Revelation Chapter 11 Discussion Page 8

  • Alex on Revelation 11 - 6 years ago
  • Julie Pena on Revelation 11 - 6 years ago
    Eze,. WOW your prayer request for other's needs is so powerful
  • Eze ndubuisi on Revelation 11 - 6 years ago
    My name is Eze Ndubuisi iam a lover of GOD's word, and i want to make heven. I love this site very much pls may the almighty lord supply every of your needs in Jesus name....
  • A disciple on Revelation 11 - 7 years ago
    Dewey J; We shouldn't be overly sensitive: no offense taken, Brother. With the things that we see (and can hardly believe) happening and increasing, we have volumes of warning and instruction and guidance in the Scriptures to prepare us mentally and spiritually for the opposition we are set to encounter. We should know that the transgressors coming to the full is God's determined judgment of them.
  • Dewey J on Revelation 11 - 7 years ago
    A disciple, I didn't accuse you of adding to the scripture. That is a very serious charge to make especially against another Christian without sound evidence. I can tell by your posts that you have a very good understanding of the scripture. I concur with you and all who notice the rebellion of mankind toward God. Some say the greatest miracle is God's love and grace to man and man hate for God.
  • A disciple on Revelation 11 - 7 years ago
    Hi Dewey; I don't think its exactly "adding to the word;" but something I heard from others, and I think makes sense. Time will tell of course! One thing is interesting too; how that even with all the plagues and punishments and the appearance of the two witnesses; those who are not killed outright by those judgments still refuse to repent or at all acknowledge the truth to give God glory.
  • A disciple on Revelation 11 - 7 years ago
    Dewey; Enoch and Elijah were taken alive into heaven; and so we must conclude that their work is NOT finished, and that God took them aside till He would use them again at another time. The Scriptures say that "Elijah must come first:" the Lord doesn't use the real to identify types, and then not bring forth the real and the complete. John came in the Spirit and power of Elijah not to replace him.
  • Dewey J on Revelation 11 - 7 years ago
    A disciple, Ron, and Martha Jesus said concerning John Baptist Matt. 17:12 But I say unto you that Elias is come already and they knew him not but have done unto him whatsoever they listed. Likewise shall also the Son of man suffer of them. Elijah and Enoch finished their course let them rest. 2 Tim. 4:7,8 This language place emphasis on the Holy Ghost that enabled all prophets, apostles success
  • A disciple on Revelation 11 - 7 years ago
    Martha; I looked up "in the spirit of" and found this simple but helpful definition to answer your question; which then makes John as foreshadowing Elijah just ahead of the Lord's coming in its perfection at the end of this age. "There is the letter of the law and there is the spirit of the law. The letter of the law are the laws themselves; the spirit of the law is the principle behind the law."
  • A disciple on Revelation 11 - 7 years ago
    Hi Martha, nice to hear from you. Well my thoughts about how John went before the Lord to prepare His way, was after the model set by Elijah; as it were a foreshadowing of the great Day of the LORD; when Elijah himself, with Enoch himself, shall come for fulfilling their great ministry in advance of the Second Coming Of Christ and the end of this age; in such power of the Spirit never before seen.
  • Martha on Revelation 11 - 7 years ago
    a disciple...I believe the same concerning who the two witnesses but confused when the scriptures say John the Baptist came in the spirit of Elijah; Luke 1:17 And he shall go before him in the spirit and power of Elias, to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the disobedient to the wisdom of the just; to make ready a people prepared for the Lord. John did die.
  • A disciple on Revelation 11 - 7 years ago
    I believe that the two witnesses are Enoch and Elijah; for a few reasons. One, neither man has died yet. Two, both were taken by God in the midst of their days during a service in a most terrible ungodly time: Enoch during the dark days of the world of the beginning; and Elijah during the times of Ahab and Jezebel. Also the Prophet Malachi said that Elijah must come before the Day of the LORD.
  • A disciple on Revelation 11 - 7 years ago
    Ron; how do you think that the only way Moses could be there, is if he were raised from the dead? The spirits return to God after they leave the body in death; Eccl. 12:7 "Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it." 2 Cor 5:8
    "We are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord."
  • Ron on Revelation 11 - 7 years ago
    A disciple: It doesn't say it was a spirit, it said it was Moses. He can't be there unless he was raised from the dead. Why don't you believe what the Book says? I have heard both sides of the argument and searched the scriptures a long time ago on this because neither side could prove their point. All I am doing is pointing out the one item they all missed.
  • A disciple on Revelation 11 - 7 years ago
    Ron; correct me if I'm wrong, but it sounds to me like you don't think Moses (or anyone) could appear unless they were living flesh and bones? I AM lives, and He is the Author of life; but Jesus said that God is a spirit. Besides, as soon as the spirit leaves the body, the body dies; it is the spirit that animates our physical bodies: but spirits don't need flesh and bones to live by themselves.
  • A disciple on Revelation 11 - 7 years ago
    Hi Ron; You may be forgetting a thing or two: Samuel was called back from the world of the dead, not resurrected, but his spirit. And in the same place, the woman said she saw the spirits going up fro the earth. There is nothing in the Bible to suggest that our spirits don't look like us in our flesh bodies; just that they're spirits. Paul was taken up into the third heaven "in the body or out.."
  • Ron on Revelation 11 - 7 years ago
    A disciple: Call it revived from sleep or whatever Moses was still there at the mount and was talking with the Lord. This really happened. Moses cannot be there unless he is alive and not in Paradise, Jesus is not faking this (talking with them went he is not really there - that is a LIE). There is nothing here to indicate this is just Moses' SPIRIT. It was Moses. I believe what the Book says.
  • A disciple on Revelation 11 - 7 years ago
    Ron; the vision that God gave to Peter, James and John, of the Lord's Glory, and Moses and Elijah talking with Him about His upcoming death in Jerusalem, is very symbolic and instructive on many levels. The reference to the Law and the Prophets, of course is one of the first things, as you point out. We mustn't limit any life to being merely for a symbolic use. Enoch and Elijah are still alive.
  • A disciple on Revelation 11 - 7 years ago
    Hi Ron; You are so right! There have been very many who were raised from the dead by the Lord Jesus Christ; both when He was here, and by the hands of His servants since then. The "Second Death" is still to come at the Judgment; NOT the same as falling to sleep twice, like those who were revived to life. Moses' spirit appeared with Elijah still as he was when he went up into heaven; like Enoch.
  • Ron on Revelation 11 - 7 years ago
    A disciple: Lazarus died twice ( John 11:38-44), the widow's son died twice ( Luke 7:11-17) and the young maiden died twice ( Acts 9:37-40). Plus you did not explain how Moses got out of paradise to appear at the mount of transfiguration. This is dealing with the nation of Israel, Moses the Law and Elijah the Prophets. Enoch was not Jewish and if anything, he is a type of the church rapture.
  • A disciple on Revelation 11 - 7 years ago
    Ron; Moses has not yet resurrected, but will rise with all of the sleeping Elect at the Coming of the Lord. The only two in the Bible that were taken alive into heaven, and have not yet died, are Enoch and Elijah. The second death is eternal destruction in the lake of fire: Moses IS NOT in that miserable number! You have probably read or heard something from a false teacher: Search the Scriptures!
  • Ron on Revelation 11 - 7 years ago
    Moses is one of the witnesses because he was resurrected and taken to heaven. How do I know this, easy. All the saved that died before the cross went to paradise and were trapped there, yet Moses appears at the transfiguration (he's no longer in or was in paradise). Plus along with Elijah, he never finished his ministry. Christ was resurrected to never die again, Moses will die twice.
  • SabbathkeeperandWife on Revelation 11 - 7 years ago
    I've got an old Strong's with cloth binding and yellow pages circa 1940s. 1000 dead is the same time satan is bound to "his" earth with no one to mess with to reflect on what's coming. Book of John says All are "sleeping" like Ecclesiastes until last resurrection. Many have been dead longer than that. They don't know it. Sleep
  • Word on Revelation 11 - 7 years ago
    No one is dead for a thousand years. As far as the new Strong's it's like the N.I.V Bible which isn't a Bible. So for anyone who wants to read the true word of God and learn the scriptures it's best to have an Old Exhaustive Strong's Concordance before 1972 so that a person gets the true meaning of the words from the scriptures than to believe the Romans are coming, the Romans are coming.
  • SabbathkeeperandWife on Revelation 11 - 7 years ago
    Pt 2 - because SO many are swallowed up in the rapture theory that most people think that if they miss the first train, then they can catch the second and therefore they can live anyway they choose which would make EVERYONE who died before this rapture unavailable for the second chance. It's not biblical. One vs about a silver cord that's not understood vs 50 that say AT LAST DAY aren't good odds
  • SabbathkeeperandWife on Revelation 11 - 7 years ago
    Even children are smart enough to look in a concordance. There's one online. Pneuma is air. Not clouds. ALL WILL HEAR HIS VOICE. In the twinkling of an eye is how long it takes those who make the cut to be transformed into their spiritual bodies. The rest just DIE until the 1000 yrs is up, then they are judged. Great supper of God is when the fowls feast in their carcasses. There's no 2nd chance!
  • Word on Revelation 11 - 7 years ago
    The fallen won't even know that they are in the apostacy and they will tell the elect they are a widow no longer and that their husband has came home. But the elect do not care about their false messiah and his power to bring lightning down To earth at his will. The elect will be delivered up by those believers and to death which is Satan and the Holy Spirit will speak through them.
  • Bruce on Revelation 11 - 7 years ago
    Martha:"WE"The Church are still here.What's heartbreaking Matthew7:14 narrow is the way-- few there be that find it. 15:beware of false prophets 16:Ye shall know them--. There are some on these sites,in the church: trying to put out our Light. We are The only Light our "Family" will see others! Stay trimmed,keep The Oil Full. Mark 13:13 ye shall be hated-- endure unto the end--. Well done!
  • Word on Revelation 11 - 7 years ago
    Martha prince Rev 6:2 antichrist white horse fake crown bow Kicked out of heaven to deceive whole world. Fake messiah coming. 2 horns powers claims he is Lamb speaks like the dragon because the elect know death make stand are delivered up to him. Daniel 11 vile 1 white horse death comes in peace to the world. World delivers up elect to antichrist which is death. Elect want to Stand against Satan.
  • Andrew And Mona Ministry on Revelation 11 - 7 years ago
    Read Matthew
    Chapter 24

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