Psalms 99:5 MEANING

Psalm 99:5
(5) Worship at his footstool.--Prostrate your. selves at His footstool. The earth is called the "footstool" of God (Isaiah 66:1; comp. Matthew 5:35); in other places the expression is used of the sanctuary (Psalm 132:7; comp. Isaiah 60:13; Lamentations 2:1). In 1 Chronicles 28:2 it seems to refer to the ark. No doubt here, after mentioning the throne above the cherubims, we must think of the ground on which the ark stood, or of the ark itself.

Verse 5. - Exalt ye the Lord our God (comp. ver. 9; and see also Psalm 118:20 and Isaiah 25:1). And worship at his footstool. The "footstool of God" is everywhere (except in Isaiah 66:1) the ark of the covenant, which he that sat upon the cherubim touched, as it were, with his feet (see 1 Chronicles 28:2; Psalm 132:7; Lamentations 2:1; Isaiah 60:13). Israel is called upon to worship God as he sits in his holy temple, enthroned above the cherubim, with his feet upon the mercy seat. For he is holy; rather, as in ver. 3, holy is he.

99:1-5 God governs the world by his providence, governs the church by his grace, and both by his Son. The inhabitants of the earth have cause to tremble, but the Redeemer still waits to be gracious. Let all who hear, take warning, and seek his mercy. The more we humble ourselves before God, the more we exalt him; and let us be thus reverent, for he is holy.Exalt ye the Lord our God,.... Christ, who is Lord of all, and Immanuel, God with us, God in our nature, our Lord and our God; exalt him in his person, as God over all, blessed for ever; in his offices of Prophet, Priest, and King, by hearkening to his word, by trusting in his blood, righteousness, and sacrifice, and by submitting to his ordinances, and obeying his commands; exalt him in heart, thought, and affection, thinking highly of him, and affectionately loving him; exalt and extol him in words, speak of his love and loveliness, and of the great things he has done; exalt him in private and in public, in the family and in the house of God; make mention of him everywhere, that his name be exalted:

and worship at his footstool; worship him who is the object of the adoration of angels, and ought to be of men; worship him privately and publicly, internally and externally, in spirit and in truth; at his footstool, on earth, he being on his throne in heaven; see Isaiah 65:1 or else the ark is meant, which is so called, 1 Chronicles 28:2, and this being a type of the human nature of Christ, that may be meant here; and which, though not the object of worship, nor is it said, worship his footstool, but at it; yet, in worshipping Christ, respect is to be had unto him, as in our nature, in which he has done such great things for us: the Targum is,

"worship in or at the house of his sanctuary;''

so Kimchi interprets it of the sanctuary, which agrees with Psalm 99:9,

for he is holy: essentially holy, glorious in holiness as a divine Person, and therefore to be worshipped: or "it is holy"; the footstool, the ark, the human nature of Christ, in which the Godhead dwells bodily.

Courtesy of Open Bible