Psalms 44:15 MEANING

Psalm 44:15
(15) The shame.--Better take the face as a second object--shame hath covered me as to my face, i.e., covered my face. Though the record of the facts of a sad reality, these verses have also the value of a prophecy sadder still. Twenty centuries of misery are summed up in these few lines, which have been most literally repeated,

"By the torture, prolonged from age to age,

By the infamy, Israel's heritage;

By the Ghetto's plague, by the garb's disgrace,

By the badge of shame, by the felon's place."

R. BROWNING: Holy Cross Day.

Verse 15. - My confusion is continually before me, and the shame of my face hath covered me (see the comment on ver. 9).

44:9-16 The believer must have times of temptation, affliction, and discouragement; the church must have seasons of persecution. At such times the people of God will be ready to fear that he has cast them off, and that his name and truth will be dishonoured. But they should look above the instruments of their trouble, to God, well knowing that their worst enemies have no power against them, but what is permitted from above.My confusion is continually before me,.... Meaning that which is the occasion of it;

and the shame of my face hath covered me; not by reason of sin, which is often the cause of confusion and shame in God's people; see Jeremiah 3:25; but on account of what follows.

Courtesy of Open Bible