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There is a brilliant teaching within verse 1. GOD says not to stand in the way of sinners. This also means don't get in their way! We can warn that soul but cannot physically stop them from committing sin. They have to decide for themself. Proverbs also mention to avoid being a victim or recipient of wickedness and rage. In the 3rd part of the verse "the seat of the scornful" is a place of false judgement. To scorn is to disdain, hold contempt for, basically to have a sour attitude toward the sinner. That's not your position to be the judge. Christ asks us "which of you have not sinned?"
Our delight is in the LAW of the LORD! Perfect Love. The law is non- partial. His mercy endures forever. We need to look deeper at ourselves and bring forth the light within the self. As Mic Davis commented it is not our job to save anybody. Know thy self! Be satisfied with the Law.
Compare the tree planted by rivers of water to the chaff the wind drives away. That tree is self-sustaining. It needs no man to water it, as nature does the work. I have read in other KJV's the phrase "..bringeth forth fruit in DUE season." This relates to patience and faith, continuing to do good no matter what occurs. A tree has deep roots and cannot be moved- while the chaff is the waste of the fruit, worthless, light, just pushed away by the wind.
In verse 5 very important ideas are revealed. The ungodly will not even stand in the judgement! I feel this defines that we are judged by a different set of standards than the unholy and it is a gift to receive guidance or judgement from the Lord. It is a huge responsibility to be a Follower. The ungodly have no clue of the depths and heights of being on the Path. That JAH will not allow sinners in the congregation is a wonderful promise to the faithful. Isn't it so true? One who stirs up strife in the church is mysteriously cast away, gone. It reminds us to uplift our congregation, not be so picky or judgmental on our brothers and sisters. If they are there at your side then they can't be sinning too bad! We need to have trust in our spiritual family. Give each other encouragement.
The essence of this song relates to the law. No not just the laws of Moses (which Jesus says was written because of the hardness of the Israelits hearts), but the law of life! The law of GOD. It's the internal wisdom and knowledge of all things. The knowledge of balance, of cycles, male and female, dark and light. The law is unchanging, eternal. Thank GOD it's the way things are. The way of the ungodly shall perish. Righteous judgement. Yea the law is our delight, and upon it we meditate day and night.
before the start of the paragraph it stated "blessed". if we walk in Gods counsels and displines we will be blessed by God our heavenly father. that means we must draw close God and listen to him as well as filling our minds and spiritual heart with Gods words but not the adivices of the wicked man. God will blessed you because you obey him and honour him.
New Living Translation (©2007)
"Don't waste what is holy on people who are unholy. Don't throw your pearls to pigs! They will trample the pearls, then turn and attack you.
Not every sinner can be saved we live in a world that what we say can be used against us for controversy anger and discouragement in ones beliefs it is important to pray for those who are lost to be saved and to ask from the holy spirit to guide you to lead u in those that the lord has chosen does not mean you will not encounter forces against you but you filled with the spirit will overcome