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Please help me to rest in your happiness,
To allow a smile to linger on my lips,
To dwell within a wonderful memory,
To walk back through sunlit places.
Please help me to awake with hope,
To engage with life in all its variety,
To take in the beauty of others joys,
To touch the souls of those I meet with thankfulness.
Please help me to sing with faith,
To carry the truth close in my heart always,
To rejoice at new life and
To have peace as I age.
To taste the kindness of friendship,
To feel the warmth of embrace.
Please help me not to miss
A single drop of heaven,
To catch each moment
And drink in the great joy of life.
1. Oh God arise and show me mercy and favor in ministry, business, marriage, etc in Jesus name!
2. As you clothe the children of Israel with favor in Egypt, clothe me with favor so heathens can bless me in the name of Jesus!
3. Give me favor in the sight of men, give my home favor in the sight of family, give my business favor in the sight of customers in Jesus name!
4. Satisfy me Lord with favor and fill me with blessing in the name of Jesus!
5. I receive favor with God and with man in everything I do in the name of Jesus!
6. My father, give me favor with kings and great men of this world in Jesus name!
7. Oh God arise and encompass me with favor as with a shield in the name of Jesus!
8. O Lord, give me the spirit of favor in all my business transactions in Jesus' name!
9. In the mighty name of Jesus, I claim.
- divine favor
- abundant prosperity
- divine wisdom
- increased sales and expanded markets
- new product ideas
- new service delivery concepts
- divine helpers
- the release of finances
10. O' LORD, by all the power for which you are known to be God, let my prosperity appear in the name of Jesus!
11. My Father and my LORD, I thank you for answering these prayers in Jesus name!
Copy this down and keep it in your Bible.
Matthew 6:25
Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment?
1 Corinthians 13:11
When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a (woman)man, I put away childish things.
Malachi 3:16 Let God hear you speak Faith.
Then they that feared the LORD spake often one to another: and the LORD hearkened, and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before him for them that feared the LORD, and that thought upon his name.
You need to turn from the dark thoughts and get some Faith in God inside of you.
A testimony of mine: I worked in a huge office of mostly women and women bosses.
I was sitting in my car at lunch, depressed, reading my Bible. I saw this verse that Jesus said: bless those that curse you. Went back into work. The boss was gossiping with other bosses.
I thought, I'm just going to give this scripture a try. I start blessing the bosses, in Jesus name and asked Him to promote them into better positions. Couple of weeks go by and they announce the big boss was taking a promotion in another building! Yay
Also, that a boss from outside was taking her place. We wait patiently. We got a new boss that was Much fairer and made our work lives fairer and revised work loads evenly. I was thanking God at lunch every day after.
If you'll bless and not curse; what you pray in honest faith will be done. It makes your faith get big. So if Satan thumps you, just activate your faith on a scripture that describes your situation. Let faith keep your hope solid while you're waiting.
Don't give the demons a legal right to make you despair. Give Praise to God all the while. Let Trust become a tree that gives you shade at lunch.
Watch some Derek Prince videos on ADDICTIONS; from spirits that afflict your sons. It's spiritual warfare and you have to fight the spiritually.
Take notes of the names: to use in prayer for them every day. Psalm 31 < link
Run there for strength to stand in this fight.
Ephesians 6
By law you get 2 breaks a day. Combine bathroom then.
Determine the rules and work within them.
This one woman was an inspiration to me: every time someone tried to engage her opinion in an argument, she'd smile like an angel to everyone without answering and return to her work. Everyone would shuffle away confused what to do with that.
Remember Marilyn. That was her name.
(Ask what would Marilyn do :D)
These are small sacrifices on your part, but they work. Once a month bring in a dozen donuts and leave them in the coffee room. Keep one on your desk so they know you brought them. If you get there early you can get a big mug of coffee. I brought mine from home cause I'm picky.
Be friendly like Jesus; but kind of no nonsense like Peter. Never share any personal information about yourself.
When you walk in early, under your breath pray: I pray the presence of Jesus in this room and the peace of God that surpasses all understanding. Thank you Jesus :)
When it goes south some days: in a whisper: I plead the Blood of Jesus against all demonic influences and command them to depart to dry places. In Jesus name. GO!
God can hear your mind talking, so when your Boss is being bossy and unfair: plead the blood of Jesus over the entire conversation. Have faith ok? He hears you and knows you need an assist. You're gonna see miracles. Get ready.
Move when your lease is about to expire, if you can. (Get the place spotless before that)
You didn't say if you're a Christian? If you are you can ASK God to send some angels to watch over all your property and protect all that concerns you. And Give you favor with the police.
I'll ask the Lord to give you His favor in finding work.
Get your resume current with past history, phone #s, etc. Don't fill in the date. Make copies. Take a selfie (smile) & go to Walgreens and get copies to put on the resume. Drive around companies & note which ones have lots of cars in the lot. Make a list. I'd get out and walk through and claim a parking spot in Jesus name. Be cool. Interviews: answer questions, keep it brief and no personal stories unless asked. Don't gush. Be friendly, unclinch your body language. Handshake before leaving. Make eye contact. NO Strong cologne.
You glorify God and start thanking Him for favor and opportunities EVERY time you think about it. Turn off the tv an hour every day and read Ecclesiastes or Proverbs. Great tips for success in those. You're ready!!
Come back and let me know how it goes.
Note:17 above GOD warns us (we the brethren) that the dragon has declared war on us which keep the COMMANDMENTS OF GOD, and have The Testimony Of Jesus Christ.
Note: 11 above assures us VICTORY through THE BLOOD OF THE LAMB as it relates to SALVATION (see John 3:16-21 or similar WORDS OF GOD as it relates to SALVATION).
Note: when we accept THE SALVATION OF GOD through JESUS, the Whole Armor OF GOD is made available to us for both our defense and offence during the daily war /battles against us from the dragon. Battles SHALL comes and must be fought because we are in a war, and battles SHALL be fought daily especially our personal /individual battles. Never-the-less only being equipped with the WHOLE ARMOR OF GOD which comes through JESUS is our daily battles won.
Note: Through JESUS we have the VICTORY in this war from the dragon according to 11 above.
Note: Dining at The Marriage Supper Of The LAMB is very near.
Like the pharisee Nicodemus; you must be born again. After that you must ask to be baptized with the Holy Spirit.
There is a great link in this website that will lead you through the steps to become a Christian. There are things we need to understand and agree that we are sinners in need of salvation.
Once you receive the Holy Spirit, He is the one who makes alive, your spirit; and you will hear or feel His leading to get free from past things that hold you back. He'll help you recall things and you go to 1 John 1:9, to give those things to Jesus and receive his cleansing of those memories.
If you are strong enough to fast 21 days, you will be a great witness for Jesus. You can have as much of Jesus's love that you desire in your soul. Song of Solomon 3:16,
6:3, 7:10
Go back to the red area where you come into this website to 'Community' and click on the link 'Become A Christian'.
Join us in the Questions Room after you have gone through the steps.
When you say you are not hearing God, what exactly do you mean? I would also like to help you but I'm unsure what you're asking?
That's admirable that you're so dedicated to seeking God. I have no doubt he will reward you (seek and ye shall find).
I'm not aware of anywhere in scripture where it says fasting will force a response out of God though. Where does this expectation come from? God is not obligated to give any verbal or auditory response to anyone. Keep in mind God didn't even answer Jesus's prayer himself! Luke 22:42. God mainly communicates through his Word which we already have and can use other people too. Our conscience (Holy Spirit) with guilt or peace can also help confirm our choices. Remember it says to not test God. Luke 4:12. So, I personally would not create a scenario where you believe you are forcing God to respond in some way or another. For example, not taking a sick baby to the hospital for care, but praying and trying to force your will on God to heal seems irresponsible and is testing God.
Also we are not promised an easy life. Paul had countless problems, so did Jesus. Just because we have problems does not mean we did something wrong or that there's sin in our life. We should still regularly confess and ask for forgiveness of our sins while we follow Jesus however, but not to feel unnecessary guilt from it. We're supposed to love ourselves. This gives us the capacity to show love to others.
This is my personal opinion. God has already blessed us with freewill and His truth in the Word in order to act using our best judgments. I think we should continue to pray for our concerns, but also not create an arbitrary test where we expect God to respond by a certain made-up deadline otherwise we draw assumptions. God doesn't play by our rules, we play by His. God bless you...
God told Moses to tell the house of Jacob and the children of Israel this phrase.
I guess it is how God protected the people of Israel thru the entire journey to get away from the Egyptians. And that God will do the same thing when the people of Israel escape into the wilderness once again in the tribulation. God is going to prove to His people who He is by protecting them once again.
I don't believe the U.S. is mentioned in scripture.
And the women in Revelation is referring to the nation of Israel.
God is Spirit (no color)
Holy Spirit (no color)
Jesus (Mary's color)
The 3 persons of the Godhead have WILLS. It was given to Adam and Eve. They could obey God's will; OR do what they did: disobey God's will (for them) which they did with Satans encouragement; deception.
Satan has a will. He was a created Archangel; covering Cherub. His speeches start with I WILL. He's the evil that hurts people. Not God. Satan never does anything good. He wills, to crush Gods children.
He thought he had killed the Son of God. Imagine his grief when Jesus walked out of the grave.
A scripture says that Jesus was an ordinary looking man; that others would not look upon as being desirous.
He will not look like Revelation 1 Jesus, until we get to Revelation 1: with the white hair and eyes as flames of fire. That's when he becomes the Lion of the tribe of JUDAH.
I agree that people since Adam & Eve have been exploited based on color, wealth and position. There is no way to fix or repay for all the suffering of mankind. The only one who can offer hope is Jesus Christ.
WHO can possibly profit off of mass anger, lack, need, fear? It is The Spirit of Antichrist flexing his muscles against anyone who might believe and follow Jesus to salvation. These crowds are described all through the New Testament, Bible! Satan will possess the Antichrist eventually. It's not ever going to be normal life again. This is a preview of satans plan for the world.
Don't despair and lose heart. Draw closer to Jesus at this time, and He will guide you with his wisdom and preserve your life and those you love. Sit down beside your bed and pray more. Pray for wisdom and strength. He is coming for us! Keep your focus on HIM. Get your families saved. Love will guide your witness to them.
I love and pray for you.
3 And I hated Esau, and laid his mountains and his heritage waste for the dragons of the wilderness.
Esau sold his birthright for a bowl of venison stew. That's why God hated him.
I don't think Job was involved in this.
I'm praying for you.
Have you read this verse from 1 John? You might consider reading that chapter.
It says love casts out fear. The opposite of fear is love. This means that if you practice love, including loving God and loving others, then you can loosen your fear- it won't grip you as much. How can you practice this? You can worship God with praise songs, prayer, meditate on the truth of his words in the Bible. You can also volunteer to help others with acts of kindness. Maybe you help comfort others and help reduce their fear by showing your love and kindness. Write encouraging letters to others or spend quality time in person, or do acts of service to help those in need. Giving gifts. There are different ways to express love and fill your life with this, and in turn, help build up others. Also, practicing gratefulness. Making lists of positive things you've done, have experienced, and look forward to. Even the simple things, like if you have a 2 arms and 2 legs, can talk, or write, or have a computer, or a place to live.
PHILIPPIANS 4:8. God bless you!
Lastly, we know that serpent and dragon are the same thing based on verse 12:9, so where does John pull this similitude from, the old testament Job 30:29 - I am a brother to dragons, and a companion to owls. Job, an Israelite, calls his brother a dragon...who was Jobs brother, Esau - Malachi 1:3 And I hated Esau, and laid his mountains and his heritage waste for the dragons of the wilderness - GOD calls Esau "dragons of the wilderness". Notice here that the serpent or dragon as spoke of in the old testament refers to more than one and not one single man but many men or a nation such as Esau that was a man in the beginning but spawned a prominent birthright nation of people as God told Abraham and Sarah.
You are taking scriptures and twisting them around.
I do not argue God's word.
Therefore I can't explain anymore.
14. And to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness , into her place, where she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time, from the face of the serpent.
The serpent is the Antichrist.
I understand that many believe the Lord will return to the earth again. I believe his work was 100% finished on the cross and that the harvest is imminent and the harvesters are few. The other thief on the cross wanted Jesus to save both of them from death by working a work in the world. Perhaps Judas Iscariot had the same erroneous thinking and false hope.
When the view of the harvest is from the perspective that I believe, politics of this earth are of the world.
By Love.