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Warning: session_start(): Failed to read session data: files (path: /var/lib/lsphp/session/lsphp80) in /home/kjv.site/public_html/Book-Discussion/bookdiscuss.php on line 2 Psalms Chapter 11 Discussion
This Psalm has the first direct reference to hell in verse 6 as to the punishments inflicted (snares; fire and brimstone and an horrible tempest). David understands in his own life how those who persecute him in verses 1 through 3 how men such as himself are to go into hiding (verse 1). He shows in verse 2 the general attitude of the wicked persecuting the righteous.
Verse 3 seems to suggest the foundations as being those things promised of God or the boundaries set beyond which man cannot pass. We can remind ourselves of what Christ said in Matthew 10:28 about those who can only destroy the body; in regard to fearing what God can do to both body and soul in eternal judgment.
Verse 5 shows the understanding of God chastising those He loves ( Rev. 3:19 among others).
There is a difference between that and God's judgment; as the righteous in this age are going before the Bema Seat; but the wicked to the Great White Throne Judgment. God's promises are always eternal; whether to the souls of the elect; or to His covenants on earth.
We are reminded of such verses as Proverbs 5:22 and the evil devices of man. These are numerous. In fact there are hundreds of verses on man's wickedness. We are reminded in verse 5 that we are never to love violence as the wicked do. Justice may be served without glorifying the necessary penalties rendered under the law without removing corporate punishment. We need to be careful not to get caught up in all the entertainment that displays such behavior; and this includes sports. Maybe one can watch boxing without glorifying violence; but in hockey games in particular it is almost guaranteed that fighting will occur in almost every game at some point. The same thing holds true for those fighting on the battle field. There are those who enjoy talking about killing even innocent people among some veterans today. Sometimes we oversimplify international conflicts as well; so we need to think as Bereans not by all the media says
According to this chapter, "Upright" = "Righteous", so my question was, where in the Bible can I read what righteousness is? Is there a scripture or scripture passage that tells me or defines what it is? I can tell in this short chapter that wickedness is the opposite of righteousness, this helps in over all context understanding.
Talking about Jesus is all fine and dandy, but Jesus was not around when David wrote this chapter so righteousness was around before the birth of Christ. Would like to know cause verse 11 says the LORD loves righteousness so I would think it would be best to know what that is?
I was just studying this a few days ago. Only God possess true, unadulterated righteousness. He is absolutely pure and free of sin. He is completely separated from any evil. He is always true to Who he is essentially and constitutionally.
No human other than Jesus is righteous of their own merit. Jesus alone lived a perfect human life as the God/Man. He obeyed the Father always. He never sinned. He never had a wayward thought, or unloving impulse or motive. He never said a sinful word or gave a sinful "look" or mannerism. Because of this perfect life lived by the 'Son of God and Son of Man, He was the perfect One to sacrifice His own life as a propitiation for the sins of the whole earth. His death and resurrection accomplished for us a righteousness we can possess through Jesus in which we are seen as morally perfect as Jesus is before the Father and can approach Him. This righteousness is Jesus' righteousness imputed to every believer. It is 100% His righteousness that we obtain with 0% moral goodness from any believer.
Every "good' that any believer does is tainted with our sinful nature. They are unacceptable to God, because He requires perfect good to come before Him and not be consumed by His wrath towards sin. This is why believing that all that is acceptable to God is all of what Jesus did. This does not mean that we should not wish to be obedient to God and love one another in our lives as believers. The Holy Spirit is our sanctifier. We humbly rely on the Holy Spirit to help us do the works God has ordained for us to do in His power, grace, and goodness. The Holy Spirit will continue to sanctify us in this life so that we become more and more like Jesus in His humanity. But we can never be as pure as God. he is infinitely pure.
In the life that follows our physical death, we will shed our sinful nature from our souls and spirit. When we are bodily resurrected we will no longer have any sinful nature in our new fleshly bodies.
The Just, lawful, righteous man, who are in the right
Psalms 11:5 The LORD trieth/tests a righteous one: is referring to a righteous man, his soul. And tests the lawless one and him that loveth violence He hateth.
foundations=Heb. hashshathoth meaning settled order of truth or institutions; As Christians our foundation Mat. 7:23 is CHRIST and we walk on the path of doctrine of CHRIST. As to what we do: Stay in the WORD to show yourself approved 2Tim 2:15, be vigilant and alert as watchmen 1 Thessalonians 5:6 putting on the gospel Eph.6:11
This verse is often cited when referring to the collapse of godly authority. The Hebrew phrasing here can be taken in more than one way. This is most often translated as asking "if-or when-this happens, what can good people then do?" Another possibility is to render this as asking "what have good people accomplished?" In either case, this verse warns of catastrophic results when fundamental principles are destroyed. In David's immediate case, this refers to his role as Israel's king and the consequences of abandoning that role. In a more general sense, it speaks to the ruin a society will face when the most basic aspects of godliness are removed.
David knew what would happen if the enemy triumphed. Because he was Israel's king, if the enemy succeeded, the nation's very foundations would be destroyed. Law and order grounded in righteousness and justice, under the headship of the godly king, would crumble. Evil and chaos would ensue. What could the righteous do in such a situation? Of course, David believed he would prevail. He was sure that law and order would continue. His trust was in the Lord ( Psalm 11:4), therefore he was confident the enemy would not triumph.
Years later, God allowed Babylon to carry Israel into captivity because of her idolatry and neglect of the Sabbath. In both a symbolic and literal sense, the foundations were destroyed-including the demolition of the temple from its cornerstones. But in his perfect timing, God raised up Ezra to return to Jerusalem and lay the foundation ( Ezra 3). If doctrinal error destroys a church's foundation of truth, believers must restore the foundation before any healing can happen. Congregations must heed the Lord's admonitions to be and do what He desires ( Revelation 2:3)
The foundation of law and must be repaired and supported by the God loving community.
1st, because this scripture has put an emotion in you. I assume GOD is working on something within you, possibly to show you truth or study deeper.
2nd, pray for wisdom also James 1:5, in what GOD wants to reveal to you, deeper than I may show you.
3rd, to me I understand this Psalms 11, & Psalms 11:3, appears to be written by David, it seems to point to when he was being pursued by Saul into the mountains. Please read 1Samuel 19:10, 1Samuel 18:29, 1Samuel 23:26, could David be referring to the foundation being destroyed referring to himself? 1Kings 9:5, Jeremiah 33:17, Psalms 132:11, being the promise of GOD to establish HIS throne through David?
4th, because the temple wasn't made yet, 1Chronicles 28:3-21, Psalms 127:1,
5th, however David's Psalms were also prophetic like Psalms 22,
6th, Jesus being in the lineage of David: Matthew 22:42, Acts 13:22, Matthew 1:1,
7th, other scripture: Isaiah 28:16, 1Corinthians 3:11-17,
Jessie, "Satan will be bound up in the bottomless pit for the entire 1,000 years and no longer have any influence on the lives of people." Not quite so. Though Satan is bound, people are born sinners, as children of Adam. Sin had it's beginning with Satan. Man never returns to an innocent condition, and we know how leaven works. "The devil made me do it", has been a laughable punch line, but it hearkens back to the seriousness of the fall of man in Eden. Born dead in trespasses and sin, is the condition of all people born in the flesh. "If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?" = Nothing. But for the grace of God, all people go to hell.
The Earthly kingdom of God, is what God intended for Israel, who instead wanted a man king, like the nations around them.
Ah ,last but not least ,the conclusion of Psalm 9 verse 6, all of Psalm 10, now the punch line, Psalm 11 verses 1,2, and 3. Verse 2 tells you the intentions of the democratic party's protesters, and vese 3 tells you the condition they want to leave the United States of America in !!!
Thank you so much for bringing this out. The 1,000 year reign is another beautiful example of how gracious God is. Out of His grace and mercy, He gives so many opportunities for people to come to Him, and yet some will continue to have hearts of stone. Satan will be bound up in the bottomless pit for the entire 1,000 years and no longer have any influence on the lives of people. But then he is loosed after the 1,000 years for a short season to deceive, and some will go right back to following him.
After the thousand years, we leave with Christ. And the people on the earth who are left over from the tribulation, who still are not saved, but they've been given this one thousand year opportunity to live under the rule of Christ with Satan bound, when Satan is let loose, they will go back to Serving Satan again.
I think it's a tragedy, but we have to understand that when a person is a rejecter of Christ, you could send him to heaven for a thousand years and say "Look how nice it is here," and when he comes back he's going to reject it. Nothing's going to impress him to be saved.
Again, thank you so much for bringing this out. God's grace is so powerful and unending!
Jessie&Chris,While believers indeed have a certain future in Christ to be with him in heaven,don't overlook the 1000yr. reign of Christ on Earth, which will happen after the rapture.God made promises to Israel to be yet fulfilled,to Israel,God's earthly nation
among nations.As resurrected,unblemished servants of Christ,we will be with him here as he rules the Kingdom of God on Earth,and Satan bound in hell.While I have no details of our daily lives then, I do know the supernatural powers Christ demonstrated in the gospels, will be commonplace at that time, according to his will.Mankind fails seven dispensations of time, given by God,then God,by his grace,takes us into eternity.Innocence,conscience,government,promise,law,grace and the kingdom,all revealed by scripture.
Sue, the word 'listen' is not often used ( Isaiah 49:1). 'Hear' & "Hearken' are often used. These generally have the implied meaning to not only listen with the ears, but to do in action.
We get our new or glorified body at Christ's second coming. Paul said in 2 Corinthians 5:8 that to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord. Here is my understanding of how this all works.
When we die as believers, our soul, or spirit, departs our body and immediately goes into the presence of Christ. Our physical body remains in the grave until Christ comes back. And by the way, we come back with Him.
1 Thess. 4:13-18 gives us the details about the rapture of the church. When Christ returns at His second coming, and again we come back with Him, unless of course, we are still alive when He comes back.
But, we are told that the dead in Christ will rise from the grave first, and then the believers who are alive on the earth, they will be snatched up, or raptured. So when Christ calls the bodies out of the grave, the body comes up, and in the twinkling of an eye, the body is changed into a spiritual body for our spirit to inhabit forever.
James, it is wonderful to read that Jesus Christ is your blessed possession & considering the life to come is on all our minds, for sure. Philippians 3:20,21 tells us that our conversation (our citizenship/our life from now to eternity), is already in Heaven. When Jesus comes for us (in the Rapture), our frail, sinful bodies will be cast off & changed to become like His Glorious Body (i.e. we will be as He is in Heaven: 1 Jn 3:2). And for those who have already died, their bodies will arise from the grave (1 Thes 4:15-17) & together (both the dead & alive believers) will have their bodies restored to spend eternity with the Lord (whether on Earth or in Heaven). So for those who have died & their Spirits have already gone to be with the Lord in that instant ( 2 Cor 5:6-8), they will return with the Lord at His Coming & receive their new bodies. We have a glorious certain future ahead of us as we wait anxiously to see the One Whom we love but He Who first loved us in giving of Himself.
Are there scriptures that use the word "LISTEN". Are the words "LISTEN & HEAR," used interchangeably? Is the word "LISTEN" or forms of it in the bible?
"Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together,as the manner of some is"Hebrews10:25.The fit is spiritual,not social.In Christ by grace,saved.As physical needs vary by age,so too Christians needs vary by closeness to Christ.What do we see approaching and thus see the need?Sometimes you get,sometimes you give,but it doesn't happen unless you are there with other believers.What Christ wants you to get or give,is directed by his Holy Spirit within you.God makes for you brothers and sisters,some you need,some need you,all need closeness to Christ.Searching may be hard,but forsaking is harmful.When Christ returns,he will find some faithful followers,not captured within the gates of hell.
Annie,God only,knows all,if you speculate election is because we would trust him,that is then his obligation,not grace.Love/God,we are told,is committed to us.We are told God is preeminent in loving us,leave it at that and bask therein.If we could comprehend God,he would not be God.In elevating our knowledge of God,it must never diminish him.God is eternal,and all he shares with us,will never exhaust him,nor reduce our awe.
Praise God for the promises of the Righteous. God s eyes are upon his Children. He also sees the Wicket and a day of reckoning will be in store for him her. To have a portion of your Cup is the reaping deserved for wickedness . I want to be humble and righteous before God. I want to live a life pleasing to God so when I need help I will get an answer. Amen.
You know Adam. I have been going to different church denominations trying to find one elder of each church that really cared about their people that attend. They seem to have their mind set on self and pride of themselves. It seems they act out what people need to hear. But behind they carry many rules of how all the heads should act. WHERE IS GOD'S TRUE LOVE? A Compassionate Feeling Heart? God's!
"LOVE" is the answer, to the evil ways of this world. When others try to down grade you, or certain objects stop you from going forward in God's plan for you-- What do you do? You get on your knees and cry out for help. Even as you age snd go back on the many mistakes of this world you followed by listening to others. God will follow close enough to wait for your return to Him. His Love is Strong!
True Bill by His forknowelage God chooses us to be conformed into the Image of Jesus the only way to Him He knows our Hearts Jesus even goes after the lost sheep those God knows as His own. We can't earn our Salvation or loose it but we show we have it Matt25:31-46 which confirms God's Good Works that we do are motivated by Love not by guilt or fear of Eternal punishment Blessings -Grannie Annie.
Verse 3 seems to suggest the foundations as being those things promised of God or the boundaries set beyond which man cannot pass. We can remind ourselves of what Christ said in Matthew 10:28 about those who can only destroy the body; in regard to fearing what God can do to both body and soul in eternal judgment.
Verse 5 shows the understanding of God chastising those He loves ( Rev. 3:19 among others).
There is a difference between that and God's judgment; as the righteous in this age are going before the Bema Seat; but the wicked to the Great White Throne Judgment. God's promises are always eternal; whether to the souls of the elect; or to His covenants on earth.
We are reminded of such verses as Proverbs 5:22 and the evil devices of man. These are numerous. In fact there are hundreds of verses on man's wickedness. We are reminded in verse 5 that we are never to love violence as the wicked do. Justice may be served without glorifying the necessary penalties rendered under the law without removing corporate punishment. We need to be careful not to get caught up in all the entertainment that displays such behavior; and this includes sports. Maybe one can watch boxing without glorifying violence; but in hockey games in particular it is almost guaranteed that fighting will occur in almost every game at some point. The same thing holds true for those fighting on the battle field. There are those who enjoy talking about killing even innocent people among some veterans today. Sometimes we oversimplify international conflicts as well; so we need to think as Bereans not by all the media says
According to this chapter, "Upright" = "Righteous", so my question was, where in the Bible can I read what righteousness is? Is there a scripture or scripture passage that tells me or defines what it is? I can tell in this short chapter that wickedness is the opposite of righteousness, this helps in over all context understanding.
Talking about Jesus is all fine and dandy, but Jesus was not around when David wrote this chapter so righteousness was around before the birth of Christ. Would like to know cause verse 11 says the LORD loves righteousness so I would think it would be best to know what that is?
I was just studying this a few days ago. Only God possess true, unadulterated righteousness. He is absolutely pure and free of sin. He is completely separated from any evil. He is always true to Who he is essentially and constitutionally.
No human other than Jesus is righteous of their own merit. Jesus alone lived a perfect human life as the God/Man. He obeyed the Father always. He never sinned. He never had a wayward thought, or unloving impulse or motive. He never said a sinful word or gave a sinful "look" or mannerism. Because of this perfect life lived by the 'Son of God and Son of Man, He was the perfect One to sacrifice His own life as a propitiation for the sins of the whole earth. His death and resurrection accomplished for us a righteousness we can possess through Jesus in which we are seen as morally perfect as Jesus is before the Father and can approach Him. This righteousness is Jesus' righteousness imputed to every believer. It is 100% His righteousness that we obtain with 0% moral goodness from any believer.
Every "good' that any believer does is tainted with our sinful nature. They are unacceptable to God, because He requires perfect good to come before Him and not be consumed by His wrath towards sin. This is why believing that all that is acceptable to God is all of what Jesus did. This does not mean that we should not wish to be obedient to God and love one another in our lives as believers. The Holy Spirit is our sanctifier. We humbly rely on the Holy Spirit to help us do the works God has ordained for us to do in His power, grace, and goodness. The Holy Spirit will continue to sanctify us in this life so that we become more and more like Jesus in His humanity. But we can never be as pure as God. he is infinitely pure.
In the life that follows our physical death, we will shed our sinful nature from our souls and spirit. When we are bodily resurrected we will no longer have any sinful nature in our new fleshly bodies.
The Just, lawful, righteous man, who are in the right
Psalms 11:5 The LORD trieth/tests a righteous one: is referring to a righteous man, his soul. And tests the lawless one and him that loveth violence He hateth.
Why does God test the Just/righteous!
Welcome to the site and on behalf of the admins. You're welcome.
God bless.
David knew what would happen if the enemy triumphed. Because he was Israel's king, if the enemy succeeded, the nation's very foundations would be destroyed. Law and order grounded in righteousness and justice, under the headship of the godly king, would crumble. Evil and chaos would ensue. What could the righteous do in such a situation? Of course, David believed he would prevail. He was sure that law and order would continue. His trust was in the Lord ( Psalm 11:4), therefore he was confident the enemy would not triumph.
Years later, God allowed Babylon to carry Israel into captivity because of her idolatry and neglect of the Sabbath. In both a symbolic and literal sense, the foundations were destroyed-including the demolition of the temple from its cornerstones. But in his perfect timing, God raised up Ezra to return to Jerusalem and lay the foundation ( Ezra 3). If doctrinal error destroys a church's foundation of truth, believers must restore the foundation before any healing can happen. Congregations must heed the Lord's admonitions to be and do what He desires ( Revelation 2:3)
The foundation of law and must be repaired and supported by the God loving community.
2nd, pray for wisdom also James 1:5, in what GOD wants to reveal to you, deeper than I may show you.
3rd, to me I understand this Psalms 11, & Psalms 11:3, appears to be written by David, it seems to point to when he was being pursued by Saul into the mountains. Please read 1Samuel 19:10, 1Samuel 18:29, 1Samuel 23:26, could David be referring to the foundation being destroyed referring to himself? 1Kings 9:5, Jeremiah 33:17, Psalms 132:11, being the promise of GOD to establish HIS throne through David?
4th, because the temple wasn't made yet, 1Chronicles 28:3-21, Psalms 127:1,
5th, however David's Psalms were also prophetic like Psalms 22,
6th, Jesus being in the lineage of David: Matthew 22:42, Acts 13:22, Matthew 1:1,
7th, other scripture: Isaiah 28:16, 1Corinthians 3:11-17,
Hopefully this is helpful
The Earthly kingdom of God, is what God intended for Israel, who instead wanted a man king, like the nations around them.
Thank you so much for bringing this out. The 1,000 year reign is another beautiful example of how gracious God is. Out of His grace and mercy, He gives so many opportunities for people to come to Him, and yet some will continue to have hearts of stone. Satan will be bound up in the bottomless pit for the entire 1,000 years and no longer have any influence on the lives of people. But then he is loosed after the 1,000 years for a short season to deceive, and some will go right back to following him.
After the thousand years, we leave with Christ. And the people on the earth who are left over from the tribulation, who still are not saved, but they've been given this one thousand year opportunity to live under the rule of Christ with Satan bound, when Satan is let loose, they will go back to Serving Satan again.
I think it's a tragedy, but we have to understand that when a person is a rejecter of Christ, you could send him to heaven for a thousand years and say "Look how nice it is here," and when he comes back he's going to reject it. Nothing's going to impress him to be saved.
Again, thank you so much for bringing this out. God's grace is so powerful and unending!
among nations.As resurrected,unblemished servants of Christ,we will be with him here as he rules the Kingdom of God on Earth,and Satan bound in hell.While I have no details of our daily lives then, I do know the supernatural powers Christ demonstrated in the gospels, will be commonplace at that time, according to his will.Mankind fails seven dispensations of time, given by God,then God,by his grace,takes us into eternity.Innocence,conscience,government,promise,law,grace and the kingdom,all revealed by scripture.
When we die as believers, our soul, or spirit, departs our body and immediately goes into the presence of Christ. Our physical body remains in the grave until Christ comes back. And by the way, we come back with Him.
1 Thess. 4:13-18 gives us the details about the rapture of the church. When Christ returns at His second coming, and again we come back with Him, unless of course, we are still alive when He comes back.
But, we are told that the dead in Christ will rise from the grave first, and then the believers who are alive on the earth, they will be snatched up, or raptured. So when Christ calls the bodies out of the grave, the body comes up, and in the twinkling of an eye, the body is changed into a spiritual body for our spirit to inhabit forever.