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Psalms Chapter 37 Discussion Page 2

Psalms Chapter 37 Discussion Page 2

  • Rick Poole on Psalms 37:11 - 4 years ago
    Ps 37....like psalm 2 God sees the day of judgement for the wicked is coming...we are not to take matters in our own hands...even this corrupt, unGodly Stealing Of this presidential election from President Trump!
  • Chris - In Reply on Psalms 37:29 - 4 years ago
    What attracted me immediately to your post, was your name 'Perry' & that you appear to be affiliated with the JWs. I recall that many years ago, in the mid '80s in fact, that I took into spiritual counselling & shelter a young lad by the name of Peter Perry who was the son of an elder at a Kingdom Hall & this lad was tarnished with the name 'rebel' because of his departure from 'the faith'. I'm not suggesting that you both are related but that the name & JW connection got me interested to read further. I don't know what happened to Peter as he left & I went into overseas missionary work a little later. Nevertheless, I learned much about the beliefs of the JWs & of course, having over the years, invited some of them who pass by with their tracts, into my home. Sadly, now they seem to avoid me even when I wave to them with my eagerness to engage in conversation. I guess I might be a 'marked' person.

    The two chief areas of disagreement we have, concern the Deity of Jesus Christ & Eternal Punishment of the sinner. The JWs assert that Jesus Christ was a created Being, & of Eternity, that the sinful dead disappear into non-existence while only the righteous will have part in the Millennial Kingdom.

    On these two points particularly, I get passionately excited about, since belief in the JW understanding of these two doctrines (Person of Jesus Christ & of Last Things), I find that the JW's position is untenable when put under the spotlight of Scripture & God's Character of Holiness & Justice. If all sinners just disappeared into a state of non-existence, then why the need of Christ & His salvation? If to only grant us a hope of being with God in Paradise, then this brings little comfort of fleeing from sin's penalty of rejection & eternal fiery judgement. Our singular hope should be to flee the wrath of God because of our sins & into the Arms of a Merciful Saviour for salvation, eternal rest & worship to Him, Who first loved us enough to save us from Satan's domain.
  • M perry - In Reply on Psalms 37:29 - 4 years ago
    Because created the Earth from the beginning to be inhabited by man and subdue it. God's purpose always becomes fulfilled regardless of what man does. Revelation discusses the 1000 year reign of Christ, God's soon to reestablish the earth as a paradise, as in the beginning. It also speaks of 144000, who will reign as kings and priests in Heaven. When there are kings or priests, there are "subjects" so to speak of. 1 Cor 15:24-28 talks further about the milenial reign, and Christ subjecting the kingdom to God again, having rid the earth of all wickedness and corrupt world governments. The churches dont teach this cause they teach many pagan ideas that fly in the face of what the Bible says. God has a name, it is Jehovah or Yahweh in the Hebrew. I encourage you to read this to learn the many truths found in the Bible, without the taint of paganism and false christianity that has deceived many since the first century when even then the "church" was being corrupted. Look at the origin of the trinity and pagan holidays and practices...non-biblical. Remember first and foremost, the Bible alone is the Word of God. Any books or literature only assists with understanding some of its' beautiful truths and meaning.

    In this time before the end, when God will bring about the destruction of those who fail to serve Him, a worldwide preaching work in 1024 languages has been undertaken by the brotherhood of Jehovah's Witnesses, who stay neutral in warfare, because as Jesus said, "my kingdom is no part of this world." JW's are not members of any political affiliation in ANY land. Many people reject them, not surprising that those who preach the truth would be rejected. They have a website . Many truths discussed there. God is allowing people to learn the truth to serve Him and have everlasting life. Only the Bible is the Word of God, no other books etc. thanks for reading this, May God richly bless you.
  • Admin on Psalms 37:2 - 4 years ago
    testing tinest
  • Mishael - In Reply on Psalms 37:2 - 4 years ago
    It says fret not 3 or more times. Vengeance belongs to the Lord.

    If you read the whole Psalm (and I know you did); it says that the Lord will deal personally with the wicked. We don't have to do a thing, except make a mention in our prayers and thank the Lord for His intervention.
  • Eric Olander on Psalms 37:2 - 4 years ago
    Actually "Poor in Spirit" means just that. Period. It means you are living from the perspective of the flesh. The beatitudes are actually petitions for you to repent (turn) your fleshy ways and be blessed by concentric events that create a Child of God. The poor in Spirit then must mourn to comforted as the blessing. What are they mourning? That self that must die for the spirit to come forth meek and be grounded in the inheritance of the earth's true bounty, for like Cain we've forsaken stewardship.

    The Beatitudes are coaxial wheels within wheels that are in fact the little commandments mentioned in 5:19. What follows 19 are the comparison of in the world and not of it actions to the law. In other words how it is to be fulfilled.

    Christ then gives us the mirror of the circular Lord's Prayer to help us along this road out of long suffering or the moments misfortune and sin that needs to be handled unlike did Cain handle his correction when God the Father did invite him to be blessed and do his homework over. The Beatitudes are this tool for correction.
  • Barbara S - In Reply on Psalms 37:2 - 4 years ago
    Thank you Chris.
  • Chris - In Reply on Psalms 37:2 - 4 years ago
    I believe that the wisdom shared in Psalm 37 has more to do with a godly person's inward response to evil & evil workers that are constantly around us. We are not to be troubled by them (v1), we are to trust, delight, commit & rest in the Lord (vv 3-5,7), & God's Judgement on them is certain & complete (vv 2,9,10,13,15,17,20,22,28,38). So there are more reminders of God's dealing with those that do wickedly & for us to know that wickedness will always be around us but we need to take care of our personal steps before the Lord (v23).

    There are many Scriptures about discipline within Christ's Church, one good example is in 1 Corinthians chapter 5. Once error & sin goes unchecked in the Church, then the 'whole lump' becomes infected & virtually useless. If we don't do our job then God will have to clean it out His Way: first with His gentle correction ( Hebrews 12:5-11) & then more severely ( 1 Corinthians 11:27-32).

    And our response to societies' judgement of wickedness? We know that as long as we have godless men in positions of power, whether at the top or in control of the various arms of government, then overlooking sins & miscarriages of (true) justice will always be the order of the day. We are to never condone their acts but we're told to be subject to them ( Romans 13:1-7) as their primary goal is for the care & well-being of society. However, I don't believe it would be wrong to make your views known to them (by letter, newspaper submissions & not by raging marches), particularly as most of us here live in democratic, free speech & expression societies. Many other governments would imprison you for such outward expressions. It's possible that so much of anti-biblical laws passed & disregard to decency by the governments are because that Christians have remained quiet. The Gospel proclamation requires also the proclamation of godless behaviour in all aspects of society.
  • James Kmosko - In Reply on Psalms 37:2 - 4 years ago
    Heavens, no. 1 Corinthians 5 and 6 (especially 5) directly state that we should address issues within the church in the world.

    The verses you're speaking of are simply saying that we needn't be overly angry or worried about or envy those going contrary to the will of the Lord. The word "fret," even in the modern Websters' dictionary, means to agitate, to effect something as if gnawing or biting, or to "cause to suffer emotional strain."

    It's not saying not saying, "Don't worry about it, everything'll be fine!"

    It's rather saying, "You don't have to fret about this- they're gonna get what's coming."

    There are different rules on judging Christians and non-Christians, but it IS okay to judge. That's a study in and of itself
  • Fanisile Matentamo on Psalms 37:2 - 4 years ago
    If a believer sees the pervesion of justice in the society or in the church, should one look the other way ? Is that what is suggested by psalm 37, when it says do not fret with the evil doers ?
  • Sj - In Reply on Psalms 37:29 - 4 years ago
    I meant John 3:3 I put Genesis 3:3.
  • Sj - In Reply on Psalms 37:29 - 4 years ago
    Quick and the dead. Genesis 1:26

    Genesis 3:3

  • Earl Bowman - In Reply on Psalms 37:13 - 4 years ago
    Rebecca, II Samuel 23:1 Now these be the last words of David. David the son of Jesse said, and the man who was raise up on high, the anointed of the God of Jacob, and the sweet psalmist of Israel, said, (vs 2) The spirit of the Lord spake by me, and his word was in my tongue. Revelation 19:10 .....worship God: for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. II Peter 1:21 For the prophecy came not at any time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.

  • Celes Mickle on Psalms 37:37 - 4 years ago
    What scriptures can I use about where did man come from, where is man now, and where is man going in the future KJV?
  • Chris - In Reply on Psalms 37:8 - 4 years ago
    Many each day express themselves wrongly but continue on without flinching. You've declared your error & repented proving God's Spirit working in you. Your day will be a whole lot better now knowing God's love & forgiveness. Keep praising Him.
  • Donna J Bridgman on Psalms 37:8 - 4 years ago
    just acted out with angry words God loves me and I know that's wrong
  • 351213guhsdnet on Psalms 37:13 - 4 years ago
    this is true
  • Chris - In Reply on Psalms 37:13 - 4 years ago
    The Book of Psalms is a collection of lyrical poems written by a number of authors. The Book was originally entitled, "Tehillim" which, in Hebrew, means 'Praise Songs'. The English title, 'Psalms' originated from the Greek title, 'Psalmoi' & also meant 'Songs of Praise'.

    The Psalms became the hymnal of God's people, with its words often set to music, but not always. The Psalms expressed the authors' emotion to God or about Him, and different Psalms were written to communicate the author's feeling & emotions about the situation they might have been experiencing. That's why the Psalms are so treasured through the ages as they often reflect what the person who is reading them might also be going through & also to encourage him to still bless the Lord in spite of the situation.

    But to your question: most of the Psalms were written by King David (73 Psalms we know of, maybe more). Asaph wrote 12; Korah 10; Moses 1; King Solomon 2; Ethan & Heman 2 each; the remaining Psalms have not been given their author's names.

    If you can, you can read the narrative in the O.T. books that give background to the writing of a particular Psalm. If you have a Study Bible, often a reference will be given in the margin or the notes at the bottom. Otherwise, the internet might also give you help. But to start you off: Read 1 Samuel 19:10.11 & then read Psalm 59; 1 Samuel 21:10-15 with Psalm 56; 1 Samuel 21:10 to 22:2 with Psalm 34; 1 Samuel 22:9 with Psalm 52. This helps to understand the Psalms a little better.
  • Rebecca on Psalms 37:13 - 4 years ago
    Please tell me who wrote the psalms?
  • Rose on Psalms 37 - 4 years ago
    Because heaven will be our home for eternity as the word of god promises, the scripture says that the meek shall inherit the earth, means that those who forgo worldly power will be rewarded in the kingdom of heaven
  • Carleton - In Reply on Psalms 37:29 - 4 years ago
    My heart was made clean and the Lord's law abides in my meekness, I have inherited His earth and long to be even closer, like a marriage of two.
  • Yeboah Assiamah on Psalms 37:29 - 4 years ago
    If the bible tells us the righteous will inherit the land then why is that Christians are focuseing on heaven .
  • Theodora M Johnson on Psalms 37:25 - 4 years ago
    In times like these we need a Savior... That song is in my spirit this morning. So much adversity is now happening in my life. BUT God, through prayer has brought me out of the troubles--some I caused when I was young and others as I got Saved and older. He reminded me of the scripture, Psalm 37:25. "I have been young, now am old yet have I not seen the righteous for- saken, nor his seed begging bread."

    Let's all as God says, "Remember Me",

    I am the Lord God your Savior.
  • DickWayne on Psalms 37:4 - 4 years ago
    Goals and beliefs give people lasting motivation
  • Melissa marcou on Psalms 37:38 - 4 years ago
    The email i can not use anymore, but i still wanted to let you know of my struggles with satan. I feel that god has been with me the whole time. I truly love god. And why i was attacked i do not know. I struggle with PTSD. I Have have had vivid dreams with cherubs seen jesus felt his presents. Felt rejected by many when everyone including my family denied me. Jesus did not. I needed this versus its getting better for some reason my language and my anger is awful i have repented and asked for forgiveness. Thats all i can do. Mercy ship. Means alot. Along time ago i wantedthe mercy house it goes together. Its not for me but them msybe god will bless them with that special gift. Cherubs i my dream gave me three gifts that were taken from me . I know what that meant its like the the talents that you get that you do want share rember in i think mathew the bridegrooms eachgot 3,5,
  • Hogan - In Reply on Psalms 37 - 4 years ago
    Rom 10:17-So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

    Living: 2Co 5:7-(For we walk by faith, not by sight:)

    Rom 1:17-For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith.

    Praying: Jude 1:20-But ye, beloved, building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost,

    Action: Here are some more faith scriptures for you to read and study. God Bless!

    James 2:1-26 and the whole chapter of Hebrews 11.
  • Rosa Borchert on Psalms 37 - 4 years ago
    God is unfailing and just, all we need to do is to believe in him and leave our worries in his hands. He will take care of our needs and will not leave us at the mercy of the wicked. The wicked will have their day of judgement, and judgement belongs to God, and only God.
  • Alice - In Reply on Psalms 37 - 4 years ago
    That is the Christian thing to do. But sometimes when we are groaning under the stress they put us through, we forget and just want them removed. You wished your enemy the best.
  • Mishael - In Reply on Psalms 37 - 4 years ago
    I took the Lord at a His Word...

    Pray for your enemies. Bless those who curse you and abuse you.

    So I did :D. I asked God to give them a promotion. It works!
  • Alice Roberts - In Reply on Psalms 37 - 4 years ago
    Yes, I can attest to that. I too have prayed for mean bosses to be removed, and it happened more than once. They were transferred to a different department. God defends the righteous. Let us continue to stand on his word. He will defend His children.

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