Psalms Chapter 54 Discussion

  • Richard H Priday on Psalms 54 - 2 years ago
    Psalm 54

    Verse 1 apparently is about a place where David was hiding out and those who gave news to Saul who were living in that area. The "strangers and oppressors" were apparently godless people that added to David's misery by giving Saul fresh ammunition to go after him in hiding.

    As with many other Psalms; David emphasizes God is His helper and perhaps those that "uphold his soul" could be angels of protection. Verses 5 and 7 show David's confidence that these enemies will be "cut off" since he had apparently seen that before.

    Finally; verse 6 talks about praise and "freely sacrificing" to God. That would be as Psalm 51 indicates with a broken and contrite heart; as David wasn't qualified as king to do sacrifices except when he was commanded to on the threshing floor after the angel of destruction appeared there. That was apparently the site of the original Temple; but the Priests would normally be responsible for sacrifices. That would appear to be at a later date from this Psalm and others when Saul was no longer a threat and David was on the Throne.
  • BSP on Psalms 54 - 4 years ago
    Verse 6-Jehovah God is the epitome of good and everything that He requires of us is good.
  • Martinus Kudumo on Psalms 54 - 4 years ago
    Can you give me a bible

    Thank you
  • KAREEM MALLOY on Psalms 54:3 - 4 years ago
    This is an awesome Psalm that resonates with me in this day and time. I am going to memorize it and start confessing it over my own life everyday.
  • Rosa kinsee on Psalms 54 - 5 years ago
    I really thank God for this psalm it help me through many trouble
  • JERSON on Psalms 54 - 6 years ago
    Wow I really love psalm 54:1 who said, hear my prayer, o God; give ear to the words of my mouth. Because I want God to really hear my prayer and give ear to my cry, because I am going through so much into my life right now. Pray for me please
  • Christopher on Psalms 54 - 6 years ago
    Hear my prayer, O God is a very powerful prayer for every man that want to over come the wickedness of this world. Lord Jesus bless my marriage and make me a living testimony as I depend on you. Amen
  • Carolyn Kelly on Psalms 54 - 6 years ago
    The Lord God's Word is true and HIS mercy endures forever, throughout all generations!!!!Praise and Glorify HIS most Precious NAME FOREVER!!AMEN! In JESUS NAME!!
  • Seth Boateng Ofori on Psalms 54 - 6 years ago
    God has been so go me and my family
  • BSP on Psalms 54 - 6 years ago
    Verse 6~Jehovah God is good and everything that he ask of us is for our good. This should lead us to praise him.
  • Lettice Tate on Psalms 54 - 6 years ago
    Prayer for protection of my marriage and my family in the name of Jesus.Amen
  • Promise Nwulu on Psalms 54 - 7 years ago
    Thank you lord for I know that you have answer me
  • Alex on Psalms 54 - 7 years ago
    Sophia i pray that your marriage will stand, What God has made one let no man put assunder. GBU YOU AND YOURS in Jesus name
  • Sophia on Psalms 54 - 7 years ago
    Heavenly father i ask for blessing in my .marriage as my husband has gone astray. I leave it in ur hands dear lord. Amen
  • Lisa Wolks on Psalms 54 - 7 years ago
    God help and protect me please. In Jesus name. Amen.
  • Staci Joe on Psalms 54 - 7 years ago
    God you are great your mercy endures for ever, there is none like you.. You are my pillar in every situation,, i can never get enough of you. Holy spirit, i avail my self for you glory,, WHAT DO YOU HAVE ME DO LORD?. Direct my steps, perfect your will in my life and use for your Glory in Jesus Name! Amen
  • Samantha Jordan on Psalms 54 - 8 years ago
    Thank you Lord for this prayer it saved my husbands life they said he was brain dead with double pneumonia and that you would never walk or talk again until I begin to pray this prayer everyday so thank you Psalms54 I knew it wasn't his time to go cuz he was not where he wanted to be in life with God or with our children or even with our relationship and we have a lot of ways that we need to know
  • Annetta Taylor on Psalms 54 - 8 years ago
    Father God, you have been there for me from the start and now I am almost stricken in age. Let not your holy spirit depart from me. Use me in whatever way you choose.
    In Jesus name , Amen.
  • Johnson on Psalms 54 - 9 years ago
    Now, I can do all things through christ.
  • C palacio on Psalms 54 - 9 years ago
    God is our creator. He saved us from a world of sin and hardship. No matter what problems you are facing he can and will solve them as he did for Daniel in the lion's den!!! Praise the name of Jesus forever! Amen
  • Malik grant on Psalms 54 - 9 years ago
    God is with us from start to the end no matter what he is still with us and who sacrifice is own son just to save us father god I am here to be whatever you want me to do for you and I will always believe in you in Jesus name amen
  • Dp on Psalms 54 - 9 years ago
    Jesus is with us watching teaching us everyday, prase Jesus for all he doses in our life 's without Jesus our life has no meaning, here on earth man must eat to live , for Jesus to live within us we must feed him by reading his word and doing good works in his name , prase Jesus Amen..... Every word we speak and every deed we do is wrote in the book of life...for when we neel before our lord the book of life will show the contents of our life and the works we have done......amen for my lord is with me watching and protecting , providing for me...amen I prase you Jesus.....
  • Lilian on Psalms 54 - 9 years ago
    God is always with us and he will never ever stop loving us. His goodness and mercy is always with us. our name is written in the palm of his hands. Jesus loves you, we must trust God forever and follow Jesus and live like Jesus until rapture. Our prayer must be thanking God for his precious blood that shed for us. Thanking and Praising Jesus for everything he have done into our lives. We must offer ourselves to Jesus and let Jesus do the things for us. Jesus loves us and our job now is to obey his words. Jesus will take care our life and battles belongs to him. We must hear and read the word of God we must meditate his words by repeating, reciting into yourself. the power of the Holy Spirit will enter in our life. We must be born again in spirit every moment of our life. Amen
  • Nwabisa Sonoka on Psalms 54 - 9 years ago
    We shall fear not for God is for us and he fought our battles now all we have to do is seeking his presence in our lives and meditate upon his word
  • Timothy forrester on Psalms 54 - 10 years ago
    With god all things are possible. God has our battle already plaind out we have nothing to fear because if god before us,who can be against christ jesus.
  • Bennett on Psalms 54 - 10 years ago
    With GOD there is light at the end of the tunnel.
  • Diane murphy on Psalms 54 - 10 years ago
    We don 't have to fight our enemies God already won for us can we just stay focus on him he 's the author and finisher of our faith. Amen
  • FRANCIS O KYEREMATENG on Psalms 54 - 10 years ago
    My GOD is an able one who never doses nor slumber,and with Him all things are possible, Hallelu ya, in Jesus Christ, His son 's name, AMEN.He is known to be an unfailing GOD from time immemorial that is from time long established.
  • Chidi mbamah on Psalms 54 - 10 years ago
    He is all sufficient God and those that trust in Him need not be afraid for the Victory is won already.This is a call for us all to be steadfast in the service of the Lord with all diligence for He who has promised is faithful!
  • Juanita on Psalms 54 - 11 years ago
    I love my God

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