Psalms Chapter 25 Discussion Page 6

  • Kimberley on Psalms 25 - 10 years ago
    I love this psalm so much! It speaks to me! Remember not the sins of my youth oh God! David did a great deed writing this psalm!
  • Valeria gueiros on Psalms 25:1 - 10 years ago
    I love Jesus.
  • Sen on Psalms 25 - 10 years ago
    Psalm 25 is my one of my favorites. My Aunt gave me this verse. I remember this psalm giving me hope when I was in sick bed. I memorized it and used to chant the song whenever I was in in pain and sorrow. And, yes, it helped me a lot. But my spiritual life suffered a setback after my Dad 's passing. After 6 years, I am singing this song again, for my heart is restless and I am confused about my life...
  • Tamicia on Psalms 25 - 10 years ago
    God first in your life.Love God, always give him thanks,love one another.for as he love you.have Faith, and be still.he will guide the name of jesus amen .
  • Lucy babbitt on Psalms 25 - 10 years ago
    It 's just what I need it, was looking for Roman 5:2-5 but just reading most of what you had put on this page it gives me more hope and trust in my savior . Thank you
  • MockingBird on Psalms 25:2 - 10 years ago
    When I Trust in the Lord : to have confidence and committing to Him : then I believe that the Lord is saying here that I will not be ashamed and that mine enemies will not triumph over me. I Trust in the Lord with all my heart and I will not lean to mine own understanding.
  • AMEN JAY on Psalms 25:2 - 10 years ago
  • MockingBird on Psalms 25:5 - 10 years ago
    God will never back off from His word. He will always lead from His word. His word is truth. The truth is sometimes hard to accept because we have to deal with the flesh. The flesh and Spirit will always be contrary to each other . Holy Spirit is my teacher. that makes Him the God of my salvation. On Him do I hope and wait.
  • SHABIA on Psalms 25 - 10 years ago
    God is good all the time if we just trust in him everything is possible
  • Blessed on Psalms 25 - 10 years ago
    GOD 'S children are at peace and the peace is not given by the world but by the knowledge of the FATHER
  • Evangelist sophia on Psalms 25:14 - 10 years ago
    I think the psalm is encouraging us to understand the blessing t of living a righteous life and the duties the reward from righteousness is revealed to those who fear him by his joy in favor and blessing that ungodly men will never know as he keep his covenant God is faithful to his word
  • Roseline Ndiwe on Psalms 25 - 10 years ago
    Our God is out last resort,The very 'Presence ' in time of need. so we should always put our trust in 'Him ' regardless what we see, feel or hear He is the answers to out questions and solutions to all our problems for all those that believe in Him as the 'Redeemer '. He had set us free from the plans of the wicked Hallelujah be to the Name of our God through Christ Jesus Amen.
  • Dwight Lanfair Sr on Psalms 25 - 10 years ago
    Well,I cannot quote scriptures,But I do know what God has delivered me from... Thank you Jesus!! I 've been delivered from Drugs and Alcohol...10 years clean amen!...I 've been delivered from bondage of bad relationships... I have been delivered from disloyalty and bad intentions. I walk with God daily and he will keep me safe..I AM A LIVING TESTIMONY,LORD KNOWS I SHOULDA BEEN DEAD AND GONE, BUT JESUS LET ME LIVE ON...AMEN
  • Karon on Psalms 25:5 - 10 years ago
    The Lord has fulfilled his promises to me. I have to receive each one just like I did salvation by believing, trusting and staying connected to Him. First as Lord and then as Savior. I have to make him Lord of my life not just Savior off my life.
  • Kinny on Psalms 25 - 10 years ago
    Glory to god ,lift him up brothers and sisters he is mighty .put ur trust on him!!!!
  • Joseph kaba on Psalms 25 - 10 years ago
    Thank. To our almight God,he is the creater with in heaven and earth and everything that is inside this world is by him,so brother 's and sisters less do his will,because our enemies dont want us to prosper they want to see us suffering and they will be saying ya belive in God let your God shpuld come down and give us our needs,but i belive that God will never put us ashame because we are also his children.So let us give thanks to him and on his name so he will make use of our prayers and give us our needs .
  • Anonymous on Psalms 25:22 - 10 years ago
    Lord help all the people in Israel
  • Rev. Autrey on Psalms 25:5 - 10 years ago
    It was always God 's plan to come to the earth as Jesus and save his people. Why else would God call himself the Savior in the Psalms? Psalm 25, verse 5, reads. 'Lead me. Teach me. For you are the God who gives me salvation. I have no hope except in you. ' Yes, it was God himself who was born in Bethlehem that Christmas day. That is why Jesus is called Immanuel, God is with us. If we are God 's people, we should accept the fact that he has fulfiled his promise, and come to us as Jesus, the Lord. Yes, he has come to us as Jesus. So Joy to the world, the Lord God has come. Let earth receive her King.... Oh how I wish Church people knew this. If they did, it would give new meaning to the way we come to God, and new meaning to the way we pray to God. May God bless you and keep you!
  • Brittany on Psalms 25 - 10 years ago
    He is good
  • Jeff Njoroge on Psalms 25 - 10 years ago
    Indeed its the basis of strength which dilutes fear from enemy.
  • PATRICIA ALEXANDER on Psalms 25 - 10 years ago
  • Osazee Marvelous on Psalms 25 - 10 years ago
    i belived in God so i surender my all to him
  • Tin Nguyen on Psalms 25 - 11 years ago
    Believe on the Lord Jesus and go boldly to the throne and asks and he will answer all your needs There power in the name of Jesus
  • Tim George on Psalms 25:7 - 11 years ago
    Remember not my sins of my youth is the same promise we have that God has cast our sins as for as the east is from the west The blood of Jesus has totally covered our sins for He who had not sinned was made in the likeness of sinful man so that we could obtain the righteousness of Christ by faith So rejoice for you are now clothed in the righteousness of Christ and justified just as if you never sinned
  • Esther palacios on Psalms 25:4 - 11 years ago
    Thank you for sharing with us on face book. I share with friends and public.this Psmal has a powerfull payer on wich is asking God to teach us his ways. I ask God for the wisdom and strength to fallow him no matter what obsticuls come my way
  • Daniel on Psalms 25 - 11 years ago
    Healing is much more closer than one think . Have overcome many ailments illnesses including shotgun wounds ashtma insanity you name I have overcome victoriously Focus on Jesus he received 39 stripes there are 39 illnesses which HE ' s has cured believe like Job did David mention it in Ps 25 aswell Be Blessed.
  • Carolyn Prayer on Psalms 25 - 11 years ago
    I love the book of Psalms... reading Psalms, calms me when, Im upset..
  • Ileyemi on Psalms 25 - 11 years ago
    Am somehow strong and need ur prayer and I believe God wl heal me.
  • Julian alexander on Psalms 25 - 11 years ago
    I do belive and i need help i am very sick. and gonna die and oonly god. Can heal. Please pray for me
  • Agunbiekun Ademola David on Psalms 25 - 11 years ago
    Thank you Jesus for your unspeakable gifts.

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