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Correction on last part: I meant to say I think God can even speak the truth "through" false or misled teachers. I have known people introduced to Jesus through some very imperfect people even through questionable sermons. Some may learn about Him through media or movies for example. God seems to use anyone He can, however flawed, to reach those who want to know Him. Those in the Bible are good examples of that, like Paul, David, Moses, Abraham and others. I don't think our imperfection hinders God's perfect truth from being available to those who are ready to receive it.
Maureen, I agree with Adam, I posted to you earlier today, but there was a problem with posting on the site. It is fixed now.
I have never found a verse in Scripture that explicitly states that the KJV is the perfect translation of Scripture, since the KJV did not exist when scripture was written by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. The original writings of the Old and New Testament in Hebrew (O.T.) and Greek (N.T.) were the only absolutely inspired words of God written through the agency of the biblical writer.
Some will extrapolate a defense of the position that the KJV is the only perfect translation from a verse or two. But this approach does not prove the point. I believe that God has preserved the integrity and veracity of His Word in Scripture from the time it was first written or spoken by the apostles, as they preached to people, during the apostolic times as well as the Old Testament times.
I believe that God has preserved the integrity and veracity of His Words in Scripture over the centuries from the apostolic times up to present day. There have been many translations of Scripture over the centuries, I believe that God preserved the truth of Scripture in these translations beginning with the Septuagint (O.T. translated in Greek from Hebrew) in the 3rd century B.C., through the work of copyists in the post-apostolic times when they copied by hand the original copies of the Septuagint and the N. T. writings of the apostles.
I believe that the translation of Jerome (Vulgate) was a truthful translation and that the translations that came before the KJV (which the KJV also used in their translation) were truthful translations. And I believe the translations that have been done since the KJV, with a few exceptions, particularly paraphrases, are equally accurate as the KJV. All translation will have some minor errors due to translating from one language to another, but God, who sustains the church through the ages, will preserve the His Word now also.
I'm not aware of any Bible verses saying the KJV is the only Word of God. There's verses saying God's Word is truth like John 17:17 but not specific to one translation.
I believe the Bible is God's inspired Word. I believe He speaks truth through the holy spirit and through us reading and seeking Him. People are imperfect; God is perfect.
I don't believe KJV is the only true Bible. The reason I believe this is that it wasn't written in English originally. Am I to believe the original languages of Hebrew, Greek, and Aramaic are somehow less accurate than an English translation? A translation by definition can't be more accurate or more truthful than that which it was translated from.
Because humans are flawed imperfect beings we can make mistakes. I'm not saying the KJV has mistakes, but some translations have had printer mistakes and accidents that are documented and undeniable. That doesn't automatically mean it changes the meaning or that God can't speak His truth through it, just like KJVs having variations of what is on the cover, or study notes in the margin, or maps, or those presented online don't necessarily change the meaning of the text. But even if there were human errors present does that mean God can't still use that to speak truth to us through our seeking Him, no, I do not believe anything will hinder someone genuinely seeking God through His word. So, I don't think our imperfection invalidates God's truth in His Word.
I also don't believe in a black and white assumption that if a printer or publisher makes a mistake that the Bible is somehow 100% false and a total lie from satan. That seems extreme to me.
Likewise, call me radical, but I also think God can speak truth false teachers we see on TV, for example. They probably started off legit but were deceived and tempted and drifted off course. That doesn't mean 100% what they say is false and that God can't use our weakness to reach souls. God does miracles.
We are reminded of James once again in regard to the tongue and how dangerous it can be. A double minded man is unstable in all his ways ( James 1:8
There are also prophetic overtones once again; such as the character of the Antichrist in Dan. 11:32. We also see in the first verse that godly and faithful man fails and ceases. That reminds us of what happens when the restrainer is removed in 2 Thess. 2:6. Verse 4 seems to show a world thinking that they are without leadership (small lord). The verse about silver tried in a furnace of earth; purified seven times reminds us of the seven year Tribulation as well as the concept in Leviticus 26:18 for God's people.
Verse 7 shows preservation from this (possibly the last) generation. That could indicate a deliverance FROM the wicked; or THROUGH the Tribulation when the wicked reach their apex.
God knows how to preserve His children as we see the concept in 2 Peter 2:9 (also translated dtemptations) also it is clearer in Romans 1:16-17 where we are kept from the "wrath to come." Verse 5 reminds us that as Christ said "the poor will always be among you." ( Matt. 26:11). It appears that children will be restored according to Isaiah 49:25 as well as literal releasing of prisoners in Isaiah 51:14; although other verses can be applied to Christ freeing us from the prison of sin such as Isaiah 61:1-2 quoted by Christ.
These verses could have been penned by David with some of his own personal situation on his mind at least; but these broad promises certainly go beyond just being applied to David's situation as the Spirit inspired these passages in Psalms as in all scipture.
And this have done again covering the altar of the Lord with tears with crying out insomuch that he regardeth not the offering any more or receiveth it with good at your hand Amen
Just to add to the other good comments."What is a Christian".
Firstly, a Christian isn't born a Christian - He/she is made one (by God). In all the religions of the world, one is either born into that religion or converts from one religion to another because of choice. A child maybe born into a Christian family & that indeed is a blessing to know about God, but that child doesn't become a Christian automatically.
Secondly, a Christian isn't one who wants to be one because he might think it to be a 'nice religion' to connect with. A Christian, is like anyone else in the world: a sinner who has broken God's Laws, done wrong in the family & society, & stands condemned by God for it. But the difference is: he is now troubled by this broken relationship with His Creator & wants to rectify the matter.
Thirdly, he has probably tried to clean his life up, to deal with his sins & then present himself righteous before God. But in his heart he knows that that's not working because every time he does something good then some other sin shows up showing him that his efforts aren't working.
Fourthly, if he is then convicted & burdened about his sinful existence before God & cannot rectify the situation by himself or from anyone else, he then has to cry out to God to help him. And that's why God sent His Son Jesus to this world: Jesus took on the blame & punishment we deserved by laying down His sinless Life in our place. So when we believe in God's Act of Love for us in the gift of His Son, then our sins are forgiven because of what Jesus has done & not what we could ever do. So all of sudden, the sinner is saved from God's judgement against him & immediately brought into a special relationship & into God's family. And the Bible says that we are now 'born again of God' or, given a new (spiritual) birth from Him.
So here's the difference: Christianity is not a religion, like other religions. It's a relationship with Almighty God & His Son - & it's God's Work alone, not ours.
John 3:16 for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that whosever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. The gospel is simple. We that are Christians believe that Jesus died for our sins and was buried and rose on the 3rd day. If you believe this then you are a Christian. Just tell God that you believe this about his Son and tell him that you want to make him your Lord and Savior. Make a confession to someone that you know is a Christian. For it says that when believe in your heart and confess with your mouth then you are saved. At some point you would also want to be baptized into the Christian family it's just a symbol and public confession to the world that you belong to Christ. Hope this helps plus I'm sure He will help you get there. God loves you much and will bless you richly. May he also draw all your family to Him!!!
A Christian is someone who has accepted Christ as their Lord and Savior. You START to become one by following Romans 10:9-10. It is just like finding a new friend. As your attachment grows you will find yourself spending more and more time with him. As you do that the relationship grows...
Amen. Well written - very true - we should all take in its richness & vitality for our lives, making it the very foundation for our thoughts & actions.
Amen. Well written - very true - we should all take in its richness & vitality for our lives, making it the very foundation for our thoughts & actions.
Onyekachukwu Ogechi Levinus Alaka on Psalms 12:6 - 4 years ago
The words of the Lord are pure - Without the least mixture of falsehood, and therefore shall be infallibly fulfilled. Men often speak rashly, and promise what they cannot perform, and deceitfully, what they never intend to perform. But God's words are different; they are pure from all manner of dross; from all folly, or fraud, or uncertainty. "Often have they been put to the test, in the trials of the faithful, like silver committed to the furnace in an earthen crucible; but, like silver in its most refined and exalted purity, found to contain no dross. The words of God are holy in his precepts, just in his laws, gracious in his promises, significant in his institutions, true in his narrations, and infallible in his predictions. What are thousands of gold and silver, compared to the treasures of the sacred page.
Psalm 12 verse 7 shows that God preserves His Word. Therefore, we can trust a true translation of the Bible from the original received text such as KJV-not new KJV, not NIV, etc, where men's ideas of what God has said are presented.
David felt surrounded by evil men who were being promoted to positions of power. They deceived and manipulated words to gain advantage, using their authority to oppress the poor. The LORD promises to cut these vile ones off and establish righteousness and justice. David takes comfort in his only reliable witness, the purified truth of God's preserved Word.
GOD or LORD in all caps is GOD or LORD. it can be nothing else. To make it something else is changing the holy, infallible word of GOD. We are instructed not to change one jot or one tittle. Who do you think GOD was talking to in GENESIS when HE said, "let US make man in OUR image? Was GOD talking to himself then?
David is Telling us that Jehovah said unto my Lord, Sit Thou at my Right Hand. Are you saying The Bible Says Jesus is Talking to Himself? Who's Sitting Next to Who. Who is Talking to Who? You Need to Talk with a Pastor. Get a Concordance, do a Word Study.You can look it up Yourself, Look for LORD and Lord. Ask Yourself why is One All Capital Letters and The Other is Not. Read John 6:44.
Will: GOD or LORD with all Capital Letters is Jehovah. Psalm 110:1 Reads: Jehovah said unto my Lord, Sit thou at my right hand, until I make thine enemies they footstool. 12:3 Jehovah shall cut off all flattering lips and The tongue that speaketh proud things:
TO BSP: verse 3 says "THE LORD" not "JEHOVAH GOD". read it again. Then read in revelation where it says not to change one jot or tittle in the WORD OF GOD.
There is an empty world in our words to one another,vanity on display.A world of spiritual poor and needy vs. prideful predators who are gods unto themselves.Almighty God is present and not without a plan which will glorify himself.Where believers fall short,God is there to help,to accomplish his will be done.Despite wicked on every side,God is faithful to preserve/protect his people.Trust in God.
yes this true and i must obey all my father has giving me the tools and one will hear for i love all my father is in us and thru one he speak yet ability are set in and preserve when needed i am only to obey his love and show one can deside for one self yet i am to pull those chosen one out for i to am not of this world and i prey for it amen
I have never found a verse in Scripture that explicitly states that the KJV is the perfect translation of Scripture, since the KJV did not exist when scripture was written by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. The original writings of the Old and New Testament in Hebrew (O.T.) and Greek (N.T.) were the only absolutely inspired words of God written through the agency of the biblical writer.
Some will extrapolate a defense of the position that the KJV is the only perfect translation from a verse or two. But this approach does not prove the point. I believe that God has preserved the integrity and veracity of His Word in Scripture from the time it was first written or spoken by the apostles, as they preached to people, during the apostolic times as well as the Old Testament times.
I believe that God has preserved the integrity and veracity of His Words in Scripture over the centuries from the apostolic times up to present day. There have been many translations of Scripture over the centuries, I believe that God preserved the truth of Scripture in these translations beginning with the Septuagint (O.T. translated in Greek from Hebrew) in the 3rd century B.C., through the work of copyists in the post-apostolic times when they copied by hand the original copies of the Septuagint and the N. T. writings of the apostles.
I believe that the translation of Jerome (Vulgate) was a truthful translation and that the translations that came before the KJV (which the KJV also used in their translation) were truthful translations. And I believe the translations that have been done since the KJV, with a few exceptions, particularly paraphrases, are equally accurate as the KJV. All translation will have some minor errors due to translating from one language to another, but God, who sustains the church through the ages, will preserve the His Word now also.
I'm not aware of any Bible verses saying the KJV is the only Word of God. There's verses saying God's Word is truth like John 17:17 but not specific to one translation.
I believe the Bible is God's inspired Word. I believe He speaks truth through the holy spirit and through us reading and seeking Him. People are imperfect; God is perfect.
I don't believe KJV is the only true Bible. The reason I believe this is that it wasn't written in English originally. Am I to believe the original languages of Hebrew, Greek, and Aramaic are somehow less accurate than an English translation? A translation by definition can't be more accurate or more truthful than that which it was translated from.
Because humans are flawed imperfect beings we can make mistakes. I'm not saying the KJV has mistakes, but some translations have had printer mistakes and accidents that are documented and undeniable. That doesn't automatically mean it changes the meaning or that God can't speak His truth through it, just like KJVs having variations of what is on the cover, or study notes in the margin, or maps, or those presented online don't necessarily change the meaning of the text. But even if there were human errors present does that mean God can't still use that to speak truth to us through our seeking Him, no, I do not believe anything will hinder someone genuinely seeking God through His word. So, I don't think our imperfection invalidates God's truth in His Word.
I also don't believe in a black and white assumption that if a printer or publisher makes a mistake that the Bible is somehow 100% false and a total lie from satan. That seems extreme to me.
Likewise, call me radical, but I also think God can speak truth false teachers we see on TV, for example. They probably started off legit but were deceived and tempted and drifted off course. That doesn't mean 100% what they say is false and that God can't use our weakness to reach souls. God does miracles.
There are also prophetic overtones once again; such as the character of the Antichrist in Dan. 11:32. We also see in the first verse that godly and faithful man fails and ceases. That reminds us of what happens when the restrainer is removed in 2 Thess. 2:6. Verse 4 seems to show a world thinking that they are without leadership (small lord). The verse about silver tried in a furnace of earth; purified seven times reminds us of the seven year Tribulation as well as the concept in Leviticus 26:18 for God's people.
Verse 7 shows preservation from this (possibly the last) generation. That could indicate a deliverance FROM the wicked; or THROUGH the Tribulation when the wicked reach their apex.
God knows how to preserve His children as we see the concept in 2 Peter 2:9 (also translated dtemptations) also it is clearer in Romans 1:16-17 where we are kept from the "wrath to come." Verse 5 reminds us that as Christ said "the poor will always be among you." ( Matt. 26:11). It appears that children will be restored according to Isaiah 49:25 as well as literal releasing of prisoners in Isaiah 51:14; although other verses can be applied to Christ freeing us from the prison of sin such as Isaiah 61:1-2 quoted by Christ.
These verses could have been penned by David with some of his own personal situation on his mind at least; but these broad promises certainly go beyond just being applied to David's situation as the Spirit inspired these passages in Psalms as in all scipture.
Firstly, a Christian isn't born a Christian - He/she is made one (by God). In all the religions of the world, one is either born into that religion or converts from one religion to another because of choice. A child maybe born into a Christian family & that indeed is a blessing to know about God, but that child doesn't become a Christian automatically.
Secondly, a Christian isn't one who wants to be one because he might think it to be a 'nice religion' to connect with. A Christian, is like anyone else in the world: a sinner who has broken God's Laws, done wrong in the family & society, & stands condemned by God for it. But the difference is: he is now troubled by this broken relationship with His Creator & wants to rectify the matter.
Thirdly, he has probably tried to clean his life up, to deal with his sins & then present himself righteous before God. But in his heart he knows that that's not working because every time he does something good then some other sin shows up showing him that his efforts aren't working.
Fourthly, if he is then convicted & burdened about his sinful existence before God & cannot rectify the situation by himself or from anyone else, he then has to cry out to God to help him. And that's why God sent His Son Jesus to this world: Jesus took on the blame & punishment we deserved by laying down His sinless Life in our place. So when we believe in God's Act of Love for us in the gift of His Son, then our sins are forgiven because of what Jesus has done & not what we could ever do. So all of sudden, the sinner is saved from God's judgement against him & immediately brought into a special relationship & into God's family. And the Bible says that we are now 'born again of God' or, given a new (spiritual) birth from Him.
So here's the difference: Christianity is not a religion, like other religions. It's a relationship with Almighty God & His Son - & it's God's Work alone, not ours.