
Psalms Chapter 41
(Original 1611 KJV Bible)


This is the text and a scan of the actual, original, first printing of the 1611 King James Version, the 'HE' Bible, for Psalms Chapter 41. The KJV does not get more original or authentic than this. View Psalms Chapter 41 as text-only. Click to switch to the standard King James Version of Psalms Chapter 41

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1 Gods care of the poore. 4 Dauid complaineth of his enemies trecherie. 10 He flyeth to God for succour.

1 [To the chiefe Musician. A Psalme of Dauid.] Blessed is he that considereth the poore; the Lord will deliuer him in time of trouble.1

2 The Lord will preserue him, and keepe him aliue, and he shall be blessed vpon the earth; and thou wilt not deliuer him vnto the will of his enemies.2

3 The Lord will strengthen him vpon the bed of languishing: thou wilt make all his bed in his sicknesse.3

4 I sayd, Lord be mercifull vnto me, heale my soule, for I haue sinned against thee.

5 Mine enemies speake euill of me: when shall hee die, and his name perish?

6 And if hee come to see me, he speaketh vanity: his heart gathereth iniquitie to it selfe, when he goeth abroad, he telleth it.

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7 All that hate me, whisper together against me; against me doe they deuise my hurt.7

8 An euill disease, say they, cleaueth fast vnto him; and now that he lyeth, he shall rise vp no more.8

9 Yea mine owne familiar friend in whom I trusted, which did eate of my bread, hath lift vp his heele against me.9

10 But thou, O Lord, be mercifull vnto mee, and raise me vp that I may requite them.

11 By this I know that thou fauourest me: because mine enemie doeth not triumph ouer me.

12 And as for me, thou vpholdest me in mine integritie; and settest me before thy face for euer.

13 Blessed bee the Lord God of Israel, from euerlasting, and to euerlasting. Amen, and Amen.


Psalms Chapter 41 Sidenote References (from Original 1611 KJV Bible):

1 Or, the weake, or sicke. , Heb. in the day of euill.
2 Or, doe not thou deliuer.
3 Heb. turne.
7 Heb. euill to me.
8 Heb. a thing of Belial.
9 Ioh.13.18 , Heb. the man of my peace. , Heb. magnified.

* Some content on this page courtesy of Rare Book and Manuscript Library, University of Pennsylvania


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