King James Version (KJV)
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I lived there 3 years. I think a lot of Christians went to church prayerful today?
It was wrong for rioters to hang out and act like traitors and thugs at a campaign speech. I'm sure cameras were rolling during the 4.2 quake. Wonder if national news reported it ?
Read the signs of the times. The Spirit of Antichrist Is all over this election. Too much chaos going on; and we know who the origin of Chaos is... need I say his name?
Recent large quakes around Salt Lake, Utah, Idaho, Montana :/
They praised God that first day, but even after all the miracles they whined for fleshly things.
I stand by my reply.
He gave them everything: clothes and shoes that didn't wear out; manna from Heaven and water.
God was good to them, yet they still whined.
Finally, they were ready to go over into the Promised Land. Moses was not to go with them, but he did get to see it as he climbed the mountain where he died. He gave everything he had to Joshua, to lead the people over.
Why did the older people never go inside of the tent of God's presence? Why did they stand outside and never go in?
He did not give Adam dominion over other humans.
There were "inhabitants" living on earth, who were the 1/3 of created angels who revolted and followed SATAN to the earth. They had bodies at that point. However all of them DIED in the flood of Noah. They no longer had bodies. Their spirits survived to become principalities and powers; DEMONS.
Their desire now is to find human bodies to inhabit.
Jesus cast out devils from one possessed man, and the demons begged Jesus to let them possess some pigs. He did but the pigs ran over a cliff and Died. No bodies again.
There are lots of people on earth that invite demons to inhabit their bodies: people in the occult. ie: witches, warlocks, card readers, phone-a-psychic, astrologers, people who read their horoscope every day!
The Bible mentions 'familiar' spirits (demons). They have no bodies so they can look through your past history and give you the info and then people believe people who give readings are the real deal.
They want to turn people away from God and His Word (The Bible) to get a word of encouragement; as we do in here. We encourage and teach others what we have learned. I know God doesn't want us to read our horoscope and later, read a chapter of the Bible. That is a MIXTURE, and God hates mixtures. Look it up.
Most Churches do not teach on these matters! They don't want to scare your Tithe, elsewhere. Pay for silence. Then you experience some horrid things in your life and you wonder why God doesn't love you? Why doesn't He answer your prayers?
Put it together! Why should He speak to you if you're going to run to an occultist or psychic, to get a word too??
Throw out your idols! Your heart will lead you to them. If you have extended family that does that stuff; stay away. If your church won't mention it? Find another who does. Get free.
Acts Chapter 7
36 He brought them out, after that he had shewed wonders and signs in the land of Egypt, and in the Red sea, and in the wilderness forty years.
37 This is that Moses, which said unto the children of Israel, A prophet shall the Lord your God raise up unto you of your brethren, like unto me; him shall ye hear.
38 This is he, that was in the church in the wilderness with the angel which spake to him in the mount Sina, and [with] our fathers: who received the lively oracles to give unto us:
church in the wilderness with the angel which spake to him in the mount Sinai
39 To whom our fathers would not obey, but thrust [him] from them, and in their hearts turned back again into Egypt,
The church did not start in Acts, it was already there under Moses.
1 Corinthians Chapter 10: 1 Moreover, brethren, I would not that ye should be ignorant, how that all OUR FATHERS our fathers were under the cloud, and all passed through the sea;
2 And were all baptized unto MOSES Moses in the cloud and in the sea; (Red Sea)
3 And did all eat the same spiritual meat; (Manna)
4 And did all drink the same spiritual drink: for they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them: and that Rock was Christ.
5 But with many of them God was not well pleased: for they were overthrown in the wilderness.
So was Paul the apostle to the "Gentiles" and it seems he was not speaking to Jews? After all Paul is in Greece.
2 easy questions for you
1. Does God love everyone? (exclude Satan) Humans only
2. Would the Lord deceive people?
Scriptural proof only please. the answers might surprise you.
"And THE LORD added to the CHURCH daily such as should be saved."
People build big buildings with great beauty, art; sculptures, but they can be dead as a door nail without Jesus in it by the Holy Spirit.
Get a grip. The people are out in the streets now. No apathy. Everyone's turned on to a cause. The Church needs to be out in the street too! Hand out some tracts. How do we know this isn't a move of God going on right now?! We're all banished from going to church so we're hiding out in the house.
You just want to hash for days how much you can expound on churches of the past.
Guess what? It was in the news how all the ancient churches have been sold to pay Taxes, so now they are reborn as event centers, restaurants with real art. Google it! Maybe we should consider what Peter said: it's all going to burn.
Is the hourglass full or empty?
But if I'm wrong & you do believe in the NT as well, then please consider these few verses (to which matter there are many more verses): of Paul, Gal 1:15,16; Acts 9:15,16; Rom 15:15-18; etc. Why was Paul sent by Christ to minister to the Gentiles? Apparently, so that they too could hear the Gospel & be saved (1 Thes 2:8-16, especially verses 14-16), therefore fulfilling the Lord's Word that He had 'other sheep' that still had to come into His fold ( Jn 10:14-17).
You might be "for my people 12 tribes of israel" & that is wonderful, but since Israel was cut out from the olive tree because of their 'blindness to the Messiah' ( Romans 11, especially verses 18-25), they are in desperate need for the "fullness of the Gentiles" to be accomplished before they will one day be saved. It's not possible to rule out clear & abundant Scripture showing that Christ came for all people, Jew & Gentile alike, rather we ought to be concerned for the many who are going into a Christ-less eternity having never heard the Gospel & opportunity to be saved (I speak here not of God's election but man's concern & responsibility).
Lamentations 4:7 - you know Jesus was from Nazareth, right? This says they're white so that counterbalances the assumption that because someone's hair is like wool it must be black. Other races can have wool-like hair too. There's plenty of hair variety within the races.
Bible book Lamentations 4:7 - Her Nazarites were purer than snow, they were WHITER whiter than milk, they were more ruddy in body than rubies, their polishing was of sapphire: (Ruddy means reddish as in blush)
Revelation 1:14 - His (Jesus) HEAD head and his hairs were WHITE white like wool, as WHITE white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire; 15 And his feet like unto fine brass,
(Brass is made of copper which is REDDISH GOLDEN BROWN) as if they burned in a furnace; and his voice as the sound of many waters. The world hates white Christians especially it seems today.
Who printed the Bibles and built the churches? Europe and the USA or Africa and asia?
I am going to assume that by you saying you really want to be saved that you are not saved now? I don't know if that is a correct assumption or not, but if you have not yet called upon the Lord Jesus Christ for His mercy, and ask for Him to come into your heart and save you, you need to do so if you truly are seeking salvation. Anyone can say the words "Jesus is Lord" with their mouth, but calling out to Christ to save you needs to come from the heart.
There is no magic formula that I can share with you on how to be saved other than telling you to call out to Christ. You need to receive Him. He has promised to save anyone who comes to Him asking for forgiveness and mercy ( Romans 10:13). As for the drug issue, there are professional agencies probably where you live that can help you with this issue, but you need to seek the help. However, the main concern is for your spiritual welfare. That must come first. Please call out to Jesus Christ to come into your life. Cast all your cares on Him. Everything else will work itself out in His timing. We serve a very powerful Savior who is able to take on all of our troubles, no matter how big or small.
You say you were recently born again? If so, then you have God's Spirit in you. You can't be born again without His Spirit. When you receive Christ, His Spirit (Holy Spirit) comes into your spirit and seals you. That is a spiritual birth. That is what it means to be born again. So when you say you are born again, that is proof that you have His Spirit.
God created with a Purpose. He created with a Plan. Can an architect design a house without a Purpose? Can he build it without a Plan? To say that God only knew what was going to happen, make His statements about what He is going to do, meaningless. Did God just simply know the earth was going to be flooded and warned Noah? Or did God do it on Purpose? Did God promise not to destroy the earth again with a flood, because He knew that was what He was going to do? Is God a seer that merely reveals what He sees in the future?
There is a misconception that because God is eternal and not subject to time and space, He can observe past, present and future. And that therefore, He knows everything. Is He like the train hobbyist that builds a train set with hills and roads and stands over it observing everything that takes place. So, did God create the universe and mankind, or was it something He just happened to know would happen on its own?
If the Future has control, does God? I can be omniscient and know how everything functions, yet not know what I am going to do tomorrow. God is neither limited by His omniscience, nor by the Future. Have a look at Isa 23:8, "Who planned this against Tyre...? The LORD of Hosts planned it, to defile all its glorious beauty, to disgrace all the renowned of the earth." Not only is God telling us that He Planned it, He is telling us He Planned it with a Purpose.
Your thinking is that God created, then stepped back and let things happen. But is that the case?