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Psalms Chapter 83 Discussion Page 9

Psalms Chapter 83 Discussion Page 9

  • Rose on Psalms 83:18 - 14 years ago
    I am so glad to know what Jesus and Jehovah's feelings are on the matter! Jesus taught his disciples to pray to his Father Jehovah when he taught them the Our Father Prayer. He said to them, "you must pray this way: 'Our Father, who art in... heaven, HALLOWED BE THY NAME' '--To 'hallow' is to MAKE HOLY. So he instructed his disciples to pray to his father and God by making HOLY his name! And what is his name? Jehovah! But some argue that Yahweh is more correct.

    From the February 8, 1999 Awake:

    Jehovah or Yahweh?

    Whereas the name Jehovah appears in the King James Version and other Bible translations, some prefer to use the name Yahweh instead of Jehovah. Which name is correct?

    The most ancient Bible manuscripts were written in the Hebrew language. In the Hebrew Scriptures, the divine name occurs almost 7,000 times and is spelled with four consonants—YHWH or JHVH. These four-consonant words are commonly called the Tetragrammaton, or Tetragram, derived from two Greek words meaning “four letters.” Now the question of accurate pronunciation arises because early Hebrew writing consisted of consonants with no vowels to guide the reader. So whether the pronunciation of the Tetragrammaton becomes Yahweh or Jehovah depends on which vowels the reader supplies to the four consonants. Today many Hebrew scholars prefer Yahweh as the true pronunciation.

    However, consistency favors Jehovah. In what way? The pronunciation Jehovah has been accepted in English for centuries. Those who object to using this pronunciation should also object to the use of the accepted pronunciation Jeremiah and even Jesus. Jeremiah would need to be changed to Yir‧meyah′ or Yir‧meya′hu, the original Hebrew pronunciations, and Jesus would become Ye‧shu′aʽ (Hebrew) or I‧e‧sous′ (Greek). Hence, many Bible students, including Jehovah’s Witnesses, feel that consistency favors the use of the already well-known English-language “Jehovah” and its equivalent in other languages.

    Does It Really Matter?

    Some may argue that it does not really matter whether you address Almighty God by a personal name or not, and they are content to speak of and address God as Father or simply as God. Both these terms, however, are titles rather than names and are neither personal nor distinctive. In Bible times the word for God (ʼElo‧him′, Hebrew) was used to describe any god—even the pagan Philistine god named Dagon. ( Judges 16:23, 24) So for a Hebrew to tell a Philistine that he, the Hebrew, worshiped “God” would not have identified the true God whom he worshiped.

    Of interest is a comment in The Imperial Bible-Dictionary of 1874: “[Jehovah] is everywhere a proper name, denoting the personal God and him only; whereas Elohim partakes more of the character of a common noun, denoting usually, indeed, but not necessarily nor uniformly, the Supreme. . . . The Hebrew may say the Elohim, the true God, in opposition to all false gods; but he never says the Jehovah, for Jehovah is the name of the true God only. He says again and again my God . . . ; but never my Jehovah, for when he says my God, he means Jehovah. He speaks of the God of Israel, but never of the Jehovah of Israel, for there is no other Jehovah. He speaks of the living God, but never of the living Jehovah, for he cannot conceive of Jehovah as other than living.”
  • Maurice bass on Psalms 83 - 14 years ago
    I hear alot about the verses and alot about diffrent names of the lord but it seems to me that since people dont know the lord meaning people of this world thats not in the truth than they have many names me personally im a black jew an israelite and i know his name and my god is black and all praise "yahawa" israel we finaly back babalon is going to fall (america) and i cant wait for the lord to punish the nations that had something to do with hurting my people and for people that really want to here the truth come to the iraelite church of god and christ located across from hanks on ames
  • Jehovahs Witness on Psalms 83:18 - 14 years ago
    This is an amazing scripture and Jehovah's name should be without fail used, he wants us to use it. Lets be honest, if someone wrote my name down over 6000 times in a book I think its fair to assume they want us to use it. Plus, the first part of the model prayer is, "Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy NAME."

    There seem to be two main reasons. First, many claim that the name should not be used because the original way to pronounce it is unknown today. Ancient Hebrew was written without vowels. Therefore, no one today can say for sure exactly how people of Bible times pronounced YHWH. However, should this prevent us from using God’s name? In Bible times, the name Jesus may have been pronounced Yeshua or possibly Yehoshua—no one can say for certain. Yet, people the world over today use different forms of the name Jesus, pronouncing it in the way that is common in their language. They do not hesitate to use the name just because they do not know its first-century pronunciation. Similarly, if you were to travel to a foreign land, you might well find that your own name sounds quite different in another tongue. Hence, uncertainty about the ancient pronunciation of God’s name is no reason for not using it.
    A second reason often given for omitting God’s name from the Bible involves a long-standing tradition of the Jews. Many of them hold that God’s name should never be pronounced. This belief is evidently based on a misapplication of a Bible law that states: “Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.”— Exodus 20:7.

    So how important is the use of Gods name? to leave it on a cliff hanger please read Romans 10:13.

    All information was gained from the book entitles "What Does The Bible Really Teach." For your free copy please email me your address and contact details to johncannons@live.co.uk or ask for a copy next time a Jehovah's Witness knocks at your door. It's doesn't cost you a penny but a small donation is accepted if you like. I hope this helped and if you have any queries drop me an email, you can include other subjects as well.

  • Ala on Psalms 83:18 - 14 years ago
    Refer to Maigyn's comment on 2010-05-23 12:43:53. this does noy do with your comment a sect is cult nevertheless that faith has more respect for the name Jehovah that is why they use it most of the time in their discussion. can you provide a good evidence on which sect is a cult that blotch the name Jehovah.
  • Dominick on Psalms 83 - 14 years ago
    He does have a name. Let the whole world know it. His name is JEHOVAH. Praise it, say it. And Don't you ever forget it. For when judgment day comes you might feel like a complete moron when he comes to judge you and you don't even have the common respect to call him by his proper name,JEHOVAH.
  • Anonymous on Psalms 83:18 - 14 years ago
    its really great to see that jehovah's name is in this translation, god wants his name to be santified. Mt 9:6 Eze 36:23 Eze 38:23
  • Cricket on Psalms 83:18 - 14 years ago
    Interestingly, true Christians in the first century had no problem using the name of God in their worship. How were they regarded? Read Acts 28:22
  • Jesse on Psalms 83 - 14 years ago
    2nd Corinthians 4:4 tells us that satan the devil is blinding the minds of the unbelievers. Omitting God's name from the bible is only one of countless ways that he's used to do this. Not to worry though, Jehovah God promises us that his name will be known throughout the earth, and that it will be sanctified! That is the reason for the work that Jehovah's Witnesses endeavor to complete throughout the globe.Is there any other religion united throughout the entire world and that share a common belief and goal? Definitely not!
  • Lloyd Martin on Psalms 83 - 14 years ago
    If you enter a room full of men with their backs turned to you and shout "Men!" likely all will turn around to face you. Likewise if you enter such room and shout "John!" likely only John will turn around or answer. to not use God's personal name, Jehovah, is not only disrespectful, but you run the serious risk of not differentiating him from other gods. Satan is a god too 2nd Cor: 4:4.
  • Rudy on Psalms 83:18 - 14 years ago
    in response to Maigyn's comment: in order to draw close to god(Jehovah)you would use god name. For example if you are in front of a judge you use YOUR HONOR.. because that person has earned his title But.. do you every get to know that person on any level? NO, that is why in the bible there is Lord, Almighty, Creator, EXT. and then there is also Gods name Jehovah. In order to draw close to god you would use gods personal name.
  • Tasha on Psalms 83 - 14 years ago
    I agree as well;
    you cant draw close to someone if you don't know their name... wouldn't it be wierd if everything on this earth has a name except him? And woudn't you find it strange that Jesus Christ, his son, has a name but not him?
    I don't think they should remove his name from any bible, Exdus 6:3 brings out this point as well that they didn't know him by the name Jehovah.
  • Kent on Psalms 83 - 14 years ago
    Maigyn: do you know what a cult is? Just because someone told you a group is a cult, does not make it so. Check out the definition and then check out the group's material. They are not a cult.
  • Dwayne on Psalms 83:18 - 14 years ago
    In response to Maigyn I would like to offer the following: Have you read Acts 15:14 where it states that God turned to the nations to take a people for his name. Thus it is important to know God's name in order to identify God's people. As well Revelation 22:18&19 states that anyone who adds to the Bible or takes away from the Bible will be receive God's judgement for doing so. How important then to leave the Bible intact, including not removing the name Jehovah.
  • Willian on Psalms 83:18 - 14 years ago
    This has nothing to do with a cult. Look up the facts somewhere like Link
  • Simon on Psalms 83:18 - 14 years ago
    This is interesting. I'm also pleased to find Jehovah's name has been kept in this online translation. Why should we not use it. When we want to get to know someone, one of the first things we do is to get to know the person's name and the person behind that name. The Author of the bible, the Most High has given us his name. No one has given me a logical reason to take this name away from people as one of the steps for getting close to their heavenly Father.
  • Kemeisha on Psalms 83:18 - 14 years ago
    So Maigyn, just because you think that a sect or cult use the name, justify man removing it from the Bible? I think not.!!! Lord and god are all titles, not the name of someone.
  • Maigyn on Psalms 83:18 - 14 years ago
    Because when religions use Jehovah's name as a title, it smudges the name and things appear that a certain sect is the truth when in actuality, it a cult.
  • CMD on Psalms 83 - 14 years ago
  • Bless on Psalms 83 - 14 years ago
    True Worshiper of Almighty God and true follower of Jesus Christ can be determined about the name of their God or gods which in Harmony of the Bible Teaching. In order to worship God, first and foremost, a sincere and humble person must know first What is the Divine Name of God? And then Accept his Judicial decision just as God spoke to a prophet Zephaniah 2:2,3.
  • Tim on Psalms 83:18 - 14 years ago
    Why are so many religion's removing "Jehovah" out of there bibles? The New King James Bible has removed it. Wouldn't a person want to be called by his name, not human or person. So why do that to Jehovah.
  • Chris. Coleman on Psalms 83 - 14 years ago
    To tod Merriman and Jos,

    tod-in the Revised KJV you will not find JEHOVAH'S name at Psalm 83:18. Where you will find it is at the back of your bible under Jehovah and it has the one or few places you are supposed to "know" to replace the word God for JEHOVAH.

    Jo's- Please remember that a "God" is anything that is worshipped. Budda is a "God" just as money can become a "God". This is something that help me come to a better understanding of the name of the only true God, JEHOVAH GOD. :

    If you want someone to get to know you, what might you do? Would you not tell the person your name? Does God have a name? Many religions answer that his name is “God” or “Lord,” but those are not personal names. They are titles, just as “king” and “president” are titles. The Bible teaches that God has many titles. “God” and “Lord” are among them. However, the Bible also teaches that God has a personal name: Jehovah. Psalm 83:18 says: “You, whose name is Jehovah, you alone are the Most High over all the earth.” If your Bible translation does not contain that name, you may want to consult the Appendix of this book (What Does the Bible REALLY teach? {A Publication of Jehovah's Witnesses}) to learn why that is so. The truth is that God’s name appears thousands of times in ancient Bible manuscripts. So Jehovah wants you to know his name and to use it. In a sense, he is using the Bible to introduce himself to you.

    God gave himself a name that is full of meaning. His name, Jehovah, means that God can fulfill any promise he makes and can carry out any purpose he has in mind.* God’s name is unique, one of a kind. It belongs only to him. In a number of ways, Jehovah is unique. How is that so?

    We saw that Psalm 83:18 said of Jehovah: “You alone are the Most High.” Similarly, Jehovah alone is referred to as “the Almighty.” Revelation 15:3 says: “Great and wonderful are your works, Jehovah God, the Almighty. Righteous and true are your ways, King of eternity.” The title “the Almighty” teaches us that Jehovah is the most powerful being there is. His power is unmatched; it is supreme. And the title “King of eternity” reminds us that Jehovah is unique in another sense. He alone has always existed. Psalm 90:2 says: “Even from time indefinite to time indefinite [or, forever] you are God.” That thought inspires awe, does it not?

    Jehovah is also unique in that he alone is the Creator. Revelation 4:11 reads: “You are worthy, Jehovah, even our God, to receive the glory and the honor and the power, because you created all things, and because of your will they existed and were created.” Everything that you can think of—from the invisible spirit creatures in heaven to the stars that fill the night sky to the fruit that grows on the trees to the fish that swim in the oceans and rivers—all of it exists because Jehovah is the Creator! (End of the section from the book)

    One last thing. In what most people call "The Lord's Prayer", at the begin it states "Our father...holy be thy name." Who's name? JEHOVAH!
  • Angela on Psalms 83 - 14 years ago
    I think its wonderful to know who the true god is.It makes your prayers more personal. We all have personal names so wouldn't it be logical to call JEHOVAH GOD by his name.
  • Anonymous on Psalms 83:18 - 14 years ago
    I respect you for keeping Jehovah's name in

    the Bible
  • Jos on Psalms 83 - 14 years ago
    plalms 83:18 described only Jehovah is ture God, so why don't find it so often in other scriputers of this bible?
  • Tod Merriman on Psalms 83 - 14 years ago
    Why is'nt God's name in this scripture, used in the Revised King James that I have? And how are people to get to know God with out knowing his name. Will people be able to identify correctly who the scriptures are speaking about with out it?

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