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Prof. Veith. In depth study of Revelation. In 1798, France recognized the United States of America as a world power. The 1st beast is the Vatican,and the 2nd beast is the United States of America;[ military & federal reserve ] There are 2 popes. The white is the Vatican which is visible to humanity. The Black pope is in the shadows,but visible if you know what to look for. [ symbols,numbers,astrology,gematria,ect ]. The black pope and his army are the jesuit order. When the C.I.A. and the F.B.I. were 1st established both men were trained jesuits. ALL secret society's, freemason's , knight's templer ,counsel on foreign relations,the buildeburg group,club of rome,scientology,moormans,ect..all whorship lucifier . But God. ALL those that are born again through the power of the Holy Ghost know that this is not our home. Lord Jesus come Quickly.........God Bless
The statement you have made has some truths and some false . I fear your mixing scripture truths with your false interpretation. We must be very careful when ministering, not to give false statements.
With all my heart I would advise everyone to stop listening to the words and interpretation of man, Trust and seek god, Pray and study his word for yourself.
If you truly desire him and seek him out he will draw close to you and reveal the truth of his word to you.
This is why he sent the comforter (Holy ghost)back after he (Jesus) ascended to heaven.
To teach you , guide you help you in all ways.
To show you his truth.
When we recieve the baptism of the Holy ghost , we are no longer under the teaching of men.
But we are taught by the Holy ghost (spirit of God)
Please don't put your trust in man. Put your trust in god and he will teach you.
Also , you dont have to believe what I have written. I would prefer that you search out for yourselves
what I have said , and if it lines up with the scriptures .
John 14:6 Jesus said unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life.
Anti means to be opposite that scripture.
A person believes his Life is himself, instead of the LIFE being GOD IN YOU.
The person believes they have FREE WILL.
If you have come to truth you understand that since God is the LIFE IN YOU, it's God's WILL being done IN YOU
There is NO SINGLE antichrist, just millions of antichrist.
1 John 2:18 ....and you have heard that antichrist shall come, even NOW are there many (millions) of antichrist
2 John 1:7 .....who confess not Jesus IS COME in the FLESH .....Christ CAME ONCE, and has already come the SECOND TIME: IN THE FLESH, you can't see him, he came like a thief in the night. The KINGDOM is not in OBSERVATION but UNDERSTANDING.
John 17:22 ....that they may be one, even as we are one ....
Because of the WORKS of the resurrection; ALL FLESH died with Christ, and ALL FLESH rose with Christ, 1 Corinthians 12:27 YOU ARE THE BODY OF CHRIST ....
BELIEVE: Christ has COME IN the flesh: YOU and I and ALL.
Colossisns 1:27 .....THIS MYSTERY .....CHRIST IN YOU .......
Isaiah 28:1 .... that he may do his work (the WORK OF HIS CROSS), his STRANGE WORK, his ACT his STRANGE ACT .....
1.I have a question, i use to hear many christians mentioning that the mark of the beast has been implemented already, isn't that the implementation of the mark will be done forcefully?
2. Antichrist- means rejecting God, not believing in Christ. My question is how is the teaching of the antichrist administered, do they directly reject God in their teaching or not ? how shall we say then, should one say all prophets who are demonstrating power in their ministries false ?
Just something to consider; using the recorded dates of 538AD as the time when the papacy became an established power until 1798AD when the French army broke it up is 1260 years calculated on 365.25-year. In the prophecy, 42 months, 3 1/2 years, and 1260 days are based on a 30-day month and 360-day year. Would this change these dates fitting a prophecy when based on a 360-day year, would only be 1241.89 years, not 1260?
I agree there were many terrible things done by the papacy and it would be easy to equate it to this prophecy. My understanding of the tribulation is 3 1/2 years but if we consider it to be 7 and if the first half is 1260 years would not the second half be the same amount of time?
In Daniel 7 there are 4 beasts, if you count the heads and the horns you will get 7 heads and 10 horns. This is a pagan religious system that will influence the world the first half of the tribulation. This beast is worse than the other 3 because it has all in it. The Roman empire is the 4th but in 538 AD the holy Roman empire took over. Nobody was allowed to have any copy of any sort of Gods word or you could face death. They also had the authority to choose who would be the leader of a country. This stayed in play until 1798 when Napoleon captured the pope and put a stop to it. they ruled that way for 1260 years. So the 1260 days is actually 1260 years and that was the wound to the head. In 1923 the holy Roman empire was given a seat at the UN. It was this group when translating his name Yeshua they called him Iesous then later the English put a J on it. They changed the sabbath to Sunday instead of Saturday and created 100s of images of the sun god. Alot of people do this anyway.
This is it. All the cards; so to speak are out on the table. There is no more pretense; hiding behind images that appeal to sensual thoughts; or the solace of contemplative meditation in quiet shrines; or any such nonsense mixing Christ in whatever flavor suits the sage; teacher; wise men or prophets of any religion. This is THE image of the Antichrist; no doubt inspired by the injury as described in Zech 11:17. This deadly wound could involve a real death with the beast coming out of the pit as the king of the Abyss ( Rev. 9:11) at the 5th Trumpet earlier now possessing the body of the man who was given a deadly wound. No doubt this appears as a Resurrection and since it is right before the death and resurrection of the 2 Prophets it reinforces his indestructibility (verse 4).
Now we see the blasphemy that repeatedly describes not only Antichrist; but his followers as the bowl judgments commence. Now the saints are overcome (V. 7 also stated in Dan. 7:21).
The time frame according to v. 5 is limited; but verse 8 indicates ALL not written in the Book of Life worship him.
Verse 11 to verse 17 shows the False Prophet doing miracles just like Elijah did before he was killed and raise up. The miracles convince people to worship the beast healed (v. 14) from the deadly wound; and to take the infamous mark along with worshipping the Beast's image.
Notice these actions and "wonders" are all done by the False Prophet himself on BEHALF of the Beast. The last verse has the famous "666 or Six hundred threescore and six" number; either signifying in Greek the letters of the name of Anchrist; or his characteristic of being short of God's perfection (777) a sort of "unholy trinity". I surmise it is a DNA alteration making one be as Nephilim; supposedly immortal like the Beast; and hence like the angels NOT redeemable with the blood of Christ for men. There won't be much food left for those who do take it; and those who don't will soon be martyrs.
Notice that what is worshipped in ch. 13 is the image of a seven headed and ten horned beast referenced in verse one. Not a devil incarnated man! It could well be that the last verse of this chapter is saying that the number of the beast is simply a number that was developed by a man. And nowhere in this chapter or in the whole book of the Revelation is the beast referred to, described, or worshipped as an incarnated devil-man. My speculation is that the beast is the devil behind pagan idol republic and the great whore that rides the beast are the banksters that control the republics that control the world.
Nelson Walters has a teaching with maps on his youtube channel. There's a whole lot of confusion on it.
I was less confused when I searched MAHDI. Don't linger there ok? Or "like" anything. Why am I banned, and YouTube allows them to blaspheme God and America?
We need to know the depth of the hatred and not be deceived. The tree is known by its fruit.
Some Palestinians are saved and looking for Jesus. That's why I said what I did about the fruit.
The antichrist destroys the seventh nation. Can you guess what nation that is? They are in the news media, all the time. They are three nations, in one.
Dear "Anti666 JustisRighteous FastWatchPray WeAreDust", Antichrist has been with us every day so i agree with you. And the angle about fasting i have never heard but it is true in my heart. Thank you for the information, i really need to remember this. What if that's why there are so many sick among us?
God bless u and yours in Jesus name. Have a good Easter time. John 8:31-32
Anti666 JustisRighteous FastWatchPray WeAreDust on Revelation 13 - 2 years ago
666 is the number of the name of the beast, which is written in Revelation chapter 13 verses 17 to 18, and which is the number of a man, because we were made in the 6th day, and were made in 3 parts, the spirit, soul and body. We are dust, which is written in Genesis chapter 2 verse 7. Fasting is not eating or drinking, and if you fast after the order of Luke chapter 5 verses 33 to 39, no eating or drinking, you will increase your own dust and become how the Most High (Psalms chapter 91 verse 1) made you. We were lied to that fasting is not eating, but drinking, by the satanic elites (mostly Jewish, Jew ish because the Jew ish are not Israelites, which is written in Revelation chapter 2 verse 9, and Revelation chapter 3 verse 9), who lowered the dust of the Earth for thousands of years, and more than that, because the world is in an abominable being and the sun and moon rising and falling is altered by the dust of the Earth (sun rising is agitation/rapid dust production and sun falling is digestion/rest, in which dust is produced moderately).
Does Joel Richardson know that spiritually the land has been moved, and that Russia fits every description of the king of the north, Esau, and the beast? Mystery Babylon has moved as well, it's not in the ME; it is America. Russia and America will fight again, just like they did during the cold war, like Korea and Vietnam.
What does Turkey have on Russia, who's making its beast move in Ukraine, threatening to nuke any US affiliated detractors? Putin has threatened Israel about the Golan Heights, and soon he will invade Israel and take then captive. Joel 3:1
Richardson is wrong, and pushing that narrative in the end-times is a disservice. A false prophet steers followers away from the evolved truth.
My understanding is it is Turkey. Frontier Alliance (FAI) works in the Mideast. They have excellent teaching on end times free on their app. Joel Richardson says the bear of the north is Turkey.
Reality is the devil has ppl blind ded b. They don't study to show their selves approved. We plant God gives the Increase. Studying >s much weariness to the flesh with all the newer bibles out they take a side scripture and make it mean somethin g else by changing the words God warns us what happens to those in revelations 22 anyway so many lies out their.
I believe you are looking for Revelation 12:14. Those eagle wings is seen here in Exodus 19:4. and Isaiah 40:31.
The fact that they're carried on eagles wings there is no need for protection from any nation. Their protection always came from the Lord and always will. Psalms 121:4-5.
There is in Daniel 7:4 The first was like a lion, and had eagle's wings: I beheld till the wings thereof were plucked, and it was lifted up from the earth, and made stand upon the feet as a man, and a man's heart was given to it.
Some take prophecy and symbols like animals and put things together to fit theories about end times. Some put Great Britain and the United States. The Lion represents Great Britain, and the Eagle wings represent the United States of America. Bear means Russia, the leopard means Germany, the chief battle tank of Germany is the leopard tank (Panzer), and more.
Like the wings in Revelation 12:14, you can see in Exodus 19:4, this may give a better understanding of the term used. This could not be referring to either America or airlift by the United States. It has a meaning of caring for the young (children), like what Jesus said in Matthew 23:37.
There are seven-year periods for different things in the bible like seven-year Sabbath, seven years of plenty and then seven years of drought Joseph was given and more, but the seven years that have been placed at the end times is a theory, not in scripture. It is taken from Daniel 9:27 which in my understanding has been fulfilled. You will find only 3.5 years, 42 months, and 1260 days.
I heard a pastor on TV read from I thought the book of revelations but I want to know where to find what he read I can't seem to find it but he read That the country with wings of an eagle will be pulled out of the mouth of the lion and I guess we are supposed to become Israel's protector for the seven years please tell me where to find that thank you
Yes , you can , an yes grape juice is fine , an any unleavened cracker ,. An you can take it whenever you see need to ,.. although remember it was taken 3 times a year , passova, Pentecost an feast of tabernacles,.. you just don't wanna make it a ritual,..
My opinion is that its acceptable and that you are being obedient even if you don't have the privilege of being in the presence of other believers. It's certainly better to take in remembrance in solitude than to not take it at all. I also believe praying, worship, and other actions are the similar, where you can certainly do this when alone. I believe the Christian life is 24/7 and not just when someone enters a random building they call a church or is within a certain physical proximity to a believer.
While Jesus was with his disciples at the time of communion, He didn't state any requirements about people being present. 1 Corinthians 11:28 indicates that an individual reflection is needed. It doesn't suggest a group reflection was required. Jesus sometimes fled to be by himself to pray. Matthew 6:3 says to help people in secret, not boasting, or virtue signaling how good you are, as this states. Apparently this must be balanced with letting your light shine as Matthew 5:16 says and maybe the heart and motive plays a role.
Also, people can feel community at home alone, or sometimes feel even more alone in the presence of others. What I mean is the perception of community does not always reflect a physical circumstance. For example, we are on a website with other believers right now, but maybe most people are alone in a room. Does that mean it doesn't count as community? Some are disabled and can't get to a physical church, but watch services online, does that mean they're not in community? Some may travel long distances to visit a large church, but feel lost in the crowd and may not talk to anyone the entire time, does that mean the person was in community of believers? Things to consider.
I think it's about remembering what Jesus did on the cross. How He suffered and was bruised and bled. That must never be forgotten. No no no. On the contrary Jesus wants us to remember His Sacrifice for us often. He says take communion often in remembrance of Him. I don't know of any scripture that says you can't do that alone. I have been doing it alone. So if anybody knows of any scripture that says you can't do that alone please share it.
I cry when I take communion. When I remember what Jesus did and what he went through and the heaviness of the sin that He carried to the cross on behalf of every soul that lives or ever has lived or will live. I couldn't even stand under the weight of my own sin. I think it's about remembering. Until He comes.
Also, I believe that you should not take the communion unworthily;
1Corinthians 11:27-31
in doing so the Bible says you will bring sickness and death to yourself. So I always pray and ask the Lord to forgive any sin in my life, examining my own heart, before I take the communion and I don't take it carelessly or lightly. But that's just me.
I haven't heard anybody holding communion at church teach on this part of preparing yourself for the communion so that you may not bring sickness and death unto yourself .
But once again that's my interpretation of the Scriptures. Please don't take my word for it read the Scriptures and pray and ask God for understanding.
With all my heart I would advise everyone to stop listening to the words and interpretation of man, Trust and seek god, Pray and study his word for yourself.
If you truly desire him and seek him out he will draw close to you and reveal the truth of his word to you.
This is why he sent the comforter (Holy ghost)back after he (Jesus) ascended to heaven.
To teach you , guide you help you in all ways.
To show you his truth.
When we recieve the baptism of the Holy ghost , we are no longer under the teaching of men.
But we are taught by the Holy ghost (spirit of God)
Please don't put your trust in man. Put your trust in god and he will teach you.
Also , you dont have to believe what I have written. I would prefer that you search out for yourselves
what I have said , and if it lines up with the scriptures .
I pray the lords peace and grace
Be upon you always.
John 14:6 Jesus said unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life.
Anti means to be opposite that scripture.
A person believes his Life is himself, instead of the LIFE being GOD IN YOU.
The person believes they have FREE WILL.
If you have come to truth you understand that since God is the LIFE IN YOU, it's God's WILL being done IN YOU
There is NO SINGLE antichrist, just millions of antichrist.
1 John 2:18 ....and you have heard that antichrist shall come, even NOW are there many (millions) of antichrist
2 John 1:7 .....who confess not Jesus IS COME in the FLESH .....Christ CAME ONCE, and has already come the SECOND TIME: IN THE FLESH, you can't see him, he came like a thief in the night. The KINGDOM is not in OBSERVATION but UNDERSTANDING.
John 17:22 ....that they may be one, even as we are one ....
Because of the WORKS of the resurrection; ALL FLESH died with Christ, and ALL FLESH rose with Christ, 1 Corinthians 12:27 YOU ARE THE BODY OF CHRIST ....
BELIEVE: Christ has COME IN the flesh: YOU and I and ALL.
Colossisns 1:27 .....THIS MYSTERY .....CHRIST IN YOU .......
Isaiah 28:1 .... that he may do his work (the WORK OF HIS CROSS), his STRANGE WORK, his ACT his STRANGE ACT .....
FEW believe this, it makes for many antichrist.
God Bless YOU!
2. Antichrist- means rejecting God, not believing in Christ. My question is how is the teaching of the antichrist administered, do they directly reject God in their teaching or not ? how shall we say then, should one say all prophets who are demonstrating power in their ministries false ?
Thank you.
Just something to consider; using the recorded dates of 538AD as the time when the papacy became an established power until 1798AD when the French army broke it up is 1260 years calculated on 365.25-year. In the prophecy, 42 months, 3 1/2 years, and 1260 days are based on a 30-day month and 360-day year. Would this change these dates fitting a prophecy when based on a 360-day year, would only be 1241.89 years, not 1260?
I agree there were many terrible things done by the papacy and it would be easy to equate it to this prophecy. My understanding of the tribulation is 3 1/2 years but if we consider it to be 7 and if the first half is 1260 years would not the second half be the same amount of time?
Just a thought you may consider.
God bless,
This is it. All the cards; so to speak are out on the table. There is no more pretense; hiding behind images that appeal to sensual thoughts; or the solace of contemplative meditation in quiet shrines; or any such nonsense mixing Christ in whatever flavor suits the sage; teacher; wise men or prophets of any religion. This is THE image of the Antichrist; no doubt inspired by the injury as described in Zech 11:17. This deadly wound could involve a real death with the beast coming out of the pit as the king of the Abyss ( Rev. 9:11) at the 5th Trumpet earlier now possessing the body of the man who was given a deadly wound. No doubt this appears as a Resurrection and since it is right before the death and resurrection of the 2 Prophets it reinforces his indestructibility (verse 4).
Now we see the blasphemy that repeatedly describes not only Antichrist; but his followers as the bowl judgments commence. Now the saints are overcome (V. 7 also stated in Dan. 7:21).
The time frame according to v. 5 is limited; but verse 8 indicates ALL not written in the Book of Life worship him.
Verse 11 to verse 17 shows the False Prophet doing miracles just like Elijah did before he was killed and raise up. The miracles convince people to worship the beast healed (v. 14) from the deadly wound; and to take the infamous mark along with worshipping the Beast's image.
Notice these actions and "wonders" are all done by the False Prophet himself on BEHALF of the Beast. The last verse has the famous "666 or Six hundred threescore and six" number; either signifying in Greek the letters of the name of Anchrist; or his characteristic of being short of God's perfection (777) a sort of "unholy trinity". I surmise it is a DNA alteration making one be as Nephilim; supposedly immortal like the Beast; and hence like the angels NOT redeemable with the blood of Christ for men. There won't be much food left for those who do take it; and those who don't will soon be martyrs.
I was less confused when I searched MAHDI. Don't linger there ok? Or "like" anything. Why am I banned, and YouTube allows them to blaspheme God and America?
We need to know the depth of the hatred and not be deceived. The tree is known by its fruit.
Some Palestinians are saved and looking for Jesus. That's why I said what I did about the fruit.
God bless u and yours in Jesus name. Have a good Easter time. John 8:31-32
Does Joel Richardson know that spiritually the land has been moved, and that Russia fits every description of the king of the north, Esau, and the beast? Mystery Babylon has moved as well, it's not in the ME; it is America. Russia and America will fight again, just like they did during the cold war, like Korea and Vietnam.
What does Turkey have on Russia, who's making its beast move in Ukraine, threatening to nuke any US affiliated detractors? Putin has threatened Israel about the Golan Heights, and soon he will invade Israel and take then captive. Joel 3:1
Richardson is wrong, and pushing that narrative in the end-times is a disservice. A false prophet steers followers away from the evolved truth.
Revelation 13:1 Russia
Revelation 13:11 China
I believe you are looking for Revelation 12:14. Those eagle wings is seen here in Exodus 19:4. and Isaiah 40:31.
The fact that they're carried on eagles wings there is no need for protection from any nation. Their protection always came from the Lord and always will. Psalms 121:4-5.
God bless.
There is in Daniel 7:4 The first was like a lion, and had eagle's wings: I beheld till the wings thereof were plucked, and it was lifted up from the earth, and made stand upon the feet as a man, and a man's heart was given to it.
Some take prophecy and symbols like animals and put things together to fit theories about end times. Some put Great Britain and the United States. The Lion represents Great Britain, and the Eagle wings represent the United States of America. Bear means Russia, the leopard means Germany, the chief battle tank of Germany is the leopard tank (Panzer), and more.
Like the wings in Revelation 12:14, you can see in Exodus 19:4, this may give a better understanding of the term used. This could not be referring to either America or airlift by the United States. It has a meaning of caring for the young (children), like what Jesus said in Matthew 23:37.
There are seven-year periods for different things in the bible like seven-year Sabbath, seven years of plenty and then seven years of drought Joseph was given and more, but the seven years that have been placed at the end times is a theory, not in scripture. It is taken from Daniel 9:27 which in my understanding has been fulfilled. You will find only 3.5 years, 42 months, and 1260 days.
I hope this helps.
God bless,
Deuteronomy 28:49, Deuteronomy 32:11, Daniel 7, Hosea 8:1, Habakkuk 1,
In the Apocrypha
2 Esdras 11, 12, I didn't find what was discussed in what I read.
Hopefully these are helpful.
You can search more scripture relating to Lion & Eagle in search tab on KJV Bible page.
While Jesus was with his disciples at the time of communion, He didn't state any requirements about people being present. 1 Corinthians 11:28 indicates that an individual reflection is needed. It doesn't suggest a group reflection was required. Jesus sometimes fled to be by himself to pray. Matthew 6:3 says to help people in secret, not boasting, or virtue signaling how good you are, as this states. Apparently this must be balanced with letting your light shine as Matthew 5:16 says and maybe the heart and motive plays a role.
Also, people can feel community at home alone, or sometimes feel even more alone in the presence of others. What I mean is the perception of community does not always reflect a physical circumstance. For example, we are on a website with other believers right now, but maybe most people are alone in a room. Does that mean it doesn't count as community? Some are disabled and can't get to a physical church, but watch services online, does that mean they're not in community? Some may travel long distances to visit a large church, but feel lost in the crowd and may not talk to anyone the entire time, does that mean the person was in community of believers? Things to consider.
Luke 22:19
My humble understanding of the scriptures:-).
I think it's about remembering what Jesus did on the cross. How He suffered and was bruised and bled. That must never be forgotten. No no no. On the contrary Jesus wants us to remember His Sacrifice for us often. He says take communion often in remembrance of Him. I don't know of any scripture that says you can't do that alone. I have been doing it alone. So if anybody knows of any scripture that says you can't do that alone please share it.
I cry when I take communion. When I remember what Jesus did and what he went through and the heaviness of the sin that He carried to the cross on behalf of every soul that lives or ever has lived or will live. I couldn't even stand under the weight of my own sin. I think it's about remembering. Until He comes.
Also, I believe that you should not take the communion unworthily;
1Corinthians 11:27-31
in doing so the Bible says you will bring sickness and death to yourself. So I always pray and ask the Lord to forgive any sin in my life, examining my own heart, before I take the communion and I don't take it carelessly or lightly. But that's just me.
I haven't heard anybody holding communion at church teach on this part of preparing yourself for the communion so that you may not bring sickness and death unto yourself .
But once again that's my interpretation of the Scriptures. Please don't take my word for it read the Scriptures and pray and ask God for understanding.
I will try to answer your question 1st "gulf" has been referred to The Gulf of Mexico, & Persian Gulf. Thousand years.
I believe your asking about direct correlation of the area of Persian Gulf & end times prophecy. I will do my best to answer you with scriptures:
2 Peter 3:6-9, Revelations 20:1-15,