Psalms Chapter 18 Discussion Page 6

  • Gary on Psalms 18 - 11 years ago
    The praise and thanks and reliance on the Lord is great! But this Psalm is also about God's POWER that He exercised from heaven as well as through David because he was a legitimate son of God and walked in uprightness. He was eligible for God to empower him to do mighty and impossible feats by grace! He wants to use us and work THROUGH us mightily...not just for us! But how excellent are His works?!?!? You are AMAZING God!
  • Skawoo on Psalms 18 - 11 years ago
    Reminds me of 2 Cor 10:4 - the weapons of our warfare are mighty through God! David shows us that it is God who wars on our behalf, our rock and shield. We, however, have to be upright, faithful in order for God to be faithful to us. In crying out in our affliction, our Lord will bend down the heavens to come to our aid. Powerful stuff!
  • Gpaul on Psalms 18 - 11 years ago
    David praised, preached, exhorted, testified, exalted, and magnified God all in one chapter. Who is like God's servant David? David is our example. Amen.
  • Bless on Psalms 18 - 11 years ago
    Blessed be God, let my God arise and let all enemies be scattered, Brothers and Sisters, be not afraid of the enemies, pray trust God and He will deliver you all; He is the great I am.
  • SUZANNE on Psalms 18 - 11 years ago
    In quick summary- if God is for us who can be against us. I see my father watching over me as his precious child to protect. But at the same time, showing me how important I am to him, to never let go. Being raised without an earthly father, I get great encouragement and hope to continue on daily, when I listen to the voice of my Pa-Pa, God.
  • JIDE OREKOYA on Psalms 18 - 11 years ago
    This is scripture of thanksgiving to the Lord Jesus Christ and clearly the Jehovah of the Old Testament is Jesus Christ in the New Testament same attributes. HE WAS LEAD AS A SHEEP TO THE SLAUGHTER, HE OPENED NOT HIS MOUTH and King David said His GENTLENESS brings greatness just the same. Blessed be His Holy Name.
  • Kathay Allen on Psalms 18 - 12 years ago
    Psalms Chapter 18,shows the devoted heart that David had toward God! You can really fell how much David loved and honored the the Lord. I desire to have a closer walk with Him that I may grow to love Him more, and that it may show in the things I do , and say. That I too will be able to love Him , even as David did.
  • HARRY ALLISON on Psalms 18 - 12 years ago
    DAVID was always giving JESUS GLORY!MAY I ENDEAVOR TO DO THE SAME.EVEN in times of adversity,when others turn back,i will keep going forward towards THE PRIZE.IS JESUS pleased with me?
  • Hope henry on Psalms 18 - 12 years ago
    Awesome scripture it has reminded me that Father is the great who I am
  • Dustylee on Psalms 18 - 13 years ago
    Awsome chapter. in verse 25 seems to me God reveals himself to humans as you are.. your character is how God will respond back to you..
  • Leonard franklyn on Psalms 18 - 13 years ago
    it shows the father is the way the truth and life, and he will protect us forever!
  • Peter on Psalms 18 - 13 years ago
    I like. The lord a rock saves God, and God loves the lord,

    Jesus Christ!?
  • Anonymous on Psalms 18 - 13 years ago
    protect me from the enemy.
  • Pearlie on Psalms 18 - 14 years ago
    The first time I read PS18 Iwere over come by it
  • Audrey thomas on Psalms 18 - 14 years ago
    it has inspire me and uplift my spirit

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