Psalms 99:4 MEANING

Psalm 99:4
Verse 4. - The King's strength also loveth judgment. "The king" is here the Lord, Jehovah (see Psalm 98:3). His "strength," or might, "loves," and is always combined with, right (comp. Isaiah 61:8, "I the Lord love judgment"). Thou dost establish equity. The pronoun is emphatic: "Thou, even thou" - nearly equivalent to "thou only" - "dost establish equity." Thou - again emphatic - "thou, even thou" - executest judgment and righteousness in Jacob; i.e. governest thy people Israel with strict and absolute justice.

99:1-5 God governs the world by his providence, governs the church by his grace, and both by his Son. The inhabitants of the earth have cause to tremble, but the Redeemer still waits to be gracious. Let all who hear, take warning, and seek his mercy. The more we humble ourselves before God, the more we exalt him; and let us be thus reverent, for he is holy.The King's strength also loveth judgment,.... Or he who is a strong and mighty King, as Christ is; which appears by saving his people, and preserving them to his kingdom and glory, and by destroying all his and their enemies; but, though he is so potent and victorious a Prince, yet no tyrannical one, he loves and does what is just and righteous; he loved the righteous law of God, and obeyed it in the whole course of his life; he wrought out a perfect righteousness for his people, and encourages and loves righteousness in them; he will judge the world in righteousness hereafter; and is now on his throne, and in his kingdom, ordering it with judgment and justice; all the administrations of his kingly office are just and true, and herein he delights:

thou dost establish equity, or "equities" (a); uprightnesses, righteousnesses; a perfect and a complete righteousness:

this he has prepared (b), as the word signifies, by his obedience, sufferings, and death, and has established as an everlasting one; moreover, equity, righteousness, and justice, are the settled rules and laws of his government; see Isaiah 9:7,

thou executest judgment and righteousness in Jacob; among the true Israel and people of God, as David his type did, 2 Samuel 8:15, thereby keeping them in due order, in the observance of his righteous judgments and statutes, and defending them from their enemies.

(a) "rectitudines", Montanus, Gejerus, Michaelis; "aequitates", Vatablus; "recta", Musculus. (b) "parasti", Pagninus, Montanus, Vatablus, Gejerus; "praeparasti", Tigure version.

Courtesy of Open Bible