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Viewing the 1611 King James Version of Psalmes (Psalms) Chapter 129, also known as: THE BOOKE OF Psalmes. , Psalms, Pslm, Ps, Psalm, Psa, Psm, Pss,.
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1 An exhortation to praise God for sauing Israel in their great afflictions. 5 The haters of the Church are cursed.
1[A song of degrees.] Many a time haue they afflicted me from my youth: may Israel now say.1
2Many a time haue they afflicted me from my youth: yet they haue not preuailed against mee.
3The plowers plowed vpon my backe: they made long their furrowes.
4The Lord is righteous: hee hath cut asunder the cordes of the wicked.
5Let them all be confounded and turned backe, that hate Zion.
6Let them bee as the grasse vpon the house tops: which withereth afore it groweth vp:
7Wherewith the mower filleth not his hand: nor hee that bindeth sheaues, his bosome.
Original 1611 KJV Sidenote References for Psalms Chapter 129
1 Or, much.
* Some content courtesy of Rare Book and Manuscript Library, University of Pennsylvania
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