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GOD MAY POSSIBLY answer our individual prayers with this Part IV on Revelation 12 - 4 years ago
Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed? (For after all these things do the Gentiles seek:) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things. But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof ( Matthew 6:24-34)." Therefore then, brethren, if we "serve God" INSTEAD of serving mammom, AND if we obey Him by HEARING (obeying) His Beloved Son, in whom He is well pleased, and seek we FIRST the kingdom of
I'm a Christian early in life, that strayed away from gods flock , I'm week in God's word, but I pray each day for forgiveness, I carrier heavy burden, I know God will forgive me, but I'm having trouble forgiving
Myself, I hurt inside, I want to make my life right with God, that why that I hope you would pray for me and ask to give me strength and forgiveness, thankyou for listening, my God be with all of us, Mike
GOD MAY POSSIBLY answer our individual prayers with this Part III on Revelation 12 - 4 years ago
Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they? Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature? And why take ye thought for raiment? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin: And yet I say unto you, That even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. Wherefore, if God so clothe the grass of the field, which to day is, and to morrow is cast into the oven, shall he not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith? Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Where
GOD MAY POSSIBLY answer our individual prayers with this Part II on Revelation 12 - 4 years ago
Lying IS a sin, and neither GOD the Father, nor GOD the Son, nor GOD the Holy Ghost (GOD's Holy Spirit), can sin! Therefore, we KNOW that the GOD the Son ALWAYS told the TRUTH! That means that the following quotes from GOD the Son are THE TRUTH! "No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon. Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment? Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor
GOD MAY POSSIBLY answer our individual prayers with this Part I on Revelation 12 - 4 years ago
GOD said before John the Baptist: "This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased ( Matthew 3:17)." GOD later said, before Peter, James, James' brother John, Moses, and Elias--who IS John the Baptist: "This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased; hear ye him ( Matthew 17:5)." If we want to obey God, and "hear...him (His Beloved Son Jesus Christ), one of the things the Lord Jesus--our Savior said was this: "But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you ( Matthew 6:33)." The Lord Jesus Christ IS NOT a liar, for GOD CANNOT LIE! Lying IS a sin, and neither GOD the Father, nor GOD the Son, nor GOD the Holy Ghost (GOD's Holy Spirit)
Good morning. I am harry kim from Jinju city, east southern part of south korea. I am alone christian in my family. Would you pray for my hometown Jinju city? Because Jin ju has lowest christian rate in our country.(Only 2.2% are christians) Not many church and gospel band. So We need prayer to revive this city and to break the chain(Jinju city is mostly filled with buddism and sharmnism idolatry-worshiping dead anscestor). Especially, My father is forcing me to deny faith for Jesus Christ. It's too hard. Thank you.
I ask to find my wallet and phone.I ask to get rid of my insomnia and sleep paralysis.get money and food.help move to my new place.get rid of matt and blake. get my drivers license unsuspended ,cure my dad's cancer.get my car tags legal.grow my tooth back,get rid of what is keeping me out of relationships and keep getting rid of what is making keep getting rejection.
Please pray for the world and that a vaccine is found to stop the coronavirus. That the people of the United States will stand as one to stop the spread of the virus and be as one even after. Pray that God will put his loving arms of protection around each and every one of us. In Jesus name Amen.
Please pray that God will deliver me now, out of the hands of Satan's people for good. They've destroyed me my entire life,and I am tired. Please go before the LORD in agreement with me in prayer for this. Thank you.
Did you receive my comment about how the coronavirus is the curse God and is using it to smite the earth with, for Elijah not turning the hearts of the fathers to the children and the children hearts to the fathers?! I was 59 when the lady I talked about, was 27 and when I told her if we agreed to get married, they might drop my charges. When I did she excitedly questioned "really?!". The main trouble with me was what I had with the Raiders, and I never told her about it, but they might have submitted to me if the Court resisted to my agreement with her, in which the Raiders would have received me more expediently. Now the curse can only get worse. I'v never put my situation so concise!
Calif can't find my birth certificate. Without it, I can not renew my driver's license. I can't purchase a rifle. I can't collect my Social Security. I can not vote. Please pray that they will look for it and FIND it. Thank you in advance.
When I was invited by some Christians to attend a Christian retreat that the CHRISTIANS told ME that THEY would pay for THEMSELVES, JUST so that I could come--I declined--BECAUSE I feared I had to ask permission to go ANYWHERE (though I was IN COLLEGE, MANY MANY MANY miles and hours AWAY from my Satanic family)! Well, I told NO ONE of that retreat-not even my best friend from back home. Well, I recieved a call from one of my family members, telling me that they were checking to see if I was in my dormitory room/in town, BECAUSE ANOTHER Satanic family member had TOLD THEM that I'd be out of town, and to call to PROVE it to check! I had told NO ONE! The one who called me that day is a liar
They have stolen my mail, then even told me so, LITERALLY, with some other lie to explain why they'd been walking around for WEEKS or DAYS with MY MAIL in THEIR briefcase, telling me, "oh, I thought you'd told me you were looking for a PACKAGE from XYZ institution NOT a LETTER!" ANY lie will do! They mess with the phone lines so that I dial CAREFULLY to call XYZ institution, and instead I reach some hacker or whatever, asking me for my checking account number, feigning to be the bank that I'd just so CAREFULLY dialed/called. BEFORE I can even answer, the phone line is CUT! I didn't hang up accidentally, and I was the ONLY person in the entire home! When I was invited by some Christians
SO, I try to get hired to earn enough money to go live AWAY from their control, they erase my job applications, erase and block my phone messages (voicemail, answering machine), cause whatever vehicle that I'm reliant upon to stop working (they used to LITERALLY unhook one car's battery when I'd be inside somewhere, so I'd come outside to the battery having been unhooked. When I decided to tighten it up in such a way that they could NOT play that game, they took tools and stripped the car battery holder so tightly into place, that I could NOT move it to shift it to hold the battery anymore). They have stolen my mail, then even told me so, LITERALLY, with some other lie to explain why they'd
Please pray that God will PLEASE tell me where I may go to live NOW, PLEASE! AND, if He does NOT will that, then that He will PLEASE will that I will be ALLOWED, and blessed by HIM to SUCCEED in FINALLY finishing up my personal project to learn His laws, statutes, commandments, and ordinances. I IDENTIFIED ALL of them in Moses' 5 books and in Matthew's book by EARLY last year. But EVERY TIME I try to finish the project in ANY manner-Satan's people STOP me. SO I try again and again, they CONTINUE to stop me. SO, I try to get hired to earn enough money to go live AWAY from their control, they erase my job applications, erase and block my phone messages (voicemail, answering machine),
Anonymous Thank you for praying to all those who do thanks Part V Clarification - 4 years ago
Sorry, when I'd written "a complete stranger kept telling me he smelled bug spray, and asking me about it," in part III of my prayer requests, I wanted to clarify that that stranger had to come out and check something for the home. He was NOT in my living quarters (within the home), but on a separate floor, in a separate are BELOW my space. I assumed, because of past reasons, that the bug spray smell must have been on my person, or that the homeowner just sprayed in the area below my space, which, with air pressure in the home, would be sucked up into my living quarters. SORRY, just didn't want to seem like I was doing something wrong with having a stranger in someone else's home. Thanks.
Anonymous Thank you for praying to all those who do thanks Part IV LAST - 4 years ago
Please beseech God FOR me, that He will walk me out-lead me out NOW. If you can pray to GOD and ask HIM to confirm my words, and get an answer back from HIM (not spirit deceiving), PLEASE DO, I KNOW that my words (without having added MORE WRITING to PROVE my claims) ARE hard to believe, but don't "friend of Job" me, brethren, just know that some brothers and sisters are being hit by Satan's people in secret, in ways that SOUND UNBELIEVABLE...but are 100%, sadly true. THANKS, for whatever you can do via prayer. I love you, brethren/family-in-Christ, AMEN!
Anonymous Thank you for praying to all those who do thanks Part III - 4 years ago
She's causing a LOT of other health problems, and even the bug spray that she sprays multiple times a day and night into my living quarters (NOT for bugs, but JUST to sicken me) a complete stranger kept telling me he smelled bug spray, and asking me about it, but I'd NOT mentioned to him ANYTHING about ANY bug spray. I couldn't even smell it at the times he'd smelled it, because I'm so used to smelling it in MUCH STRONGER bursts. This has and IS causing a LOT more health problems than I've mentioned, one is a pain that is related to circulation, but even now, I have to inhale this spray AGAIN. This has been going on for over a year now. Please beseech God FOR me, that He will walk me out-le
Anonymous Thank you for praying to all those who do thanks Part II - 4 years ago
I'm the one who requested prayer for the extreme abuse sicknesses caused. I do NOT feel sick ALL day, EVERYDAY! NO (lest ye worry)! It used to be when I would be showering in order to go leave somewhere, and it wasn't EVERY time! MOST times, I'd get EXTREME lethargy only. But now she's gone to making me sick nightly. I can't take such sickness every night. Even if it IS milder, it's still bad, the nausea, and then the difficulty breathing . She feels angry when people leave her home, so she does things to try to stop that from happening. I try to work on things, and she puts a stop to it, so every day is futile. She's causing a LOT of other health problems, and even the bug spray that she
I need a prayer request for my heart and chest, because i feel something not right and need it fixed as as soon as possible. I need heeling of my neck and knees please.... This is Urgent .....I need Deep Prayer right away please. I need also healing of my eyes and brain. I need healing of my energey as well and healing of my whole body please.
Anonymous Thank you for praying to all those who do thanks - 4 years ago
Please pray that God will tell me the solution/what to do. I am in an extreme abuse situation (being deliberately made sick by the home owner--vomiting uncontrollably, and being made sick enough to pass out, difficulty breathing, hair falling out to the touch, etc.). The home owner performs witchcraft (like MANY of my elders, sadly), so that she has God's power (through Satan-like in Job's case), to stop me from doing things and destroy things I've done (when allowed to do things) to get out of this situation. If I go somewhere, she enjoys telling me the name(s) of who I spoke with, what I said, what was announced over the P.A. system, etc. My prayers need agreeance with you all's for help
I really need a supernatural encounter in my life truly.
I am unemployed and been doing business for past few years and I cant make it.Its so difficult cause my business cant win any contracts eveyehere I try they turn my company down.Im struggling so much financially.Please help me in this situation of my business.
Prayer for God to bind satan and all evil, wicked, lying, oppressing, depressing, persecuting, afflicting, condemning, hating, malice, threatening, bullying, tormenting, foul and unclean spirits and their strongmen into the Abyss away from my children, grandson & I, never to return. Prayer for God's hedge protection for me, my children & grandson, our apartments, cars , health, jobs, and all of possessions that we own to be covered in the Blood of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Prayer for God to loose His Warring angels to protect us and for God's presence, power, anointing and peace to loosed in our Presence and apartments or anywhere we are and may go or be in Jesus Christ Name. Prayer for God'
Maybe we all need to hear some prayers answered praise reports? It helps to know answers are coming to those in here, that we lift up in prayer.
Don't allow the busyness of life to de-rail you from lighting a candle of hope as you pray for Gods intervention in family members lives. Read the psalms where David was surrounded by enemies, lied about and accused, plotted against by his own son Absalom. Most of all: fight back in prayer. Call those things that be not (yet) as tho they are. Let the children know their mother/grandma is praying for them. Let your own shaky faith stand up and start fighting back. Leave the credit cards at home. Live within your income. It hurts but it works.
Please pray for God to remove every wrong relationship in Tellervo's life. She is my wife. Pray for Jesus to save her. Reconciliation for our marriage. Pray for our three children. Their mental balance. Pray for my health. Monetary situation. Protection to our family against evil people and against COVID19. Pray for God to intervene in this situation now. God bless you
Myself, I hurt inside, I want to make my life right with God, that why that I hope you would pray for me and ask to give me strength and forgiveness, thankyou for listening, my God be with all of us, Mike
I really need a supernatural encounter in my life truly.
I am unemployed and been doing business for past few years and I cant make it.Its so difficult cause my business cant win any contracts eveyehere I try they turn my company down.Im struggling so much financially.Please help me in this situation of my business.
Don't allow the busyness of life to de-rail you from lighting a candle of hope as you pray for Gods intervention in family members lives. Read the psalms where David was surrounded by enemies, lied about and accused, plotted against by his own son Absalom. Most of all: fight back in prayer. Call those things that be not (yet) as tho they are. Let the children know their mother/grandma is praying for them. Let your own shaky faith stand up and start fighting back. Leave the credit cards at home. Live within your income. It hurts but it works.