Psalms Chapter 32 Discussion Page 3

  • Lewin millan on Psalms 32 - 12 years ago
    the powerful key in life as a Christian is to confess your sins unto the LORD.Our God is a merciful LORD slow to anger....remember what happened to the people of neniva the repented,pleaded with GOD not to destroy them and they were spared their lives.
  • W j on Psalms 32 - 12 years ago
    I think it's a very powerful verse, for a christian to live by,without the Lord guides us, we would become as lost sheep...may the keep on guiding our footsteps..
  • Yolanda Brown on Psalms 32:8 - 13 years ago
    God lead me to this scripture. I have it posted on my mirror as a reminder of what he is saying to me. "I will guide you with my eyes." I need his wisdom on how to respond in difficult situations and his eyes to guide me to be at the right place at the right time doing the right thing. I cannot see with human eyes the things that he has instored for me, nor where he wants to lead me.

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