Psalms Chapter 10 Discussion Page 3

  • Kathy Stephenson on Psalms 10 - 9 years ago
  • Chidi Evo on Psalms 10 - 9 years ago
    God is good and he will not let his children down.
  • Pst john on Psalms 10:5 - 9 years ago
    judgement of god is far good
  • Christine on Psalms 10:17 - 9 years ago
    I feel that things will go so much better and the favor of the Lord will be with you if you will start the day with prayer first ...I really believe thats where our blessing starts by putting the Lord first. amen
  • Doreen's on Psalms 10 - 10 years ago
    Dear Bruce you have encouraged me with your testimony! The Angels do rejoice when one receive God 's grace and salvation and return to HIM. Continue to seek the LORD. He will reveal HIS truth for strength every day. HE 'll never leave you nor forsake you!
  • CRYSTAL on Psalms 10 - 10 years ago
    PRaise the Lord, Bruce!!!!!!! Iknow the Lord and His angles are REJOICING over you, as is you dear, dear mum. When everything in our lives seems shaken to the very core, there is one thing that can be unshakeable...our fathi.
  • Bruce Herrmann on Psalms 10:18 - 10 years ago
    when I tried to read my long belated grandmother Bible, I Cried and sobbed alot thna, Jesus spoke too Me in my ear and told Me to read Book of Palms in the new testament, so I Choose to read it online instead, It brought hope and Strength on back too Me and interst in reading the Bible on back unto Me after 10 years of My Natural Mother being dead of of Mental illness of Parkison disease and dorothy knew the Lord Jesus all her life until the end. and I was mad at god for a whole decade until now I had Changed my ways.. about Me... Bruce Herrmann!
  • John romo on Psalms 10:17 - 10 years ago
    Powerful scripture The Creator of all creation is waiting for His creation 2 humble themselves n repent n turn from their wicked ways In doing so we will receive faith that will require works to accompany it The moment we put our faith in Him to work n in action The Great n Mighty God of heaven n earth will meet us with His grace Thank u JESUS
  • Rob on Psalms 10:17 - 10 years ago
    LORD thank you for salvation through Christ Jesus and all the blessing it has brought to my life I pray You continute to enable me to spread Your Word of peace forgiveness and eternal life please prepare the hearts and minds of all your children hear your Truth and enjoy Your Grace The LORD is good and his mercy endureth forever
  • Toni on Psalms 10:17 - 10 years ago
    The Lord hears the prayers of the righteous who have humbled themselves before His mighty hand It is a blessing to know that God inclines His hears to the cries of the righteous He makes ready our hearts and purges us so that we are worthy for Him to hear us Who is worthy Those who bow down before Jesus and make themselves lowly and meek The Lord gives more grace to the humble It s a blessing to know God takes into consideration our wishes and requests Bless the Lord this day
  • Ebere on Psalms 10 - 10 years ago
    As I finish praying for something I desired from God I open this page to read the bible I saw Psalms chapter 10 verse17 Joy started flowing in my heart that his word must surely come to pass
  • John on Psalms 10 - 10 years ago
    If You Cross reference this psalm in the New Living Translation it put a lot of meaning to it David is saying that he is tired of all the wickedness around him and is asking GOD to have mercy on the helpless and righteous have vengeance on the the wicked We need to keep our eyes on GOD Almighty And JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD and let the Holy Spirit guide us in our walk GOD BLESS ALL
  • SOLOMON on Psalms 10 - 10 years ago
    i like the psalms 10 it will make u to stop evil
  • Marcela figueroa on Psalms 10:13 - 10 years ago
    The reason why the wicked despised God was the fact that they did not believe in the deity and holiness of our Lord God Almighty. They were not afraid to do evil because they were not convinced that God is an all-seeing, all-knowing and all-present God thus they were proud of their evil thoughts and evil works and were confident that they will not be caught and punished, they were not accountable to no one. they were blinded by their misconception about the power of God.Nothing is hidden before an all-knowing God,
  • Cheryl. C. on Psalms 10:17 - 10 years ago
    Did you know that God humbles Himself to hear and answer our prayers? When we truly humble ourselves before the Lord :He humbles Himself also. Now that is Team work !!!!! Yes ! Amen !
  • Dorrett on Psalms 10:17 - 11 years ago
    please pray for my son orlando christie
  • Leonora on Psalms 10 - 11 years ago
    why do we chose to do wrong and known in our heart to do right, our mind and heart is not on the lord we have to seek him digently every day
  • Don sidle on Psalms 10 - 11 years ago
    contemn is an old english word which is very much like our modern word "contempt" read those scriptures with that word you see that the proud look unto God with disgust as the proud had more power than God All Mighty ungodly pride comes from santan himself, remember God resists the proud but gives grace to the Humble.
  • HARRY ALLISON on Psalms 10 - 12 years ago
    EVEN while i am striving to serve JESUS there is an adversary out there who thinks he is the victor.satan is defeated ...satan is the deceiver...satan is a puppet ...AS it is written "SUBMIT THEREFORE TO GOD,RESIST THE devil AND the devil must FLEE" JAMES 4;7
  • Richard Zavesky on Psalms 10 - 12 years ago
    I take this Psalm to be a concise definition of the wicked; someone who believes [in his heart] that god exists, but is perpetually on vacation...and therefore scorns [contemns him].
  • Trent on Psalms 10:13 - 12 years ago
    Click the verse to see all the other translations that also say "contemn": to treat or regard with contempt.
  • Mike on Psalms 10 - 12 years ago
    "Wherefore doth the wicked contemn God? he hath said in his heart, Thou wilt not require it."

    There should be "condemn" - not contemn. I guess?
  • HARRY ALLISON on Psalms 10:16 - 12 years ago
  • Davidcollins on Psalms 10 - 12 years ago
    Seek the Lord thou God and he will take care of all your enemies and the wicked who try to keep you from seeking out God!! Thank you dear Jesus for dying for us sinners and giving us the chance for everlasting life. Its so easy to do,yet a lott of us fall so short in Gods commings by choice! Help me to not fall short and bless me with all yur blessings as I wannt to seek all of Gods plans for me! I rebuke satan and all the wickedness that comes with him!! Praise God!! AMEN!!
  • Susan Dalton on Psalms 10 - 12 years ago
    "The wicked, through the pride of his countenance, will not seek after God: God is not in all his thoughts. His ways are always grievous; thy judgments are far above out of his sight; as for all his enemies, he puffeth at them." ( Psalm 10:4-5)

    "...thy judgments are far above out of his sight..."

    For us to see eye to eye with God; individuals, societies, and nations must keep the judgments of God.
  • Tammy Gronskei on Psalms 10:18 - 12 years ago
    I like the Bible quizzes. I make a lot of mistakes but it helps in the Bible study. I like Psalms 10;8;

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