Psalms Chapter 70 Discussion Page 2

  • Richard in Christ - In Reply on Psalms 70 - 3 years ago

    I write this from my heart. As I can only imagine the loss of your wife, stay strong and just try to be patient. I truly have the same feelings of just wanting to go Home and be done with all the evil, wrong, and pain in this world. Keep your faith in Jesus Christ because He hears you and knows everything you are going through. Pour your heart out to Him in tears. Just let it all out and tell Him that you need Him. Lay everything at His feet. He is real my brother and He loves you very much.

    There is a reason for everything that we may not understand now but one day it will all be shown to us and every question we have shall be answered.

    Romans 8:18 For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.

    Keep your faith and trust in our Lord Jesus Christ. Keep praying. Try to stay strong and be patient in these tough times.

    Many Blessings to you brother. May our Father allow you to be in peace.
  • Chris - In Reply on Psalms 70 - 3 years ago
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    Dear brother, don't let go of the Lord - you are still in His sights & He hasn't let go of you. You might feel he has abandoned you, but if there is rejoicing in Heaven when even one sinner repents, how much more will He not let you His child slip by unnoticed & without a care. Talk to Him often - express to Him all you're going through. Read His Word & take Him for His Word. Always reach out to Him in faith - not looking at what you see in yourself but to the One from Whom all blessing flows.

    Even David in Psalm 23:4 when surrounded by his enemies & impending death, would say: "though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil". This is a 'hanging onto the Lord in faith'. Fear & loneliness could have been his ruin, but then he lifted up his eyes in faith to the One Who is altogether faithful.

    And yes, you can find pleasure in living again: reach out to someone to share with - you might be the one that that person needs in his hour of distress. Enjoy Christian companionship & fellowship. Submerge that empty feeling by engaging with others & have a real hope for the days ahead. My prayers are with you brother Gregory.
  • Chris - In Reply on Psalms 70 - 3 years ago
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    Hello Gregory. Thank you for keeping in touch & for sharing the present burden on your heart. You have carried this sadness of losing your wife for quite some time now & it seems since you first mentioned it, your grief has not lightened in spite of your looking to the Lord.

    I can't comment properly since I don't know all your circumstances, but I can only relate your grief & sense of emptiness & worthlessness to what I have experienced, & countless others have also. And yes, there are no easy answers since we each have to deal with our circumstances privately.

    I had lost both my parents, my Mother when I was 14 yrs old & my Father, a few years later. I felt my life was not worth living as I couldn't bear the loss & I had no one (on Earth) to turn to. I struggled on, in both life & in the faith, just believing that the God Who loves, cares & knows each of us intimately, will somehow carry me through. I couldn't see the end of it, but I knew the One Who was with me now & would be at the 'end' for me. On the night of my Dad's death, the Lord put in my heart Psalm 16:11, when I didn't even know where the Scripture could be found. "Thou wilt show me the path of life: in Thy Presence is fullness of joy; at Thy right Hand there are pleasures forevermore". Was this any comfort in grief, I thought? It certainly was; it was God's assurance of where my Dad was & the assurance where I was on Earth: both in God's Presence!
  • L westlund - In Reply on Psalms 70 - 3 years ago
    For Gregory Byrd....You say that your wife was a Christian. Know that she is in heaven with the Lord God. Only He can decide when we will be with Him there. So go on living and seeing the joy in little things in nature, in your day, in a friend, or relative, and in the big things. You can do this with God'd help, because He has been helping you since and before your wife died. He has been there right with you standing by you in good and bad moments. He will be with you always and promised this in His word. Please know these things are true and the Lord will stand with you holding you up from harm. Take care my friend.
  • Shirley Lewis - In Reply on Psalms 70 - 3 years ago
    Lord we come before you for this great grief that this gentleman has. Lord you said where two or three are gathered in my name, there I am in the midst of them. In agreement we pray for your comfort, strength, grace and peace upon him. Help him Lord through this darkest time of his life, help him to be able to see you in His life and comfort in Jesus name we pray amen.
  • B. Lang - In Reply on Psalms 70 - 3 years ago
    Hi Gregory Byrd,

    My sincere condolences on your loss as well & sorry to hear you are facing some difficulties. You are NOT alone.. we each have gone through difficulties & at times it may seem that the Lord is distant ..or even just not around, but let me assure you He IS! One of my most favorite Bible verses is Zephaniah 3:17 "The LORD thy God in the midst of thee is mighty; he will save, he will rejoice over thee with joy; he will rest in his love, he will joy over thee with singing." Even while you're reading this, He is singing over YOU!!
  • Traci Taylor - In Reply on Psalms 70 - 3 years ago
    To Gregory, I feel like that all the time, and even feel that the church let me down. Hardly anybody showed support or compassion for me, but my strength came from God himself. I had my children taken away from me, I was homeless twice, after I came off the street to heal, I got really sick and was about to die, O but God. Even as I write this I am getting a personal inventory. I was about to die in the presence of the proud and no good female physician who saw me in the shell of my body. All I can see was her degrading me as a black human being. With all my life I got the hell up with the strength I had as a mother and vomited one last time and told her. 'Don't you ever mishandel me lime that again! She grabbed my tiny wrist and told me to 'Get Up! All I can think about was his I was treated when I was married and know what to expect from the public. The spirit of suicide was there too! It was not me at all. Look God wants you in a place where he can minister to you. It would not be his glory for you to allow the devil to push you to that point. What would your wife want? Yeah people give you scriptures but I give you life through my story. I am here by the grace of God and still get attacked! Thus day my only boys my joys do not even speak to me so God knows your pain. He bird all of your griefs and sorrows and was a man full of them. Jesus is still the answer in your frustration. And you, have to do a ridiculous thing by thanking him in your frustration which is humility of flesh. Have you read the book of job? At the end God rewarded him family and the whole nine! He got new daughters home and everything and he didn't give up! Your heaviness is so hard to carry, but Jesus is a heavy load barer. You can give the enemy a black eye. I am still in this thing almost 14 years! The whore took my kids, I made destitute and unrecognizable, thrown in the street by judges. It was not fair....I still hurt. Doors close in my face all the time, people play with income! When
  • Kellie Ross - In Reply on Psalms 70 - 3 years ago
    Hello Gregory, I literally feel your pain, and have asked these same questions after my husband of 26 years passed away 5 months ago. The reality of the fact that life is going on without them is starting to set in. If we (you) have accepted the Lord Jesus Christ's payment for our sins ( John 3:16) and have been born again into the family of God, then we can claim and stand upon the precious promises of God given in His Word. He will never leave us nor forsake us, and promised to send us a "Comforter" which is the Holy Spirit. He strengthens our faith and reminds us of the Blessed Hope we have through Christ. The Blessed Hope is that this world is not our home, and that the Lord will come back, just as He said He would. This Blessed Hope and His truly AMAZING Grace is what has helped me hold myself and my family together. This verse has helped me tremendously :

    II Corinthians 12:9

    And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.

    It is when we are weak that we can feel His perfect strength to help us. Just like his grace, we receive it when we need it. Not a moment too soon, and NEVER late, but right on time. He doesn't give us tomorrows grace today. I have learned more about the faithfulness of God in the last 6 months than in the 40 years that I have been a child of God. Draw closer (nigh) to God and he will draw closer to you. Talk to Him, bear your soul to Him. Read your Bible and look for His answers to you. Cling to every promise, count every blessing, continue your walk with the Lord. If you attend a good KJV Bible preaching church, go everytime you can. The Lord has amazed me with messages that our Pastor gives that are exactly what I needed when I needed it. Much love and prayers as you work though your loss...
  • Therena - In Reply on Psalms 70 - 3 years ago
    Dear brother in Christ, I am so sorry to hear of your grief. I pray you can find comfort in the Lord and His word. My prayers for comfort are with you.
  • William L Mackay - In Reply on Psalms 70 - 3 years ago
    Praying for you
  • Khen Silvosa - In Reply on Psalms 70 - 3 years ago
    Ecclesiastes 3 (KJV)

    To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:

    A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted;

    1 Thessalonians 4 (KJV)

    But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope.

    For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him.

    For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep.

    For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:

    Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.

    Wherefore comfort one another with these words.
  • Kim Armstrong - In Reply on Psalms 70 - 3 years ago
    I would appreciate prayers for my sister Mary, for her healing and recovery from emergency surgery for glaucoma. Thank you.
  • Gregory Byrd - In Reply on Psalms 70 - 3 years ago
    These days are bad even since me refirming attending church praying more everyday my life become worse I just feel not God is answered my prayers and I don't want to go on living . I want go home I am tired It is not a pleasure living . I have lost my faith with no hope I am sorry I am bringing this but I hope you might could help
  • IMO - In Reply on Psalms 70 - 3 years ago
    This is a joke.. right? You actually believe this?
  • Jesse - In Reply on Psalms 70 - 3 years ago

    Jeremiah 19:9 literally says, And I will cause them to eat the flesh of their sons and the flesh of their daughters, and everyone shall eat the flesh of his friend in the siege and in the desperation, with which their enemies, and those who seek their lives, shall drive them to despair.

    I don't see how Jeremiah 19:9 backs up what you are saying about the Covid vaccine? This is not the first time we have gone through a pandemic, and it seems like every time we do, we hear people say this is the end of the world, the mark of the beast, and such.

    I think Jeremiah 19:9 may have already been fulfilled. When Jesus rode into Jerusalem, basically He was saying that in 40 years this city is going to be taken by the Roman Army. One of the things that happened was the Roman Army cut off their food supply and wouldn't let anybody out. And they were starving to death.

    And there are historical accounts of people eating their children as a means to eat because they were in despair because their food supply was cut off and they refused to give up to the Romans. They refused to give up even to the point of eating their own children just to stay alive.

    I believe that's what that verse is referring to, unrelated to Covid or the vaccine.
  • Manaia - In Reply on Psalms 70 - 3 years ago
    Divide and conquer is the strategy of the elite, just like what's happening now!

    Mark my words, the vaccine will separate the righteous and the wicked, the Godly and the Godless.

    It is the manifestation of the separation.

    It has begun, and it will reveal who is who.

    It will show who trusts in God, and who doesn't.

    Wake up people, before it's to late...

    This vaccine will make people think evil continually, So when there is food shortages, because those who take 4 vaccines and survive, and think evil continually, they will surely eat one another!

    My backup - ( Jeremiah 19:9 kjv)

    And I will cause them to eat the flesh of their sons and the flesh of their daughters, and they shall eat every one the flesh of his friend in the siege and straitness, where with there enemies, and they that seek their lives, shall straitened them.
  • Nicholas - In Reply on Psalms 70 - 4 years ago
    You are healed in Jesus name.
  • Pamela Winkelmann - In Reply on Psalms 70 - 4 years ago
    I will be praying for you and the best advice I could offer is... remember it's lies of the Evil one who whispers, so whenever I am distressed, I read my King James Bible Just open it and I usually find Peace and Comfort in the page it opens to!!! May JESUS BLESS YOU ABUNDANTLY
  • GW - In Reply on Psalms 70 - 4 years ago
    So sorry for your loss. Prayers for strength and healing for you and your family. Please look for a support group for yourself and encourage your family to do the same. Opening up and dealing wirh the pain in a safe environment will help. Other sources of help are online support groups. Facebook has loss support groups. Also the United Way has resources for counseling where you can call on the phone, or see someone in person, if you would like. There is a really good book called "Good Grief" which may help. And another called "The Hurt & the Healer" and "It's OK that You're Not OK". This is just a start. Allow yourself space to grieve. You've suffered a great loss. It's OK to hurt. Allow yourself that space to hurt. Please lean on God. He cares for you. Prayers for healing and strength.
  • Elizabeth - In Reply on Psalms 70 - 4 years ago
    Prayers for peace of mind.
  • Suzy - In Reply on Psalms 70 - 4 years ago
    Proverbs 8

    32"Now then, my children, listen to me; blessed are those who keep my ways.

    33Listen to my instruction and be wise; do not disregard it.

    34Blessed are those who listen to me, watching daily at my doors, waiting at my doorway.

    35For those who find me find life and receive favor from the LORD.

    36But those who fail to find me harm themselves; all who hate me love death."
  • Charity - In Reply on Psalms 70 - 4 years ago
    IM so sorry for your lost allow the Holy Spirit to keep you in your loneliness and allow Christ to heal your pain you never ever alone your in my prayers
  • Janette Edgar - In Reply on Psalms 70 - 4 years ago
    May Jesus surround you completely and make His presence felt to you. Peace and total confidence that everything is in His hands as He knows the path to healing.
  • Sue - In Reply on Psalms 70 - 4 years ago
    Trump does not want this chip or vaccine out he doesn't want it at all.

    Don't know where you got your information from. Good Grief
  • Dawn - In Reply on Psalms 70 - 4 years ago
    Ask the Holy Spirit to help you and he will. James 1:13-17. 2 Timothy 1:7, Romans 12:1-2, Psalm 1
  • Dawn - In Reply on Psalms 70 - 4 years ago
    Proverbs 3
  • Carol - In Reply on Psalms 70 - 4 years ago
    I pray that you will have a deep and personal relationship with Jesus. He gave His life to give us eternal life. He suffered for our sins so that we are forgiven. He stands at the door and knocks, waiting patiently for us to let Him into our hearts. We simply need to accept Him and let him take the burden of our sins and know that He is our Lord and Saviour who will wash away our sins and help us to walk with Him every day.
  • Dawn - In Reply on Psalms 70 - 4 years ago
    1 John 5:13, Jeremiah 32:27 Behold I Am the Lord, the God of all flesh. Is there anything too hard for me?
  • Dawn - In Reply on Psalms 70 - 4 years ago
    Jeremiah 29:11
  • Dawn - In Reply on Psalms 70 - 4 years ago
    Matthew 5:14-16. Smile like you know something good.

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