Psalms Chapter 31 Discussion Page 4

  • Alecia Hamilton on Psalms 31 - 10 years ago
    I have been reading this for a few years now on a daily basis It has become my source of meditation I keep the Faith trust in Almighty GOD Abba Father who is my constant Hope stay Complete trust with all my heart everyday
  • Adenike babalola on Psalms 31 - 10 years ago
    Anyone that puts his trust in God can never be put to shame. Let God be our defence and fotress.
  • Cheryl. C on Psalms 31:24 - 10 years ago
    Sometimes the things that come my way are discouraging and seemingly hopeless : But when I read the word of God and see where He is with me and through His word He is strengthening me and His word encourages me. David had some times where He encouraged and strengthened himself in the Lord. My Lord Jesus tells me in His word that when we seek and search for him with all my heart ;He shall be found of me : But I must always remember He is not lost ;He knows where He is and He knows where I am . Praise God for His Love and Care !!!!!
  • Eunice Boadiwaa on Psalms 31 - 10 years ago
    God is so wonderful that he protect his children from the hands of the wicked and it helping me to understand certain things Glory be thy Name
  • Bill Mnauel on Psalms 31 - 10 years ago
    I have bet my life on it.
  • Johno on Psalms 31 - 10 years ago
    As a recovering alcoholic who has found a spiritual path in recovery (AA) I found this psalm resonated with me very strongly.
  • Treasure on Psalms 31 - 10 years ago
    Psalm 31 is my daily prayer.i love it somuch.
  • Joseph Gakura on Psalms 31:19 - 10 years ago
    My thinking is whether you are in a war of any suffering,keep on trusting and fear Elohim.
    Take care.

    Can God? God can.
  • Selorm on Psalms 31 - 10 years ago
    When you put your trust in God you rest from your own works
  • Ayana wilson on Psalms 31 - 10 years ago
    this is a psalms for faith an strength i love it jus how i love my lord.
  • Troy on Psalms 31 - 11 years ago
    gives me hope and strength, reminding me there's a light at the end of every tunnel
  • Kim on Psalms 31 - 11 years ago
    i love this psalms to death it help to strengthen me it is such a powerful chapter
  • Samuel olaniyi olanipekun on Psalms 31 - 11 years ago
    with God everything is posible.
  • KENNY S. on Psalms 31:24 - 11 years ago
  • Hellen Sitienei on Psalms 31:9 - 11 years ago
    God delivers.
  • Willie B. Jackson on Psalms 31:5 - 11 years ago
    Let me know that I can’t give up until I go up.
  • Mr. williams on Psalms 31 - 11 years ago
    Psalms 31 is a word that mean when you need God for help he will be there for you all the time so y we cant do for Him? love.........God
  • Amon Matavire on Psalms 31:19 - 11 years ago
    Very powerful.
  • Bless on Psalms 31 - 11 years ago
  • Anonymous on Psalms 31 - 11 years ago
    I struggle everyday to do the Lord's will. It’s as if the more I pray to do what is God's will, the more I fail. But verse 18 gives me the courage to press on in spite of everything. Praise to God.
  • Micheleen on Psalms 31 - 12 years ago
    This Psalm defines what I am going through, my challenges that's WHY I LOVE IT. Especially verse 18: LET THE LYING LIPS BE PUT TO SILENCE how else can you define the gossipers who tell lies on you and you feel as though you are on your own.
  • HARRY ALLISON on Psalms 31 - 12 years ago
    the most difficult thing for me to do right now is to transition from living under "law" and believing under GRACE.EVEN THOUGH I AM AN OLD DOG,I am WILLING TO LEARN NEW TRICKS.BEING IN AND OUT OF law abiding facilities most of my life trained me that way.JESUS LOVES ME IN MY TRANSITION....
  • Brian on Psalms 31 - 12 years ago
    Gods word has always brought me peace when I need help It has brought conviction when I;m wrong. I can read his word a hundred times and still find something more I can do to better my life. I know I'm saved by grace, but sometimes the battle to live right seems so impossible. But I know our God is a great deliver. I don't understand all his ways, but I know and believe he is perfect. I just wish he would help me despite myself. As Paul said "O wretched man that I am" but he knew who would deliver him.
  • James on Psalms 31 - 12 years ago
    God is a good God all the time ,He take care of
    the emeny.
  • James on Psalms 31 - 12 years ago
    This chapter become so real that I can,t contain
    Thank God.
  • Timothy Wayne George on Psalms 31 - 12 years ago
    This great Psalm of David gives great comfort to all of us facing death.
    We know that our times are in God's hands, and no matter what people do to us to hurt us, there the everlasting hands of God the father is there to hold us. Then when our hour of death comes, just as the Lord Jesus said on the cross into thy hands I commit my spirit. We can rest secure for eternity in the hands of God the father, knowing full well that he has a house for us not made with human hands in heaven. Praise God we don't have to worry about death, as it is but a shadow, and the LORD is there to comfort us every step of the way. As my earthly father passed on into the hands of the Father I took comfort in these words of Jesus on the cross. My earthly father committed my mother to me just before he passed, and this reminded me of Jesus when he told his mother Mary to behold her son, speaking of John. What a blessing it is to be used of God in the various times of our lives to bring comfort to others, just as God gives us comfort in our times of sorrow. Praise God when Jesus calls for us to come up hither, all those in the grave will be raised to life eternal, and so shall we ever be with the Lord.
  • Sonya on Psalms 31 - 12 years ago
    I read this when I am falsely accused. It reminds me that our Father is in control and he will have the last say.
  • Amy on Psalms 31 - 13 years ago
    This is my favorite chapter in the Bible. I know its suppose to be about David and regarding his enemies, but I always read this when I am down. Whenever I feel depressed this chapter ALWAYS lifts me up. Just knowing God will never forsake me or leave.
  • Mild Bill on Psalms 31 - 13 years ago
    Verse 19 is one of the inexhaustable truths of knowing Almighty God. He is indeed to be praised for his goodness and mercy. It is the source of my hope.

    Thank you Lord.

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