Psalms 98:9 MEANING

Psalm 98:9
(9) See Psalm 96:13.

Verse 9. - For he cometh to judge the earth. Nature, inanimate and animate, may well be asked to rejoice when God comes to judge the earth - since he is sure to judge it aright. With righteousness shall he judge the world, and the people with equity. "God by his righteous judgment will bring the whole earth from a state of sorrow into a state of salvation and joy" (Hengstenberg).

98:4-9 Let all the children of men rejoice in the setting up the kingdom of Christ, for all may benefit by it. The different orders of rational creatures in the universe, seem to be described in figurative language in the reign of the great Messiah. The kingdom of Christ will be a blessing to the whole creation. We expect his second coming to begin his glorious reign. Then shall heaven and earth rejoice, and the joy of the redeemed shall be full. But sin and its dreadful effects will not be utterly done away, till the Lord come to judge the world in righteousness. Seeing then that we look for such things, let us give diligence that we may be found of him in peace, without spot, and blameless.Before the Lord, for he cometh to judge the earth,.... See Gill on Psalm 96:13,

with righteousness shall he judge the world, and the people with equity; both at his first and second coming, and during the intermediate time; see the note as before. The only difference is, that in Psalm 96:13, it is said that he shall judge the people "with his truth", here "with equity", or "uprightnesses" (f); in the most upright manner, according to the strictest rules of justice and judgment; see Isaiah 11:3.

(f) "in rectitudinibus", Montanus, Michaelis.

Courtesy of Open Bible