Psalms Chapter 71 Discussion Page 2

  • MockingBird on Psalms 71 - 8 years ago
    Confusion is not of God : When confusion comes to you , you are not able to make wise decisions and therefore the decision that is made will bring shame : It is best to wait before making a answer or decision to wait till you know what God says to do. Jesus did that when the religious people demanded of Him to stone the woman caught in adultery : Jesus did not go with their demand but waited on God !!! In thee O Lord do I put my Trust !!!
  • Charlene on Psalms 71 - 8 years ago
    sometimes when we put our trust in God...he doesn't always come through for us. it always seems like the deceiver prevails. it may not be the case but that's how it looks in man eyes.
  • John madden on Psalms 71 - 8 years ago
    The rotten devil is behind it all.with his doctrines of demons..and his fake ministers
  • Olabode on Psalms 71:1 - 8 years ago
    This particular verse is a lesson for us. If we put our trust and confidence in God, we will never be put to shame and confusion.
  • Rinda Hurt on Psalms 71 - 8 years ago
    We can put our trust in the Lord everything else is going down but the word of God He is a man that can not lie.
  • Ivy on Psalms 71 - 8 years ago
    I believe that sometimes ,due to lack of contentment we turn to believe that there is no God or the God we serve is not a faithful one. We sometimes get drawn to a state of confusion when answers are not provided to our worries and it makes us doubt the power of God. But, if we stand firm and know that He,Alpha, is able, all will work for our good.
  • Michael Eyeh on Psalms 71 - 8 years ago
    Comment* Ah! The word of God like the Psalmist says is very sweet. I've read through the Psalms, chapter 71, it is full of life, comfort
  • Cathy P. on Psalms 71 - 8 years ago
    That is why the word tells us to stand still and see the salvation of to lord.
  • Ms.d on Psalms 71 - 8 years ago
    Psalms 71 is a great way to settle the fight against your enemies, give it to God and let him stand and fight your battles for you, he knows the heart of every man and has the answer or solution to all who try to oppress you! God is not the author of confusion, he wants us to trust him whole heartedly, he already has the answer and he's already prepare the way, step back and let him have HIS way
  • JeanKennedy on Psalms 71 - 8 years ago
    I am encouraged by this psalm. It speaks volumes of a God acknowledging our humanness. God takes the opportunity to reveal he's wonders and mercies - the caring side of God known as his "goodness and mercy". In my own life's challenges, God has attending to my needs.His promise to me is in v21. (I never got my career off the ground as a Professor). Now 60yrs, I wonder what is God's plans for me.
  • Sylvia mashabane on Psalms 71 - 8 years ago
    if you trust only in the Lord because he is so jealous . Then live by his laws nothing can stand on your way....!
  • Annie on Psalms 71 - 8 years ago
    Be still and know that I am God I will be exalted among the heathen.
  • Vernon on Psalms 71 - 9 years ago
    My favourite psalm I say everyday and find comfort that God is on my side
  • Charlene heslop on Psalms 71 - 9 years ago
    Psalms 71 reminds me that God is all seeing and doing he never sleeps therefore he is watchful over his children making sure we are protected always. Even when there is such turmoil in your life and you think that there is no way out know that God is always ever present. To God be the glory for ever and ever amen.
  • Nadine bennett on Psalms 71 - 9 years ago
    I read psalms 71 when my way gets cloudy and I get discourage it let's me know that God is protecting me and he is my rock and there for me. Thank you God for your son Jesus and the two of you are always interceding for me and my family. Amen!
  • Kavitha on Psalms 71 - 9 years ago
    I have read this and god has restored a lot of lost things back to me. Miracles happened. God please restore my daughters health. LOve you GOD!
  • Ann Marie Clarke on Psalms 71 - 9 years ago
    I read this prayer daily and it keeps me and my daughter very safe. I thank God for what he is doing and for what he has done for us. Thank you Jesus.
  • Sharon on Psalms 71 - 9 years ago
    Thank you Lord. For all you have done. Keep me and my love ones safte . in Jesus holy name.
  • Clara vannoy on Psalms 71 - 9 years ago
    I love this ps because it talks about your trust in God and knowing that he will sustain me!I encourage everyone to just seek Christ with everything
  • Rosemary Watson on Psalms 71 - 9 years ago
    i feel God 's presence and trust in him for all things. Jesus is my savior , thank you God for your grace and mercy,in Jesus name Amen
  • Ophelia Woods on Psalms 71:3 - 9 years ago
    The book of psalms is great, I can read it all day....I also read it for prays
  • Lilian on Psalms 71 - 9 years ago
    Thanks to Jesus for his precious blood that shed for us for his love and mercy endureth forever. God is a loving and forgiving God. Jesus loves us so much and he will never stop loving us. We must now believe in him and obey his words, from his words we recieve peace, life in abundance that no man can give. Thanks be to God for his goodness and mercy will always follow us. Amen
  • Linda on Psalms 71 - 9 years ago
    Amen a lovely comforting psalm trust is such a beautiful word.
  • Thomas Johnson on Psalms 71 - 9 years ago
  • Mallam on Psalms 71 - 9 years ago
    Its remind me to continue to put my trust in the lord,just like David did.
  • Sonya on Psalms 71:1 - 9 years ago
    Even when we put our trust in GOD, the world sends people our way to constantly deceive us. Deception is one of the worlds most effective strategies used to confuse the true believer.
  • Amen jay on Psalms 71:1 - 9 years ago
    For anyone that trust in THY LORD will never be put to shame
  • Rob on Psalms 71:1 - 9 years ago
    Joy is how I feel when I place me faith in the LORD and He comes through! The Lord is good and His mercy endures forever! Put your faith in the LORD and He will come through for you. Throughout the scriptures it is recorded the LORD will be our God and He wants us to be His people. Heirs to God and joint heirs with Christ! Amen
  • Kimeisha walker on Psalms 71 - 9 years ago
    I 've found love in this scripture lesson since one of my elderly friend who is a child of god ask me to read it in a devotion we were having. I have also notice since i 've start read this lesson god has been helping me to change my life with a compassionate mine... david is a brave man. And god is also helping us to braven our heart and mine to him. I love the lord our god, with all my heart, mine and strength.
  • Daniel on Psalms 71 - 9 years ago
    God is faithful and trustworthy. His protection is upon us even while we are in our mothers womb. He is there with us even before birth and as we grow old. Therefore we should Him daily with the fruits of our lips and thank Him for his everlasting grace and mercy.

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