Psalms Chapter 31 Discussion

  • GIGI - In Reply on Psalms 31 - 1 year ago

    yes he did. I think that Chris gave the Scripture reference. Some say these may have been children of Joseph from a prior marriage. Therefore they would be older than Jesus. Others, like myself, believe that Mary and Joseph had these children together.

    We just will never really know until we get to heaven.
  • Chris - In Reply on Psalms 31 - 1 year ago
    Is this what you're thinking of Kristi? Matthew 13:55,56
  • Kristi Ann Wright on Psalms 31 - 1 year ago
    Hi, I've heard different answers in my life..

    Did Jesus have Siblings by Joseph & Mary? If so, where in Scripture can i find it to read in KJV Bible?

    Sincerely, Kristi A Wright :)
  • Richard H Priday on Psalms 31 - 2 years ago
    Psalm 31 along with Psalm 32 discusses David's physical condition (as stated in verse 10 here) of his bones being consumed. Those who were near him kept their distance. (v. 11). There have been commentaries that somehow David got some venereal disease from one of his many wives or concubines that would cause these effects. These passages would indicate that the time frame was probably late in his life as well; at that time he had someone wait on him to stay physically warm (see 1 Kings 1:1-12). We are also reminded of the sufferings of Job in the majority of the book as well; and how this would cause his "friends" to theorize the cause of his calamaties; not realizing that Satan was behind it as well as the Lord testing his faithfulness.

    There are Messianic prophecies here such as in verse 5 (which as the trivia passage indicates is seen in the passage on Stephen in Acts as well).

    Verse 19 and 20 show the benefits of those who FEAR Him in terms of promises of protection (again either THROUGH trials or from them). Verse 23 shows the general future in eternity as it stands for the righteous in contrast with the wicked. These themes not only repeat themselves in alternative verses in many Psalms but througout the O.T. and even the New Testament in many places. One good example is in John 3:16; we compare that to those who do NOT believe in verses 17 to 18 and their resulting fate. Perhaps this will teach us to not only test ourselves to see if we are in the faith; but to be careful judging others when looking at outward appearances. Today; sadly some would look at Phillipians 2:27 and Epaphroditus and think that he wasn't being "blessed" due to his health issues. There are those today who may have done things such as tattoos to themselves at an earlier time (or are detransitioning) that nonetheless are true believers now. There may be scars from earlier sins as well; but God can use anyone who has submitted to Him if truly Born Again).
  • S Spencer. - In Reply on Psalms 31 - 2 years ago
    Thanks Richard may the lord bless you in all you do.
  • Richard H Priday on Psalms 31 - 2 years ago
    The commentary here elaborates once again the prophetic implications of David's Psalm which have implications for the Messiah to come. Verse 10; however clearly implies David only as iniquities causing his ailment are mentioned; some have linked it to a sexually transmitted illness due to his many relations with women (such as veneral disease).

    Once again; a hidden place in God's "pavilion" (v. 20) are offered to those saints which fear God (v. 19). The reward in v. 23 for the evil doer once again shows that we reap what we sow. These verses referring to a "strong city" (v. 21) are indicative of the heavenly Jerusalem most likely; and could refer to the Rapture and or Resurrection of the saints.

    Verse 5 shows what Christ stated when He died "into thine hands I commit my spirit". ( Luke 23:46). The part of being redeemed is for the rest of the saints; as Christ overcame through His own Divinity. It is finished was stated in John 19:30. This shows that after death He was victorious; and by no means was "suffering in hell" but was proclaiming victory; and setting free the captives ( Eph. 4:8). Also this fits in with the penitent thief being with Him "today" in paradise ( Luke 23:43). Three days later; at the Resurrection many were brought forth from their graves and appeared to many. As to whether they went to heaven as the first of the firstfruits is of some controversy; but no other explanation seems likely. Satan was defeated and the stage was set for the verse "death where is thy sting?" ( 1 Cor. 15:55-57).

    Several other verses; particularly verse 13 seem to show the sufferings of Christ. Verse 11 is very similar to those used by Job during his trial.
  • Cynthia Hosea on Psalms 31 - 3 years ago
    Praise God for another days journey. I love all the Psalms,91 verse 10 the Lord thy God said he will not let no Plague come upon you and I truly trust in God's word and I am not afraid of COVID-19 nor anything that comes my way I only fear God to everyone that reads this Be Strong In The Lord And The Power Of His Might. God is Greater than any situation we FACE.
  • Brian Griffin on Psalms 31 - 3 years ago
    I am committed too the book of Psalms exspeually 23 Psalms.
  • My words mean no harm on Psalms 31 - 3 years ago
    For Brianna; Unfortunately there are many different Gods and Idols that people worship. I wear a "wooden cross" around my neck, not for worshipping, but to show that I only worship the true GOD and that is our GOD of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, etc..
  • Mild Bill on Psalms 31 - 4 years ago
    What is hidden/secret to unbelievers is God's presence,where believers see the face of God and are strengthened.

    Weakened by our recognized infirmities, only in the mercy and grace of God do we have any hope/expectation.

    The pride of man produces the strife of tongues,grievousness and contempt of godliness. Believers are never

    truly "cut off" from God, whereas,sons of men are imprisoned for eternity, and the torment there is knowing God

    has forever forsaken them, left to burning in their unfulfilled lusts.

    Trust God himself has done the work of salvation for you,and not your own self/works.Accept his graciousness.
  • Jim on Psalms 31 - 4 years ago
    We have to give everything to God in prayer, no matter what it is . Stop holding on to things you can't control . God is the strong tower, he is our refuge; God said in the word that if you have faith of a mustard seed you can move a mountian. Trust in the lord;he is the only one that can stop from falling.
  • Lady A on Psalms 31 - 4 years ago
    GOD is the strength of my life, GOD is GREAT and greatly to be praised....

    Help me Father in the name of Jesus Christ to do better on this journey of life

    I am walking on the right path according to your words, sometimes I don't think about what I am thinking about...

    This word is good....
  • Jackie on Psalms 31 - 5 years ago
    Lord thank you for your word that we can gain strenght and help when we are week you are strong p!ease don't take your holy spirit for me for give me for my douth and help me grow stronger every day in Jesus name.
  • David Williams on Psalms 31 - 5 years ago
    Psalm 31:5 "Into thine hand I commit my sprit...." and then everything else in life, this one and the next, will follow. I believe this one verse to be a very powerful Word.
  • Sheek on Psalms 31 - 5 years ago
    Psalms 31
    40 have all been provided to me by the Lord God of the bible, not the God of xmas
  • Obbie Beal on Psalms 31 - 5 years ago

    V:24 Be of good courage, and he shall strengthen your heart, all ye that HOPE in the LORD. (...each day is another 'war to fight' and each hour of the day we see and hear of those who have no hope or has lost hope, but, by the power of GOD through Jesus / MY SAVIOR I will fight on because the battle is won and the victory is our; The marriage Supper Of The LAMB is waiting. WOW! WOW! WOW!)
  • Helen on Psalms 31 - 6 years ago
    This gives me hope and courage to go on in a world that is to big for me. I feel I'm falling an can't catch myself. I call on Jesus!
  • Sandra r garden on Psalms 31 - 6 years ago
    Blessed be the LORD: for he hath shewed me his marvellous kindness in a strong city. The Lord carries us through our trials and gives us the Victory in the presence of our enemies, all we got to do is trust in His word and pray unto Him for our needs. Amen
  • Linda on Psalms 31 - 6 years ago
    Psalm 31:15 My times are in thy hand: deliver me from the hand of mine enemies, and from them that persecute me. He has been my guide all my life and my testimonies are countless. Thank you Lord!!!
  • Mild Bill,saved by grace on Psalms 31 - 6 years ago
    God is the refuge for those who trust him,in this world which is passing away.Believers are set in the largest,most secure room/pavilion in all creation,the door is Jesus.To this world we are a broken vessel,useless.Believers have hope/an expectation of God and our times are in his hands.Believers are proud of God before the sons of men,because we see him and his love.Despite our troubles he hears
  • Bookreadingismything on Psalms 31 - 7 years ago
    I remember, as a child, sitting in my bedroom and crying because I was constantly being bullied by classmates, teaching staff, and family alike because I had a skin condition that I could not help having. I was praying to God with my hand stretched out to Him. I know He heard me, and it gives comfort : . Thank you God, I love you
  • Mild Bill on Psalms 31 - 7 years ago
    The "proud doer" here is saying/expressing,"I am thus because of thee", not, "I am thus because of me". The pride, is a delight in the Lord and his presence(v.20) in the life of a believer. Such as, a person might say, "I am proud to know him",or,"I am proud of my God". There is no sin in this form of the word and it is not the "pride of man'.
  • Irene123 on Psalms 31 - 7 years ago
    Anand - " ..... plentifully rewrd the proud doer." - the PROUD doer, pride is a sin, pride in what YOU have done, because that is not giving glory to God. The 'reward' for pride is judgment from God.
  • Anand on Psalms 31 - 7 years ago
    What is the meaning of the last verse? - "plentifully rewardeth the proud doer" O love the LORD, all ye his saints: for the LORD preserveth the faithful, and plentifully rewardeth the proud doer.
  • Lachelle on Psalms 31 - 7 years ago
    When I am confused conflicted; I am soothed and fearless.
  • Brianna on Psalms 31 - 7 years ago
    Vs. 14 - But I trust in you, O Jehovah. I declare: You are my God. - NWT Jehovah, the name of the sovereign of the universe. Some translations omit the Divine name. Yet, as we can see, when that name is used, it clearly identifies the God of the Bible and gives much more meaning to the scriptures.
  • Brianna on Psalms 31 - 7 years ago
    Vs. 6 NWT -I hate those who are devoted to worthless, vain idols, But as for me, I trust in Jehovah. Idol worship has crept into Christianity. Remember, the worship of idols is something God hates. Even the cross is an idol. If you pray, bow down to, or revere it, it is an idol. All Praise goes directly to God.
  • Sandy C👏🏽 on Psalms 31 - 7 years ago
    Nothing but the Blood of Jesus Our times are in his Hands, he is our Rock, there is none like him, he is the Alpha
  • Theophila on Psalms 31 - 8 years ago
    God is our shield,and he watches over us always
  • Kelvin on Psalms 31 - 8 years ago
    God is a all time God who loves us and protects us at all times!

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