Psalms Chapter 40 Discussion

  • U4YAH - In Reply on Psalms 40 - 2 years ago
    Thank you Ruby. God bless you too.
  • Ruby Lea Read - In Reply on Psalms 40 - 2 years ago
    Amen U4YAH:

    You are correct; most if not all of the Psalms are prophecies of Christ; AND, all the words of Psalms are the words of the spirit of Christ; AND, Christ has the spirit of his Father ( 2 Samuel 23:1-2)( Isaiah 59:21).

    Psalms 23:6 Surly goodness and mercy shall follow me (Christ) all the days of my life: and I (Christ) will dwell in the HOUSE of the LORD forever.

    Hebrews 3:6 But Christ as a son over his own HOUSE; whose HOUSE ARE WE ....

    Colossians 1:27 .... this mystery .....Christ in you .....

    Keep sharing as the spirit reveals HIS TRUTH to you.

    God Bless You!
  • U4YAH - In Reply on Psalms 40 - 2 years ago
    I have discovered that many of the Psalms are prophesies about the messiah if not all of them.

    Notice 40:7 then said I Lo I come in volume of the book "Written of me"... now remember when Jahshua was teaching in the synagogue and closed the Torah after reading these words. The people were astonished because he did not finish the entire Psalm's scripture content. Then he said... this day has this scripture been fulfilled. The people rose up to stone him because they understood that this scripture was about the Messiah prophesied to come, that Jahshua was saying that he fulfilled on that day before the congregation. (I have preached righteousness in the great congregation...)

    The iniquities he has, the Messiah is admitting the imperfect feelings he has because he is a man. (iniquity and not sin) They have taken hold of him as these feelings would do with any man automatically, in an instant, (MY heart faileth me) but that doesn't mean that they remain with him and he asks Jah for help with this and help to hurry up and end his suffering (40:17... make no tarrying, O' MY GOD) JAH is his God.

    Jahshua knows what is written by the prophet Isaiah if him. He knows it will please Jah to deliver him from this cruelty of crucifixion by men.

    If you think of the Messiah speaking in this Psalm it will all make sense to you.

    Note: always ask Jah in the name of Jahshua, the Messiah to send you the two female spirits, Wisdom and Understanding. (Call Wisdom your 'sister' and Understanding your 'kinswoman'. This could be the unction from the Holy One that John writes about in his epistle 1 Jhn 2:27

    We need to do this to find the knowledge that is true and no lie. (Lack of knowledge is killing my people)

    I pray Jah has sent me the truth and helped you and I to understand.
  • Browneyes878787 - In Reply on Psalms 40 - 2 years ago

    David cries out to God not only to save him, but to do so quickly. This has a dual meaning: David acknowledged his need for forgiveness of sins ( Psalm 40:12), as well as the physical dangers he often faced (
  • Bianca on Psalms 40 - 2 years ago
    Please explain pslam 40:13
  • Richard H Priday on Psalms 40 - 2 years ago
    Psalm 40

    The first 3 verses echoing the famous song on the subject by a popular band shows how seemingly prophetically those who patiently wait upon the Lord will be raptured (v. 2); and then many will see and fear. We also see a "new song" in verse 3; arguably part of the song which other saints are singing in glory.

    The next two verses show the great grace and innumerable works that God has wrought. We do well to heed to the second part of verse 4 on not turning away from TRUST in God and toward the lies of this world. Such is the fate of many professing Christians today. Verse 7 was a prophetic quotation about Christ mentioned in the Book of Hebrews. Verses 8 and 10 apply to the Messiah as well. Verse 11 could apply to David or Christ; but we can only place verse 12 as something applying to David. For any true believer God reveals sin and like an onion being peeled; systematically more and more of our old nature is exposed and revealed as time goes on.

    As we continue from verses 6 through 10 we see the personal importance of God's grace to David himself (after two unpardonable death sentence actions of adultery and being complicit in murder with the Bathsheeba and Uriah the Hittite incident).

    The rest of the Psalm could apply to David or Christ. The fact that Christ was "poor and needy" certainly seems to contradict the health and wealth gospel of today. His was not a self righteous martyrdom complex. The creator of the universe came as a servant to die for His enemies to make us His adopted sons. There are many today who make a name for themselves (often quite literally) with their name or ministry in bold print. To be a "man of sorrows" ( Isaiah 53:3) is certainly not popular; nor verses that say that if they persecuted me they will persecute you ( John 15:18-21). The resurrection and the life start now when His life is seen in true servants of God who have a "humble and contrite spirit" ( Psalm 51:17). Only His sacrifice brings life.
  • Richard H Priday on Psalms 40 - 2 years ago

    Psalm 139:8 shows that God is everywhere; including in what was the abode of the dead; Sheol. Think for a minute what this implies. When we see what can only be taken as a literal story of Lazarus and the rich man we see two individuals clearly in a different state in the afterlife. In fact; the rich man is still there and will be until the Great White Throne Judgment.

    The souls of the righteous; however are now present with the Lord ( Ephesians 4:8; 2 Cor. 5:6).

    No longer are those who die in the Lord held captive by the Devil from the presence of God ( Hebrews 2:14-15). Only the rightous will actually see God; Psalm 11:6-7 illustrate this along with the fate of the wicked in hell in great detail. Even this life; in fact shows how one can be dead in trespasses and sins yet physically alive ( Ephesians 2:1). This will be the eternal state for the wicked in the lake of fire.

    Our human minds cannot conceive how God does not change; and how He can be a God of mercy and grace yet render eternal judgment on the unregenerate; also those whose souls God created ( Ezekiel 18:4). Nonetheless; that verse illustrates how a father and son and blood relations are not relevant for determining the salvation of an individual. We see that in the book of Joshua with Gideon that God is for those who are on his side; whatever we percieve in our reality as the right or wrong sides. God brings good to those who love Him ( Romans 8:28). It is according to HIS PURPOSE that these things occur; the same holds true for the wicked as God has no joy in the death of the wicked ( Ezekiel 18:23) but grace is only available for repentance in THIS LIFE according to His terms.
  • Sam Abia on Psalms 40 - 2 years ago
    What happened to some of the verses ? -- Psalms 40 verses 18-31 ( 31-- but they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.)
  • BerthaANN on Psalms 40 - 2 years ago
    Thanks!!!!! so much; what a blessing for the soul again, Thanks!!!!
  • Adam - In Reply on Psalms 40 - 3 years ago
    Hello, this website has popular verses you can find links at the bottom, like this:


    And here's images of them:


    There's some ebooks too. God bless...
  • Sanaytrah on Psalms 40 - 3 years ago
    What are some uniqe bible verses
  • David on Psalms 40 - 3 years ago
    Be patient and wait on the Lord. He took me out of the evils of the world and set my feet a Rock.

    I must declare the wonderful works of God. I must learn to delight in the will of God. Yes, Lord your Law is in my heart.

    Mine iniquities have taken hold of me. Please deliver me Lord and help me.

    Thank you Lord for thinking about me constantly. Thank you for thou art my help and deliverer, Be thou magnified.

    God Bless everyone.. August 11, 2021
  • Angie Cortez on Psalms 40 - 4 years ago
    Which is the prayer of faith, to unlock to the fulness.
  • Nicole Nellis on Psalms 40:2 - 4 years ago
    Please pray for me to be grounded in Gods word to serve the Lord. I am giving my testimony this Friday at Church please pray for me that Gods people will be healed amen.
  • Emmanuel on Psalms 40:1 - 4 years ago
    Those that wait patiently for the Lord will surely be rewarded. The Lord hears the cry of the righteous one that wait patiently for him.
  • BSP on Psalms 40 - 5 years ago
    Verse 8 Jesus Christ loved the law of his father. Jehovah God's law is perfect and it is for the benefit of all. We must imitate Jesus and love God's law as well.
  • Patty Tozi on Psalms 40 - 5 years ago
    My God, l praise your Holy name this morning as l wake. You gave me another day. Where will you lead me today? What will The he outcome be. I ask for your protection, your strength, your wisdom, and especially your Love as l walk today. I ask for your forgiveness if l should turn to the world's way. Let me feel your Light surounding me as l walk into other's lives. So many hurting people l see!!
  • BSP on Psalms 40 - 6 years ago
    Verse 5~Jehovah God had been so good to David and with all of mankind and David was unable to put into words how wonderful God was but David was determined to praise Jehovah God to the best of his ability.
  • BSP on Psalms 40 - 6 years ago
    Verse 9~We don't want to hold back from praising God. We should freely use the gift of speech in this way.
  • TAD on Psalms 40 - 7 years ago
    Withhold not they tender mercies and lovingkindness from me. Such an amazing request and even more amazing His truths and His righteousness. Even more than that they are not just words when we ask Our Loving Father, the maker of the Universe. I thank my God that He pour out His tender mercies and lovingkindness upon me daily. I will forget not His benefits. Thank you Abba!
  • A disciple on Psalms 40 - 7 years ago
    "I delight to do thy will, O my God: yea, thy law is within my heart." As much as we would wish to be done with this evil world, and all the temptations and difficulties we encounter every day; it is for our good, for our sanctification, for transforming us by developing and exercising the spiritual muscles, for our growth and maturity so we can really become men and women in God's image.
  • Bible girl 2017 on Psalms 40 - 7 years ago
    I was reading the beginning of this chapter about the Lord lifting us up out of the pit. Before I had always looked at that as referring to salvation, but today I was discouraged about something so silly and in years to come I’ll probably just look back and laugh, but anyways, the Lord showed me that it can also be referring to maybe a trial or valley and him picking you up and you singing a new
  • Cephas on Psalms 40 - 7 years ago
    Now when they were going, behold, some of the watch came into the city, and shewed unto the chief priests all the things that were done. And when they were assembled with the elders, and had taken counsel, they gave large money unto the soldiers, So they took the money, and did as they were taught: and this saying is commonly reported among the Jews until this day.
  • BSP on Psalms 40 - 7 years ago
    Verse 5: Counting our blessings and how God has acted personally in our lives can help us to cope with anxieties and have a grateful attitude.
  • Felicia on Psalms 40 - 7 years ago
    Verse 5 - Many, O Lord my God, are thy wonderful works which thou hast done, and thy thoughts which are to us-ward: they cannot be reckoned up in orderr onto thee: If I would declare and speak of them, they are more than can be numbered. Lord Jesus, it is really tough without you. Thank you, Father!
  • Brianna vs. 4 on Psalms 40 - 7 years ago
    A constant theme in the Bible is putting trust in Jehovah God. It is essential to a Christian's survival. When we truly understand the power of having the Almighty being our trust, we have a sense of happiness because no man or thing can make us cower. ( Psalms 56:11) Nothing can keep us from God's love.
  • Lu2677 on Psalms 40 - 7 years ago
    Mr.Smith on5/4you instruct people to use their"imagination" to get prayers answered.Imagination=fanciful,empty assumption.We get what the Lord is willing to give us.His Will be done.Do a word search of"imagination"its not good!An evil heart is full of imaginations.May the Lord give you understanding.Your quotation marks with the verse you quoted is misleading.
  • Lan on Psalms 40 - 7 years ago
    Jesus is worthy to be praise. Jesus saved and set me free.I can truly say i have been change by the precious blood of Jesus.
  • Benny Steyn on Psalms 40 - 8 years ago
    All that I ask my Lord is that my passage through life takes a path which keeps me as far as possible from satan and that you lead me towards Your guiding star. Amen
  • Tammy Shelton on Psalms 40 - 8 years ago
    This and all chapters keeps proving over and over that God is worth waiting for because he loves us more than anyone can ever love us.

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