Psalms 135:13 MEANING

Psalm 135:13
(13) This verse is from Exodus 3:15.

Verse 13. - Thy Name, O Lord, endureth forever. The result of God's marvelous doings (vers. 6-12) is that "his Name endureth forever" - can never be forgotten - attracts to itself eternal praise and honor. And thy memorial (or, "thy remembrance") throughout all generations (comp. Psalm 102:12).

135:5-14 God is, and will be always, the same to his church, a gracious, faithful, wonder-working God. And his church is, and will be, the same to him, a thankful, praising people: thus his name endures for ever. He will return in ways of mercy to them, and will delight to do them good.Thy name, O Lord, endureth for ever,.... The Lord himself endures for ever, in his nature, being, and perfections; and the fame of him, the fame of those acts of power and goodness before mentioned: the name of Christ endures for ever; his person and offices, his Gospel, which is his name; his children and people, who are called by his name, and in whom his name is perpetuated; the fame of his wondrous works in nature, providence, and grace; and especially of his great work of redemption and salvation;

and thy memorial, O Lord, throughout all generations; or "the remembrance of them to, generation and generation"; to every age; the love of Christ is remembered by his people in every age, the blessings of his grace in redemption, justification, pardon, &c. and cannot be forgotten as long as his Gospel is preached, the ordinances of baptism and the Lord's supper administered, and he has a people in the world, all which will be as long as the sun and moon endure, there will be a memorial of him.

Courtesy of Open Bible