Verse 10. - The Lord shall reign forever (comp. Psalm 10:16; Psalm 145:13). Even thy God, O Zion, unto all generations. On the restoration of Israel to its own land, Jehovah becomes emphatically once more "the God of Zion" (see Zechariah 2:10; Zechariah 8:3). And this he remains "to all generations," since the Church of Christ is now the true Zion (Hebrews 12:22). Praise ye the Lord (see ver. 1).
146:5-10 The psalmist encourages us to put confidence in God. We must hope in the providence of God for all we need as to this life, and in the grace of God for that which is to come. The God of heaven became a man that he might become our salvation. Though he died on the cross for our sins, and was laid in the grave, yet his thoughts of love to us did not perish; he rose again to fulfil them. When on earth, his miracles were examples of what he is still doing every day. He grants deliverance to captives bound in the chains of sin and Satan. He opens the eyes of the understanding. He feeds with the bread of life those who hunger for salvation; and he is the constant Friend of the poor in spirit, the helpless: with him poor sinners, that are as fatherless, find mercy; and his kingdom shall continue for ever. Then let sinners flee to him, and believers rejoice in him. And as the Lord shall reign for ever, let us stir up each other to praise his holy name.
The Lord shall reign for ever,.... The Messiah, who is King of kings and Lord of lords; and in this he is superior to, them, they reign but for a while, but he for evermore; the throne of majesty and glory on which he sits is for ever and ever; his kingdom is an everlasting kingdom; of his government, and the peace of it, there will be no end; he is King of saints now, and reigns in their hearts, and in his churches, and in the world; and he will reign with his people, and they with him, a thousand years on earth; and then they will reign together to all eternity; see Psalm 14:6. Both Jarchi and Kimchi refer this to the Messiah and his kingdom; the note of the former is,
"he shall confirm his kingdom in the redemption or salvation of his children;''
and of the latter,
"it shall be said he is King over all, after he has executed judgment on the wicked in the valley of Jehoshaphat;''
even thy God, O Zion, unto, all generations; he who is Zion's God is Zion's King, head over all things to the church; and this is her joy and comfort in every age, that her God and her King reigns, and will reign for evermore; and especially in a glorious manner in the latter day; see Isaiah 52:7; and as all this is a solid ground and foundation of truth in the Lord, and serves to encourage saints to make him their help and hope; and shows how happy they are that have him as such; so it is matter of praise and thanksgiving: hence it follows,
praise ye the Lord; or "hallelujah"; and so the psalm ends as it began.
"he shall confirm his kingdom in the redemption or salvation of his children;''
and of the latter,
"it shall be said he is King over all, after he has executed judgment on the wicked in the valley of Jehoshaphat;''
even thy God, O Zion, unto, all generations; he who is Zion's God is Zion's King, head over all things to the church; and this is her joy and comfort in every age, that her God and her King reigns, and will reign for evermore; and especially in a glorious manner in the latter day; see Isaiah 52:7; and as all this is a solid ground and foundation of truth in the Lord, and serves to encourage saints to make him their help and hope; and shows how happy they are that have him as such; so it is matter of praise and thanksgiving: hence it follows,
praise ye the Lord; or "hallelujah"; and so the psalm ends as it began.