Psalms Chapter 64 Discussion

  • Richard H Priday on Psalms 64 - 2 years ago
    Psalm 64.

    The Psalm certainly reminds us of Satan's role as the "accuser of the brethren". This is recorded in the earliest texts of scripture in Job; and Genesis; and is seen in the still future events in Revelation 12. Since the word them and they seems to be the context of the Psalm there are certainly powers and principalities under Satan's rulership that would probably plan to work on people to search out "iniquities" and "inward thoughts" such as verse 6 show.

    It would seem that perhaps in the final judgment at Armageddon the destruction of those who are blaspheming God and no doubt the saints as Satan himself is starting in Revelation 13 will cause some of the fear in verse 9 and the rejoicing in verse 10.

    I have tended to look to future prophetic final fulfillments to be strongly suggested not only in Psalms but most of scripture. There are certainly many things applicable to David as this one (albeit not specifically mentioning any particular event in his life that inspired these words).

    Looking at my "cheat sheet" from church a few years back there are many types of Psalms; the "lament" one has a title/intro.; complaint; promises (petition); A statement of trust and Praise. (Thanks to K. D. a former elder in my church who taught this study; guess I'm not allowed to mention names here).

    At any rate; there is certainly some mystery as to the order of the Psalms (not chronological) and to just when and where certain types appear; also of course some run through multiple chapters with the same writing. There are acrostic patterns we can't see except in the original language. May these verses and all scripture be real to us as we meditate on the Word day and night ( Joshua 1:8).
  • Hazel Carty on Psalms 64 - 4 years ago
    thank you Lord for I trust in you my heart is glorify in you and you make me glad

    as I have washed by your Blood
  • Manuel A Quindo on Psalms 64 - 4 years ago
    Help us pray for financial breakthrough to pay for our financial debts. Thank you LORD
  • Joyce Myers on Psalms 64 - 5 years ago
    The Lord led me to this psalm as I was viciously attacked by slander and gossip in the workplace. Workers of iniquity stood out and it is real hiding in people. They gather others with them with gossip. Whet their tongues. Behind it all the enemy of our soul. Spiritual warfare in real time.
  • Kevin Mack on Psalms 64 - 5 years ago
    Sounds like what is happening in Washington DC and to us Christians. The enemies of God and our President can't stand law and order, so they create false flag terrorism, false witnesses against who don't agree with their agenda, trying to force us into a civil war, operation gladio false flag mass shootings,using haarp weather control on the conservative states to bankrupt our economy. etc.
  • Star Gardner on Psalms 64 - 6 years ago
  • Chrisan Stewart on Psalms 64 - 6 years ago
    Psalms 64 is conclusion that no matter what the devil do God is all powerful all mighty and able to deliver us from all attacks of the enemy. I have proven it time and time again!
  • Craig williams on Psalms 64 - 8 years ago
    The enemy are demons. Demons are the secret council in your mind.
    Thier lips and tongue are a bow and arrows words. No one knows they shoot bitter words, snare, into your thoughts. Demons encourage themselves to do evil and fear not God. They search your heart for sin. God wounds them with his Word. Now all the other demons see what happened and flee away. They declare and are fearing God now.
  • Annie on Psalms 64 - 9 years ago
    Judgment is not a choice it's a fact. My purpose in life is to bring God's light to those who want to see. Time wasted on a man who has decided to be an enemy of God is time diverted from a soul who is seeking God but needs direction. An enemy of light is not my focus; it is the soul that has flicker of light that is about to be extinguished.
  • Annie on Psalms 64 - 9 years ago
    I trust in God.God is my safe heaven. I am battlefield tested. When it comes to Satan I have and no no fear. I acknowledge and understand the power of God when it comes to my enemy. They have never won or will ever win a battle fought with God's children. It is not a requirement to know God's plan of defeat just to understand that defeat is sure.
  • Marcia stewart on Psalms 64 - 10 years ago
    Our most gracious saviour is the greatest,in every test in life is the lords of lords most precious guidance and protection . Keeping us from the horrors of this world. The Lord did not create this world for evils to reign but good will always prevail over evil.Let us all continue praying one for another.
  • Samuel on Psalms 64 - 10 years ago
    To conclude it all psalms 64 finished it,, We are living very very close to wicked onec,, workers of iniquity, But in his power he hired me in his secret pavilion,, then the lord asign the angels To bear me up in there hands,, today I keep saying it am a winner
  • Samuel on Psalms 64 - 10 years ago
    To conclude it all psalms 64 finished it,, We are living very very close to wicked onec,, workers of iniquity, But in his power he hired me in his secret pavilion,, then the lord asign the angels To bear me up in there hands,, today I keep saying it am a winner
  • Samuel on Psalms 64 - 10 years ago
    To conclude it all psalms 64 finished it,, We are living very very close to wicked onec,, workers of iniquity, But in his power he hired me in his secret pavilion,, then the lord asign the angels To bear me up in there hands,, today I keep saying it am a winner
  • Ronald l. collins on Psalms 64 - 11 years ago
    60 plus years ago i sat in a kinder garden Sunday school at a baptist, one of the lessons that i remember was the story of david and goliath in those days they used the felt board and taught the lessons, from that day forward david became my favorite bible story and person, through out my life i studied the psalms alot,i learned that david was a man after God's own heart,and that he made some serious mistakes [sins] in his life, and he suffered dearly for his sin with another man's wife, and for numbering the people, but david was a type of CHRIST HIS LINAGE FATHER,Jesus the son of David,he wrote many psalms about The Lord Jesus in the spirit of prophecy, he was hated for his stand for the Lord, it started with his brothers,and then King Saul full of envy and hate, if you study the life of david you will see that most of his life he lived in danger of his life and there was a lot of personal suffering, but through it all The God of Israel protected him, God's hand was on him and many enemies found out to there demise it could not be taken off, in the case of Bathsheba he used his power wrong, in the life of david we see hope for serious failure, and the ruin of many who when way out of there way to destroy him, its dangerous to touch God's servant.
  • Marceanie walker on Psalms 64 - 12 years ago
    Well, I say when God shoots that arrow, I hope that the wicked get hit first because God has the last gauge.
  • Maarten on Psalms 64 - 12 years ago
    in verse 3 whet means to sharpen i thought this ight be usefull as i dident know what it ment
  • Timothy Wayne George on Psalms 64 - 12 years ago
    Thank God even though the wicked bend their arrows to shoot at the perfect in heart, God has an arrow. When God fires His arrow, it does not miss, and the wicked are distroyed. The wicked thinks nobody is looking at them, but the eyes of the Lord go to and fro in the Earth. Truly the righteous shall be glad in the Lord, and put their trust in Him. Yes all the upright in heart shall glory. What a mighty God we serve, Angels bow before Him, and Heaven and Earth adore Him. Praise God, for He alone is worthy to be praised.
  • Pastor Kingi on Psalms 64 - 12 years ago
    The enemy of our soul is vicious - what better place to be than hid by God
  • HARRY ALLISON on Psalms 64 - 12 years ago
    PEOPLE get nervous around us ,and dont have a clue who they are ultimately criticising.Iwill continue in JESUS THROUGH THE VALLEYS.WE WIN...
  • Pastor Omoade Taiye Elijah on Psalms 64:2 - 12 years ago
    We all must understand that the time and days we are living in now is full of wickedness and wicked people. I see the pray in Psalms 64 verse 2 as the way forward. It says, Hide me that is make me invisible. it takes a man that is not visible to the enemies to succeed on time.

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