What if two Christians marry without having love in the first place and knew they should never have gotten married. The consequences are shame, guilt, pain, health issues etc etc. As a couple we keep saying Not my will but yours Lord. We still have at the back of our mind ... are we kidding ourselves when one spouse does not feel anything but pity in a sense.
Other translations of this verse state "whoever errs by these is not wise ". Ephesians 5 18 states "Be ye not filled with wine, wherein is excess, but be filled with the Holy Spirit ". To me, Ephesians 5 18 speaks volumes. If you break down the language that is being used you 'll find 1 wine and the Holy Spirit cannot exist together be ye not filled with wine, but be filled with the Holy Spirit. The usage of the conjunction "but " implies it has to be one or the other. 2 Some feel that the phrase "wherein is excess " means drunkenness or a large consumption... That a drink is ok. Personally I don 't find that to be the case. I think the verse conveys, by that statement, that any consumption leads to excess. Look at it this way if I were to take an empty glass and fill it, it has volume, however, if I take the same empty glass and place a drop of water into it, what have I done? By no means is it "full ", but it is more "filled " than it was initially. I feel this verse cautions against any intake, no matter how much or how little. May the love of the Father be ever with you.
This is a awesome and powerfull verse. I love it!!
This goes back to just putting your trust in God and believing on Him and He will put you on the path He designed just for you. Be blessed!
Proverbs 20:11 is one of the very best verses to start teaching a little child with. Even a 3-year old can under stand the simple wording. There is no chastising in this verse, only observational teaching that tells a child "You show me who you are by how you behave!" It will echo in their spirits in strategic times.
so my dad has raised me to beleive that drinking any form of beer or wine is a sin and I feel like wine or alcohol itself isn't bad... i know that the bible talks about being a drunkard and how thats bad.
but I have yet to find in the bible where it actually says drinking is a sin.
if ya'll have a verse i would definitely be interested in knowing it. my dad cant give me a verse that says that he's given me this verse. Provebs 20:1 but it just tells the effects of being drunk or drinking too much..
Mercy and truth preserve the king: and his throne is upholden by mercy. ( proverbs 20:28) It is important that we focus on Mercy and Honesty; For we must forgive........And I say again "WE MUST FORGIVE!" For if we don't forgive; not only do we not get forgiven by God, but we go on through life in death: Death meaning a loss of anything productive like: Peace, Joy, Wealth, Health, Time; Just in general a loss in the abundance of everything good in your life. Cause Peace, Love, Joy, is true life, and very good, but grudges stops and destroys the consistency of true life; witch makes grudges one of the most dangerous possessions' in are life,
The spirit of man is the living part of man
James said the body without the spirit is dead
Jesus freed all men from sin from Adam to the last man to be born on earth 1rst. Cor; 15.22
The spirit of man goes back to the father who gave it At the return of christ the spirit will be
given a new immortal body Ever to be with the LORD
Personally over te week l took 2 bottles of beer at 2 different places and at night l sleep off l could not pray b/4 sleeping and l again could not pray at dawn. So any thing that can deprive me not to pray equally deprive me to get into the Kingdom of Heaven .So in simple any person that aim of Heaven should abstain from strong drink and beer
Now we sons of God should let our light shine before men so that they may see our good works and glorify our Father that is in heaven Matthew 5:16, we must try hard to yield pure works; most of the time it will demand all our diligence.
My view of Proverbs 20 is that; Righteousness belongs to Kings; and as Kings and Queens, we must remember that God is the source of all fruitful Spiritual abilities that we posses. So we must always check ourselves daily for any kind of pride or self value; that we may be more aware that all we have is only God's glory, that we are supposed to give back to him with interest; So that we don't fall into vengeance and wrath, and evil speaking of one another and all uncleanness that could keep us from passing down righteousness and to walk as children, and hold us back from being in line with God's word. Because all of the instructions that are in Proverbs 20, it is impossible for us to follow faithfully if we don't first HUMBLE ourselves, seek God's presence every day, and trust and rely on him to cause us to keep us from being unfaithful, and stop us from being deceitful, and free us from being lazy, and keep our minds open, to take advantage of every moment that becomes available for us to give him his glory. For we only live to glorify God almighty, that we may heed to every instruction in his word, and live error free. And all those who Love God, strongly desire to live error free: and believe they can through God’s assistances; because without faith it is impossible to please God, and without humility we cannot be with him, now and forevermore. God bless you saints.
No matter what people say or do to you we have to pray and give it to God because his word says that he shall repay them, no weapon formed against us shall prosper as long as we believe God’s word and promises. Well have a good day. Be honest with yourself. God bless you all.
Timothy Wayne George on Proverbs 20 - 12 years ago
Proverbs 20:7 A just man walks in his integrity, and his children are blessed after him. God measures blessing different than the way men measure blessing. Jesus said a man's life does not consist of the abundance of the things that he has. When we teach our children to love God with all our heart, mind, soul, and strength, which is the first commandment. The second is to love our neighbor as ourselves, our children will be blessed. These books of the law shall thou meditate on day, and night then you will have good success. We have been blessed with all spiritual blessing in heavenly places. So we must pass our godly heritage to our children, and the Lord will bless their posterity.
PRESERVING ,glorifying ,and satisfying "SELF" is the culprit.I AM my own worst enemie!satan, a close second.then the worldly stuff..SAY something nice to someone today .it takes an effort.
FOR ME, THE LOVE OF THE EFFECT of alcohol kept me bound to it .covering up inner pains ,alcohol etc.was the solution..NOW,JESUS IS HEALING THE INNER PAINS ,JESUS IS THE ONLY SOLUTION..JESUS LOVES ME VERY MUCH.
Be careful who you hang out with, there are some christians who are ungodly still, anyone whose relationship with you brings you closer to God is good for you, great minds discuss ideas, great works of God, small minds(tale bearers)!
Ch 20 (vs 1&17) vs1 warns against deception! On the surface its about wine and whiskey, but the deeper meaning is the drink of false religion
For no booze can compete with the deception of doctrines of devils! See Rev.18: Mama Babylon offers the wine of her fornication to the whole world. And vs.17 dovetails with vs1; "Bread of deceit is sweet to man; but afterwards his mouth shall be filled with gravel".Also we see Mama Babylon offering her bread (fine flour & wheat) Rev.18;13 So vs 1&17 warns against the wine & bread of deceit. Its Mama Babylon the Mother of Harlots "unholy communion"! The picture of a
" mouth full of gravel" speaks of a hangover in hell.
Vs. 9 - answer is "Only the ones who have been drinking the wine and eating the bread of deceit". Every one that loves Jesus, knows the correct answer is no one! Only God can make a heart clean and purify from sin.
Vs.5 Council in the heart of man is like deep water; but a man of understanding will draw it out. There is no one but Jesus who qualifies for this "Man of Understanding".Jesus said in John 15;13&14 - "Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth; for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear,that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come. He shall glorify me: for he shall receive of mine and shew it unto you."And in 1Cor.2;10 The Spirit searches all things,yea, the deep things of God. He alone draws out counsel from the heart of man, like deep water. What a wonderful counselor!!!
verse 14: buyer complains about prices and the products worth, then brags about the great bargain he got after he talks seller down in price, dishonest and greedy
this is talking about unfair weights and measures, how people buy and sell unfairly
by using grapes or what kind of grain, they harvest. many times God was angry at this conduct of his people, verse 11 continues on similar subject about work being pure , and weather it be right, even a child would know.
This goes back to just putting your trust in God and believing on Him and He will put you on the path He designed just for you. Be blessed!
but I have yet to find in the bible where it actually says drinking is a sin.
if ya'll have a verse i would definitely be interested in knowing it. my dad cant give me a verse that says that he's given me this verse. Provebs 20:1 but it just tells the effects of being drunk or drinking too much..
The spirit of man is the living part of man
James said the body without the spirit is dead
Jesus freed all men from sin from Adam to the last man to be born on earth 1rst. Cor; 15.22
The spirit of man goes back to the father who gave it At the return of christ the spirit will be
given a new immortal body Ever to be with the LORD
LD Johnson
In India thousands of people die due to this bad habit.
For no booze can compete with the deception of doctrines of devils! See Rev.18: Mama Babylon offers the wine of her fornication to the whole world. And vs.17 dovetails with vs1; "Bread of deceit is sweet to man; but afterwards his mouth shall be filled with gravel".Also we see Mama Babylon offering her bread (fine flour & wheat) Rev.18;13 So vs 1&17 warns against the wine & bread of deceit. Its Mama Babylon the Mother of Harlots "unholy communion"! The picture of a
" mouth full of gravel" speaks of a hangover in hell.
Vs. 9 - answer is "Only the ones who have been drinking the wine and eating the bread of deceit". Every one that loves Jesus, knows the correct answer is no one! Only God can make a heart clean and purify from sin.
Vs.5 Council in the heart of man is like deep water; but a man of understanding will draw it out. There is no one but Jesus who qualifies for this "Man of Understanding".Jesus said in John 15;13&14 - "Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth; for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear,that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come. He shall glorify me: for he shall receive of mine and shew it unto you."And in 1Cor.2;10 The Spirit searches all things,yea, the deep things of God. He alone draws out counsel from the heart of man, like deep water. What a wonderful counselor!!!
by using grapes or what kind of grain, they harvest. many times God was angry at this conduct of his people, verse 11 continues on similar subject about work being pure , and weather it be right, even a child would know.