Psalms Chapter 71 Discussion Page 3

  • Nicky on Psalms 71 - 10 years ago
    We need God ' s protection even in old age.
  • Jay Williams on Psalms 71:12 - 10 years ago
    It makes me feel good that I know God he is so good. And his word is true.
  • Watchman on Psalms 71 - 10 years ago
    This Psalms Speaks of how we should rely trust God, in our youth and as we grow older. God 's promises are seen here also to encourage us also, that, it doesn 't matter at what spiritual, mental, physical we are in God is ALWAYS there to strengthen, heal and bring us hope. Because of His Unconditional Love for us.
  • Beatrice Kokori on Psalms 71:17 - 10 years ago
    Looking closely at this verse. As at the time he made this proclamation he had become an old man. This verse depicts that King David had humbled himself to learn of the Lord right from His Youth age and now that he is old he can see the glory, honour and blessing the word of God had done to his world. If you allow the Lord Jesus to teach you, you will end up with unspeakable testimonies. Bless you.
  • Marilyn Smither Byrd on Psalms 71:9 - 11 years ago
    I love this scripture. I witnessed how God protected my mother during her old age and her struggles with multiple medical issues. When the medical experts gave her up, the Lord surrounded her in His divine care and comforted her until He called her home to live externally with Him.
  • Timothy Wayne George on Psalms 71:9 - 11 years ago
    Cast me not off in my time of old age, when my strength fails, forsake me not. In America youth is worshiped. Yet God does not cast us off in old age, and protects us even when our strength fails. Jesus said I will never leave you or forsake you, I will be with you always even until the end of the age. What a comfort to know that Jehovah has been carrying us from our youth, until old age. May the Lord bless all senior citizens today, and comfort them in their time of weakness.
  • John on Psalms 71 - 11 years ago
    Praise the Lord, for his love over us I started reading Ps71 few days ago. A freak accident was averted miraculously. Praise GOD!!!
  • Ronald on Psalms 71 - 11 years ago
    Marty's Psalms 71---It is good that you are learning to pray to God but thet important thing is you must give your heart to God YOU MUST BE BORNED AGAIN.....JESUS LOVES YOU AND WILL FORGIVE YOU OF ALL YOUR SINS....MAY GOD BLESS YOU.....
  • Cash advance usa on Psalms 71 - 11 years ago
    The living and the dead were judged out of those things which were written!
  • NanaSarpong on Psalms 71 - 11 years ago
    We serve the God that is big in his own great power, but he doesn’t look how small we are; he is always in the midst of us, ready to help. When the enemy thinks he gets you, then he is ready to take control by his power and mighty hands in his son Jesus’ name. Amen.
  • Richard Andrus on Psalms 71 - 11 years ago
    I thank everyone for their comments on this Psalms verse, because surely I have been under great attack on every hand and have felt forsaken by my Lord. But I am in remembrance that the father said that he will never leave me nor forsake me. So there I surrender all to my Lord and savior today and I know that everything that I have been through, that it all will work out for my good. So I thank God for my enemies that have tried to take my life for they have helped to make me strong in the Lord. Amen and Amen.
  • Patrcia on Psalms 71 - 12 years ago
    I learnt that God is my refuge no matter what or who may be against me.The Chapter makes me secure in His promises and gives me peace in the knowledge that we should always 'be still and know that He is God' Above all I realise that I am a winner because God knows the good plans that he has for me,to give me hope a good future. The Lord shall remain my fortress all the days of my life....Haleluya
  • Marty on Psalms 71 - 12 years ago
    I have sinned. And why not? Of course a sinner will sin. I have been blessed greatly in life and yet for most of my adult life, i have selfishly continued to ignore God. I am turning my eyes to the Lord and am learning to pray. God is slowly opening my eyes and the beauty and joy of life is being revealed to me. I am finally becoming thankful and joyful.
  • HARRY ALLISON on Psalms 71 - 12 years ago
  • TR on Psalms 71 - 13 years ago
    This Psalm has been my refrain through the most challenging year of my life--a period in which I have faithfully walked with the LORD only to have experianced all measure of human opposition and and what has seemed like abandonment from above. It has been as though the protection and provision of Heaven have been utterly withdrawn.

    Yet, from the cradle, I have been in God's hands. As the object of his grace, I have been ready to speak and sing his praise. "Now that I am old and greyheaded" I am given new confidence that the LORD will not forsake me. To the contrary, others meant it for evil, but God meant it for good. With assurance and joy I can await his deliverance in the knowledge that I am being perfected through suffering for some wider service. Praise the LORD!
  • Anonymous on Psalms 71:7 - 13 years ago
    psalms 71:7 is a wonderful verse which i will take it personal cos with God on my side always, i cannot be defeated in this life. for with him, i can do all things in life.thank Lord for i am a wonder becos the lord is my strong tower and my refuge. amen
  • T. Robinson Ahlstrom on Psalms 71 - 13 years ago
    This is a wonderful word spoken through one of the LORD's choicest servants--"the man after God's own heart." It is the little autobiography of a great person who, though not perfectly faithful, found his Savior and God to be so. It cronicles the workings of grace from from cradle to grave and incites us to do the same.
  • Alisha jones on Psalms 71:10 - 14 years ago
    This is a great scripture to remind you that it is okay to remain focused on God and what he gives. While your enemies ponder away at demeaning you God sees all and searches our hearts, therfore if your heart is pure and your mind is on him you will recieve his grace.

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