferent things?
When u make a vow you are making an aught, that means also that you,ve to keep up to your word.
In a sense, this mirrors our own conversions. We cannot become right with God based on our parents' conversion experiences. We each are to be individually called and drawn by the Holy Spirit, regenerated, and brought to faith by God in the same way as all who have been converted before us.
Also, we cannot piggy back of the faith of our parents in being in a right relationship with God. We are to make use of the faith availed to us by the Holy Spirit to believe of our own volition and commitment to Him. No one else can believe for us but ourselves. No one else can be converted for us.
I am glad that God works in and with us individually in coming to Him and sustaining us in our faith and life in Christ. It is a personal experience and journey that is done within the family of God, the body of Christ, but we must have a faith of our own and a relationship with our Lord personally as we are fitted into the body of Christ for eternity.
Each of these situations has different instructions, but it is consistently emphasized that a woman is under the authority of her father or husband when it comes to making and keeping vows. It is not explained why the vows of women differs that those of men, but it does mention that women are to be subject to the man who has headship over her. Men do not have such limits as the woman. Whereas a woman's vows can be either affirmed and binding should the man agree or simply not give any response over time; or the woman's vow can be voided if the man speaks up to do so, then the woman is not bound t fulfill her oath.
Men, widows, and divorced women are commanded to keep the vows and oaths they swear to and not go back on them.
God take such oaths/vows seriously. The text do not speak about what the vows/oaths pertain to, but perhaps it relates to:
-vows made to God to set aside oneself, one's property, member of one's household for the Lord's work
-vows made to God concerning an offering or tithe
-vows made in a marriage
-vows made in business''
-vows made between brethren
While we expect to make good on all He has sworn to do and fulfill what He has promised. we often may make an oath or vow halfheartedly, disingenuously, deceitfully, or without any intention of fulfilling it. These sins are serious to the Lord as they have to do with being trustworthy and/or faithful; honest and/or sincere; fair and/or just.
The Israelites vowed to YHWH at Sinai to live by the covenant God had offered to them. They soon broke their vow over and over again up to this point in Numbers. In this chapter, YHWH continues to reiterate what was involved in the covenant at Sinai to this generation's parents and grandparents. Now it is their turn to hear the covenant from GOD
how to understand this verse? can a father/husband void a vow at all?
or a father/husband confirmed the vow and daughter/wife failed to keep it, then father/husband shall bear her iniquity?
When u make a vow you are making an aught, that means also that you,ve to keep up to your word.
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