Psalms Chapter 100 Discussion Page 8

  • Ar on Psalms 100 - 10 years ago
    Praising the Lord ,worshipping,singing,reading and studying the Word will keep us going . Sometimes,our daily problems are too heavy and we are not in the mood. But always we have to remember that HE is there, just by us. When I am like that I start murmuring a hymn to get rid of my bad mood, and slowly the HS will come and give me power to continue. It's easy to say but try it. Yes, even music was created by God and all the beautiful instruments. See last psalm 150!
  • Anonymous on Psalms 100 - 10 years ago
    100 Psalm corresponds with the scripture that says I will bless the Lord at all times and his praises shall continually be in my mouth!
  • Jabulani Moyo on Psalms 100 - 10 years ago
    God like music. Ihave no doubt with that. That's why in Revelations it is said His seat is surrounsed by a certain group singing 24hours a day singing HoLY,HOLY....God does not want us to far away from us.He rejoices in seeing praising Him.
  • Toni on Psalms 100 - 10 years ago
    What a blessed chapter to my soul. God wants us to come to him by opening up our mouths and praising Him. We can't be silent and think we will receive the joyfulness of the Lord. We have to open up our mouths and talk to God and let Him know how wonderful He is and magnify His name. God is truly worthy of all praise. And the thing about praising and singing to the Lord, is the Holy Ghost witnesses wit our spirit and fills us with joy and peace, even in the midst of the difficult times we all experience. Praise to God in the highest! Don't let the devil steal your joy... praise God by opening up your mouth and talking to Him..clap your hands and sing to the creator of heaven and earth
  • Rebecca smith on Psalms 100 - 10 years ago
  • Chuks cyrus on Psalms 100:4 - 10 years ago
    God receives pleasure when we praise him for all he has done, and in turn gives his treasure.
  • Samuel on Psalms 100 - 10 years ago
    King James Version very nice. i read daily God bless whole family of King James Version
  • BSP on Psalms 100:2 - 10 years ago
    We should serve God with joy and not just out of a sense of duty. God is a happy God and he wants his servants to serve him in a joyful way.
  • Simmy on Psalms 100 - 10 years ago
    We should praise God,even in the midst of situations he is still God,cause he says in his word ,we r marvelous and precious in his eyes
  • Maxine C on Psalms 100:4 - 11 years ago
    I Love it! I love to give him praise!
  • Bruce on Psalms 100 - 11 years ago
    Everything should praise the lord. Also enter is as a present , we should enter each day and continue throughout the day praising and glorifying God
  • Clifford on Psalms 100 - 11 years ago
    psalms teaches love for God thus justifies love as the greatest commandment.
  • Sandiswa on Psalms 100 - 11 years ago
    Psalm 100 shows that we need to be happy all the time giving thanks and praises to the Lord for he is faithful towards us and when he says in his word he'd never leave nor forsake us we should acknoweledge that always cause our joy comes from the Lord and the joy we recieve from the world is only temporal
  • TraceeRey on Psalms 100 - 11 years ago
    Iam a singer and songwriter, I want to write songs of praises to Almighty God < I finally get it praise to God Not to man>BLess GOD AT All Time fill me Holy father with songs of praise to you!!!
  • Susan Thompson on Psalms 100 - 11 years ago
    We should praise God for he is our creator and without him nothing was created. Not even us. We should sing songs of praises to God not to man.
  • B.b.tamang on Psalms 100 - 11 years ago
    Psalm 100 teaches us that God has created us, and we should not forget to give the thanks to our creator, we should give him new songs day after day to praise our heavenly Lord. Amen.
  • Barbara on Psalms 100 - 11 years ago
    Verses on thanksgiving.
  • John Christy on Psalms 100 - 11 years ago
    A message on the cross can't fail. Without the Cross, we wouldn't have much of a message. John
  • Merwyn anderson on Psalms 100 - 11 years ago
    We should give all the praise to God .The lord forgave us all our sins. He gave us a chance to have eternal life. Saints are not the only one that he saved. Jesus saves the sinner too so they can be part of Jesus. Jesus say's we all can have eternal if we put all our trust in him.
  • Timothy Wayne George on Psalms 100 - 11 years ago
    The Lord has made us, and not we ourselves. Thank God that He is the creator, and that He is our shepherd. Thank God that we are the sheep of His pasture, and that we must enter His courts with thanksgiving. Everyday is a day of thanksgiving, and we must give thanks in all things, for this is the will of God for us in Christ Jesus. Remind the congregation on how important it is to praise God. Give thanks unto the Lord, for He is good, and His mercy endures forever. The greatest thing we are to be thankful about, is that God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, so that whoever believes in Him would not perish, but would have eternal life. Close with a story about how God saved you from past sinful behavior, and how thankful you are that you are a new creation in Christ Jesus. When we lift up Jesus, then He will draw all men to Him. May the Lord bless you as you share the good news.
  • Eddie thompson on Psalms 100 - 11 years ago
    Can somebody help me, I’m try to put together a sermon for Sunday. Please I need some suggestion.
  • Shandrea on Psalms 100 - 11 years ago
    I thank and praise God for what he has done in my life, what he's doing and what he's going to do. AND I GIVE HIM ALL THE PRAISE AND GLORY. AMEN!
  • SHERITA on Psalms 100 - 11 years ago
  • Kandy on Psalms 100 - 12 years ago
    I find this passage critical to our living in abundance. God desires to give us what we need as well as what we desire. However; we must keep our focus on him and not on people even when we are serving. It is a privelege to serve God's people and in His kingdom. He dosen't have to let us do anything in His kingdom.
  • HARRY ALLISON on Psalms 100 - 12 years ago
    AN IMPORTANT FACT,"IF JESUS did not give me life,i would not be writing this ,or,you reading this"BE THANKFUL FOR JESUS CREATING US TO START WITH AND TO BE ABLE TO EXPERIENCE HIS creation,good and bad experiences....
  • Andrew on Psalms 100 - 12 years ago
    I would just like to express vs 2&5,looking at vs 5 first.GOD is not only thre for christians he is a GOd for all generation as he has said he falls rain on the just and the unjust,so all is called into service to GOD(vs 1).the mere facts that even with our sinful nature( for which we should have died)God still cares for us (GOD wishes non of us to perish but come to a knowledge of services to him)
  • Sabrina on Psalms 100 - 12 years ago
    I believe that God is challenging us to believe in him not man. He made us to worship him not only through the good but the bad as well. Lift the savior up and know that troubles don't last always!!! We are truly to blessed to be stressed!!!
  • Robert on Psalms 100 - 12 years ago
    This Psalm is encouraging and at the same time teaching us what it means to praise God. It is telling us how we ought to approach our Heavenly Father, ( Rejoicing & Thankful ) instead of ( Whining & Begging ). To many of us go to God with a " laundry list " of complaints and requests and take no time to honor him with praise for what He has done for us.
  • Quincy on Psalms 100 - 12 years ago
    that it is the lord that made us, we are not our own, we should always rejoice and be glad. we are in the lord gates when, we are in CHRIST.SO FOR A CHILD OF THE LORD TO BE THANKFUL IS AUTOMATIC, IF NOT WERE ARE YOU?
  • Elaine on Psalms 100 - 12 years ago
    I love the whole King James Version of Psalms. I especially love Psalms 23 The Lord is my shepard and that is all I need.

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